What Would Maura Say?

This is a sequel to What Would Jane Say. It seemed a lot of people wanted one so here ya go.

Chapter 1

Jane and Maura had been together about two months and as far as Maura was concerned they have been the best two months of her life. Tonight was the first night in a string of days when they were not involved in a case and they were sitting on Maura's couch watching reruns of Law and Order. "Jane I cannot believe you do not see the similarities between you and Abby."

"For one look at the way she dresses. She's all girlie. Could you see her chasing after bad guys in those heels? I don't think so. And she's always second chair, never in charge of the prosecution. I would have to be in charge. She just sits there and listens while Jack does all the work, can you see me just sitting there? No way."

"I'm not talking about those attributes, I'm talking about the physical similarities. Look at her hair."

"You always say mine is flying all over the place, hers is flat and just lays there." Jane smirked at Maura.

Maura playfully slapped her arm. "I'm talking about the color not the texture. You both have the same dark wavy hair, the same piercing eyes, and infectious smile the same olive colored skin."

"But she's always so serious. Can you see her doing the Tidy dance with a nun? She too much of a stick in the mud." Jane reached forward and grabbed her beer and took a big swig. "I'm running low you want another one?" Just then the doorbell rang. "Why don't you get that while I get the drinks." Jane headed off toward the kitchen whistling.

Maura was smiling as she opened the door but the smile disappeared as soon as she saw who was standing there.

"Sweetie who was at the door?" Jane looked up when she walked into the living room and stopped dead in her tracks. "Am I interrupting something?" Jane's voice was as hard as steel. Maura jumped back from Ian's kiss as if she had been burned.

Ian bristled at the tone Jane used and also her use of the term of endearment. He looked at Maura. "Sweetie?"

"Yes sweetie. That's what most people call the woman they're in love with." Jane walked over and tried to put her arm around Maura but she ducked out from under her arm and stepped away. "What the hell Maura? Maybe I should leave you two alone so you can rekindle the old flame. Then I'll come back and arrest him like I should right now because we all know he's a fugitive. Then I can also arrest you for harboring a fugitive." Then she grabbed her keys and stormed out the door.

Maura saw the look of betrayal on Jane's face and she felt her heart break and knew she had made a big mistake. She ran to the door to stop her but she stood there and watched as Jane raced out of the driveway. "What have I done?"

"The right thing." Ian said as he tried to wrap his arms around her from behind. She did the same thing to him as she'd done to Jane she ducked out from under his arms and at that moment knew what she needed to do.

"Ian would you like a glass of wine?" She headed towards the kitchen and missed the look of triumph on Ian's face.

"Sure Maura that would be nice." He sat on the couch thinking he had won.

Maura tried to call Jane but she wasn't answering her phone so she left a message. She grabbed the bottle of wine and another glass and walked back out to the living room. She placed Ian's wine on the coffee table then sat down in the chair across from the couch and took a sip of her wine and thought before she spoke. "Things have changed since last you were here. As you could see I've changed. I've found out a few things about myself that I have tried to ignore for years."

"Are you trying to tell me that you're a lesbian and you were the last time I was here? Or are you just experimenting? I think I can help you make up your mind." Ian gave her his best smile.

"You've already helped Ian. You've helped immensely. More than you'll ever know. Now I just need to find a way to make things right." Maura stood up with her glass of wine and stared pacing. It was then that she realized how much of an influence Jane has been in her life since they'd become lovers. She never used to pace until she started spending more time with Jane and now she found that it really did help. She stopped and turned towards Ian. "I once told someone that you were the love of my life and at that time I really thought you were. Every time you left I would sit around the house and mope. Jane would come by and cheer me up, something she does without really trying. The last time you left she was there for me and for some reason your leaving didn't bother me as much, because she was there. She always has been." She started pacing again. "Then when I saw you at the door I felt a momentary excitement but then it was gone because there was someone else that gave me what you used to without expecting anything in return."

"But you kissed me. That had to mean something." Ian tried to make her see reason.

"No, you kissed me I didn't kiss you. I did not respond but I don't think you noticed."

