Disclaimer: I don't own Batman, Robin or the Joker. They belong to their respective owners and creators.

AN1: This takes place in the Pre- Teen Titans era. About two... maybe four years after Bruce took Richard in.

AN2: Joker's the more not-completely-psychotic version in this fic. Still evil, but more fun :)

Ever wondered how Robin's week would be if he got sick? Well... this is how it started...

Sick Week for Robin

"Aww, it's no fun beating up a sleepy guy!" Joker lowered the crowbar and stared at Robin.

"ROBIN!" Batman yelled, knocking over the thug he's been wrestling with for the past minute. He raced over, pile-driving the Joker into the ground for good measure, before kneeling down beside him.

Only, Robin's not so much unconscious, as sleepy. Not a scratch on the boy and he's seriously sleeping. Snoring, at that.

The Joker, finally sat up and rubbed his head, "What's the matter, Bat-Brains, I didn't even touch him," he growled and stared at the pair for a minute, "I have principles, you know."

The double meaning of what the Joker just uttered hit Batman like a baton. He glared at the guy, but the Clown Prince of Crime just stared innocently back. He shoo'd his henchmen away when they finally mustered enough courage to come forwards.

"What?" Joker said, finally sitting back and propping himself up on his arms, "Something in my teeth?"

Batman finally turned back to his side-kick and took off his glove, he tested the boy's temperature and frowned when the result wasn't good. He put the glove back on and shook Robin's shoulder, "Robin, get up," he muttered.

"Just five more… minutes…" was the reply Batman got from Robin.

"Shall we pick this up later in the week?" Joker said and stood up, "It's no fun fighting when there's no intention behind it. You might as well let Wonder Boy sleep it off, he's not at all as much fun when he's got a cold."

"A cold?"

"…You didn't get a downpour of green mucus on you?" Joker asked and showed the evidence in his green hair, "I never thought you trained your apprentices to fight dirty."

Batman was about to tell him that he couldn't actually tell the difference between either… but if Joker was going to give the pair of them a clean pass for now, he'd rather not risk losing it –for now. So, he just opts to answer the latter statement, "No, Robin doesn't fight dirty."

A sudden sneeze erupted from Robin, finally waking him up. "Ugh… my head…"

"Finally woke up, Bird Boy!" Joker laughed.

Robin, still groggy, stumbled back and patted his suit down for a stun gun or mace, "J-J-Joke- Aah-" and the shriek was completely drowned out by one heck of a sneeze.

"Calm down," strangely enough hearing Bruce's gruff voice did calm the young man down.

"You need a ride back to your mansion?" the Joker grinned at Robin's reaction, "I don't mind playing Dad's Taxi if it's on the way to that little Thai restaurant in Gotham."

Of course the Joker knows where Bruce Wayne – err, Batman- lives. It's hard not to know where The Prince of Gotham lives. Even Selena Kyle knows. Both of the villains had been there before, on separate occasions, of course. Maybe together, once, but that doesn't really count –since both of them were actually under a sort of 'house-arrest' in Bruce's bat-cave.

The one time was actually a bit awkward. Bruce doesn't mind looking after Richard when the boy's sick… but getting sick himself? Not so much.

It happened a couple of months before Richard Grayson even joined Bruce, The Joker showed up on Bruce's doorstep after the Dark Knight failed to show up at any of the Joker's "Parties" for two weeks straight. The clown even had the audacity to be offended by the Bat's absenteeism.

But, that was then, and this was now. Batman had a partner now and Richard was the best partner he could've asked for. And right now, Bruce knew he had to look after Richard now, and not as a partner or boss – but as a friend and a father.

Robin coughed a few times and rubbed his head again, kind of hoping to erase the image of both Joker and Bruce looking at him with concern (or, at least, as much of concern that can show through a mask or make-up), "I'm dreaming, right? Please, tell me I'm dreaming! I've got to be really sick if you're both looking at me like that!"

The Joker shook his head at the sight of the sick boy, "Oh fine! Twist my arm some more, would you! My van is-"

"- at the southwest exit. I know," Batman finished for him.

"It's no fun when there's no mystery," The Joker insisted and licked his lips.

Robin sat up, yawned loudly, "I've got to be dreaming…"

"I could knock him out, save you time?" Joker said and lifted his crowbar for effect.

An electrified bat-arang showed the Clown just how amusing that was for the Bat. The crowbar flew out of the Joker's hand and left the guy's arm hanging limply by his side. But before the Dark Knight could even say anything, the other jumped in.

"-Oh, Batsy, you know I'm just kidding!" the villain said and rubbed his arm with a chuckle, "How am I supposed to play Massive Effect with a limp noodle?" and shook his shoulder, letting his arm flail around limply for effect.

Another coughing fit finally made up the Batman's mind for him, "Let's go home."

Robin staggered to his feet, blinking as if he'd just woken up –which he did, "H-home?"

"Can I come visit?" Joker grinned and adjusted his suit, "I'll even get my tux dry-cleaned".

"No." Batman said and finally slipped an arm under Robin's shoulders to support him.

"Party-pooper, I'll even bring some chicken soup… unless he's a vegetarian…" The Joker said and grinned, "Then I'll bring some beef soup instead."

Both Batman and Robin finally walked off in a serene silence, because, well… the knock-out gas will work even on the toughest of criminals when the canisters are dropped at their feet.

Bruce knows tomorrow will be worse, but at least now, he's ready for it.

Thanks for reading!

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