"Semantics Maura that's all it is." Ian saw that he was losing the battle and he became desperate. "You can't say what we had wasn't special."

"I'm not saying it wasn't special it was and it always will be but it's over. Jane showed me that what we had was just the sex. We used each other, I was a convenience for you when you were in town as you were for me. You knew I'd always be here waiting for you just like you thought tonight I'd gladly take you to my bed. But hopefully tonight my bed will have the real love of my life next to me. Jane has shown me what real love feels like. Now I'm asking you to leave so I can concentrate on finding Jane."

"You're choosing that dyke over me?" Ian started to show his real colors as he approached Maura. He grabbed her and forcibly kissed her hoping she would respond. When she didn't he pushed her up against the wall and tried even harder. "Come on Maura I know you better than anyone, I know that sometimes you like it rough like now. Does Jane make you feel like I can?"

Maura pushed as hard as she could to get him to stop. "Ian stop, you don't really mean this. Please stop. Don't do this."

He held her hands above her head and pushed her hands hard against the wall. "You didn't answer my question." Ian's teeth bit into her neck and she yelped in pain. Maura reached up and scratched his face. He slapped her across the face. "Does Jane make you feel as good as I do?"

"No Ian, Jane makes me feel so much more." He slapped her across the face then she gasped when he forced his leg between her legs. "Ian stop or I'll scream."

"Who would come to your rescue? It seems Jane has deserted you." Ian pushed even harder against her.

"Jane may not be here but her mother is and I believe Maura asked you to stop. Now let her go or you'll regret it." Ian turned around and came face to face with Angela Rizzoli holding a baseball bat in her hand. "I've spent the majority of my life with men and a daughter who all loved baseball so don't think I don't know how to use this thing. And I promise you I will. Now get off of her and leave." Angela took another step toward them and Ian finally moved away from Maura. Maura looked at Angela with tears rolling down her cheeks and tried to hold the shirt together where Ian had ripped it. "You want me to call Jane and tell her what I just saw?" Angela saw the handprint on Maura's cheek and wanted to slap Ian herself but she restrained herself.

"No Angela I'll just be happy if he left. Please leave Ian and don't come back."

"This isn't over Maura. I don't give up what is rightfully mine." He headed for the door.

"I am nobody's property Ian and if that's what you think then maybe I never knew you to begin with. Now leave."

Maura and Angela watched as Ian walked out her door and Angela watched from the window as he drove away in his rental car. She finally turned around to face Maura and she looked so lost. She walked over and wrapped her in a hug. "Want to talk about it?"

"I need a shower." She ran towards the bathroom and threw up as soon as she got there." Angela heard from outside the door and left her alone. Maura tore off all of her clothes and threw them on the floor and got in the shower and turned it on as hot as she could stand. She scrubbed every inch of her skin until it was raw and then just let the water soothe her skin. She rested her head against the wall and cried until there were no tears left. "What have I done?" She dried off and put on Jane's bathrobe and it immediately comforted her. She picked up her clothes and walked straight to the back garbage can and threw them all away.

Angela stood up as soon as Maura walked into the living room and followed her out to the kitchen and watched as she threw the clothes away. They probably cost more than what most made in a month but she understood. When Maura walked back in Angela opened her arms and Maura walked into them and welcomed the motherly hug. "Do you want something to eat?" Maura laughed because she remembered Jane once saying that her Ma's answer to every problem is a good meal.

"Not right now but thank you. Thank you for showing up when you did."

"Just doing my daughters bidding. Want to talk about it? Let's sit down. Want some more wine?" Angela reached forward and poured her a glass without waiting for a reply.

"Thank you." Maura took a sip of the wine the saw the glass she had set out for Ian and she picked it up and walked out to the kitchen and rinsed it and placed it in the dishwasher. She then returned to the couch. "Jane and I were having one of our rare quiet nights and then the doorbell rang and it was Ian. Jane had gone out to the kitchen to refill our drinks and when she came out Ian was kissing me. She didn't give me the opportunity to explain, she just grabbed her keys and left. I told Ian that I no longer loved him the way he wanted and that I loved Jane and therefore could never be with him again and he tried to convince me that he could change my mind. That's when you walked in. By the way how did you know I needed help? Not that I'm complaining." She gave Angela a small smile which did not reach her eyes.

"Jane called me and told me to check on you. Well she actually told me to come over and do what I do best, break up whatever you and Ian might have been doing. I don't think this is what she had in mind. Are you ok?" Angela asked with genuine concern in her voice.

"I'm not sure. Jane left and I'm not sure she'll ever forgive me for this. I know I didn't do anything wrong but I feel as if I did. Ian was kissing me but I did not kiss him back. I tried to call her but she didn't answer her phone, she doesn't want to talk to me." The tears were flowing freely now and she did nothing to stop them. "I was not kissing him, there's a difference but Jane only saw what she thought she saw."

"I understand. Remember I've been around her a lot longer than you and I know how she jumps to conclusions. But Jane still loves you or else she never would have called me. Granted she wanted me to make sure that you didn't get too comfortable with Ian but she did call. I'm going to call Jane and tell her to get her butt back here right now and once I tell her what happened she won't be able to get here fast enough." She pulled out her phone and was getting ready to dial when Maura's hand stopped her.

"No Angela I want you to promise that you will never tell Jane what happened here tonight." Maura's eyes pleaded with her.

"Why wouldn't I tell her that Ian was in the process of trying to rape you when I interrupted? She'll make him wish he never knocked on your door."

"He wasn't trying to rape me Angela." Maura looked at her with a confused expression.

"Well what was it if it wasn't rape? Did you want to has sex with him?" Angela asked.

"Of course not I would never do that to Jane!"

"But he was trying to get you to have sex with him against your will right? What better way is there to describe rape?"

Maura thought about it for a minute then took a deep breath. "Jane must never know about this. He was angry and jealous, he'd just lost me to another woman, and it was a blow to his manhood. He was trying to prove he was still a man."

"Maura you sound like most women who have been raped, you're making excuses for the man. Jane should know." Angela saw the torment in Maura's eyes and she enveloped her in her arms again. "What do you think would have happened if I hadn't shown up when I did? Would he have stopped? Had he ever done this before? You don't know if he would have gone through with it or not do you? Would you have been able to stop him? Did you want to stop him?"

At the last question Maura jumped up from the couch and stepped away from Angela. "Of course I wanted to stop him, more than you'll ever know! How could you even ask that? You know how much I love Jane. If Jane knew about this she would stop at nothing to get to Ian and do something that could hurt her career. I will not be responsible for that. He's gone, can't we just leave it at that? Please? I'll talk to Jane about it ok?" Maura sat in the same chair she had been sitting in earlier and hung her head. "I can't have Jane going after him, there's no telling what she would do to him. I can't let that happen. Don't you understand that Angela?" She looked up at Angela with pleading eyes.

"Oh Maura I do understand but at least she would realize you didn't choose Ian over her. Maybe we can convince her without having to tell her about this but I will tell her if it comes down to it. I just want you to know that."

"Thank you Angela. Now I am going to try to call her and if she doesn't answer will you call her and try to get her to talk to me?" Maura pulled out her phone and hit Jane's number. The phone went straight to voicemail. "She's turned her phone off. I think I'll run by her place and talk to her. Thank you Angela I appreciate you coming over and I love Jane for sending you. I love Jane period you have to believe me. I'll talk to you later." Maura walked over and gave Angela a hug. "Now go home and go to bed."

Maura grabbed her keys and headed towards Jane's house. When she got to her apartment she didn't see Jane's car parked anywhere on the street so she used her key to enter the apartment. The apartment was empty and Maura realized she was going to have to do a little more searching if she was going to make things right with Jane. She left a note telling Jane she had been there and that she was looking for her. She headed over to the Dirty Robber first thinking maybe Jane needed a drink to soothe her nerves, she wasn't there and it was then that Maura realized how little she still knew about Jane. She had no idea where to look next. She headed over to the precinct thinking maybe she went back to work but she wasn't there either so Maura headed home hoping Jane would come back. She knew she wouldn't sleep tonight.