Hey guys! I'm a bad person, I know. I should have updated earlier but I just didn't know how to continue the story. But I had an idea and I hope you guys like it! For the Rebekah lovers among yourselves: Get your tissues.

So I hope you enjoy this chapter! Tell me what you think about it!

Katherine's P.O.V

There is a kind of silence that fills the room with so much noise that it's nearly unbearable.

It makes you uncomfortable in so many ways but still you're afraid to say something.

Because sometimes, there's just nothing left to say.

Rebekah and Elena were both sitting in my kitchen. The Original was sitting on the counter, a bottle of scotch in her hand, desperately trying to avoid eye contact with me. Elena sat at the small table and looked miserable. Her skin was pretty much the same color as the wall behind her and her body was shaking like a leave. Besides that she didn't move at all. The only sound that filled the room was the constant ticking of the clock over the door.





"You know you're gonna have to feed, eventually. Or you'll die. And this time you'll stay dead. Like... Forever."

Barbie Klaus had broken the silence, at last. And as much as I still wanted to kill her for turning Elena into a vampire, she had a point. But my doppelgänger didn't look like she was going to do anything ever again. She was frozen in her position, her eyes as empty and dark as the sea at night. I wouldn't let her die. Not even if she wanted to. There was no way I was running away from Klaus alone again. No. I would take her with me. This time, I wouldn't be lonely.

"Get her someone to eat."

Now that caught her attention.

"Excuse me?!"

Oh Blondie was indignant now. How unfortunate for her that I had a bad day.

Within a second I had her by the throat and pushed against my fridge. My eyes had darkened, my fangs emerged. I had reached a certain kind of frustration that was dangerous.

"It's your fault that she is dead. And if you want me to help you get away from your brother, you'd better do as I say. Understood?"

I raised an eyebrow and looked at her with a mixture of hatred and doubt. I wasn't ready to trust her in any way. But since she was already sitting in this boat, she might as well make herself useful. And she did. Without any further comment she actually disappeared.

The darkness faded from my eyes and I turned around. Elena had lifted her had, looking at me.

"Since when do you care?"

That question caught me of guard. Because I didn't have an answer to it. Since when did I care?

I was Katherine Pierce. An emotionless, manipulative, selfish, lying, bitch that only cared about herself.

Instead of answering her question I grabbed the bottle Rebekah had just helped herself with and took a deep gulp.

"There is one advice I will give you. And if I were you, I'd take it seriously."

I paused and our eyes met. And for a split second I could see her feelings. The despair, the fear. The emptiness and the pain. And with that, an emotion that I hadn't been capable of for more than 500 years crept up on me. Guilt.

I clenched my teeth and chose to ignore it. At least for now.

"There a two rules that will save your life: First one: Never reveal everything you know."

You could actually see her mind working for a few moments, until she realized what I just had sad. And then, a faint smile appeared on her lips. Only for seconds, but it was there.

Without saying anything else, I offered her the bottle.

Elena's P.O.V

My mind felt like it was going to explode.

I didn't know what to think, neither could I say what I felt. There was anger. Frustration. Pain. Sadness. Confusion. There were so many things inside my head, that it was impossible for me to form a clear thought. Katherine was sitting in front of me. She confused me, too. On the one hand I was beyond mad. Because if she hadn't kidnapped me in the first place, I wouldn't have ended up here. On the other hand I felt this strange attraction towards her. An attraction I had never felt before in my entire life. I knew it was wrong on every level, I was completely aware of that but...

I couldn't shake it.

Just as my mind started to scratch itself raw, the door flung open. Rebekah was standing there, a young man beside her. I didn't know him but I instantly recognized the hollowness in his eyes. He was compelled.

"Here. Now she can feed and everyone ends up happy."

I looked at him. He was handsome. Maybe he had a little sister. Maybe a little brother. Parents.

"I won't do it."

Two pairs of eyes were burning themselves into my face, a blue and a brown one.

"Elena you have to feed. Otherwise you are going to die."

Katherine's voice was filled with what I considered pure disbelief.

"I know. I don't care. I don't want to be a vampire. I never wanted to be one in the first place. I'd rather die than become a monster like the two of you. My brother should remember me as the Elena he grew up with. Not as the Elena that killed people. That's the beauty of choice."

"This is not the beauty of choice, this is the ugliness of stupidity."

"I really couldn't care less about your opinion, Katherine. It's not like..."


The young man's torso was bent over the kitchen table. Blood was dripping off his neck. The same blood was glistening on Rebekah's lips.

"I can't listen to this bloody crap anymore. Drink it."

I didn't want to. My brain was screaming at me to turn around and run out of the apartment, but my body reacted before I had the time to think things through.

I felt a horrible pain in my jaw. My fangs were emerging, piercing my own lip.

My eyes were changing color, becoming darker with every passing second.

And suddenly, I was over him, my teeth in his artery.

Blood was flowing into my mouth and I swallowed, more and more greedily.

I didn't think. My head was empty and I only reacted on instincts.

I felt powerful. Free. It was the best thing I had ever felt and I never wanted it to stop.

But it did. I was practically torn away from his body, by a strong pair of hands.


It was my own voice. Only that it sounded harsher, colder.


"Let go of me!", I snarled at her and she did. My mind cleared itself again, it was like I woke up from a dream. Only this was reality. I saw his body. Felt the blood all over my hands and lips.

And within the blink of an eye, I was gone.

Rebekah's P.O.V

"At least she's not our problem anymore."

For the second time today, I found myself pressed against the wall by Katherine.

"Darling, you need to get a grip on your aggression management."

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tear you apart right now!"

Her voice was a low growl and she actually sounded dangerously. But actually, I didn't really care.

"I don't know..."

My leg yanked up, hitting her stomach with enough force to make her go on her knees.

"... maybe because I would have your guts splattered across the room before you could even try?"

She stood up, facing me with so much anger and hatred in her dark eyes. If looks could kill I would have dropped to the floor right now.

"What's your problem Katherine? She's gone. That's a good thing. That means the Salvatores will be too preoccupied pampering little Miss Gilbert to come after us."

"There is no us, Barbie. There is only me and you. And you, will leave my apartment. Now."

With that sentence, my defensive attitude was gone.

"Katherine, please, don't..."

"I am not arguing with you Rebekah. Leave."

I stood there, like a child. Frightened and petulant. I didn't want to leave. My brother was probably beyond mad right now. After I had snapped Elena's neck I had left the house in no time. And when I had come back in the evening to pack a few things, Klaus had been gone. But she had been there. Awake and quite lively for someone with a broken spine.

The first person that came to my mind was Katherine. Because she was always the first person on my mind. Because she was the only one for me.

I knew she didn't even like me, but I was hoping that she, of all people, could understand me. She had been running from my brother for over 500 years. She was afraid, too.

Obviously, I had been wrong.

"We stand a bigger chance against him together."

Her lips formed a malicious smile and she cocked her head to the side.

"Yes. But right now you are his priority problem. This means that he will try to chase you down, first. Not me. You. Therefore, I couldn't possibly want to be farther away from you right now."

There were tears in the corner of my eyes now.

"Please Katherine. He will kill me."

A sweet, dark laugh escaped her perfect lips. Her dark eyes met mine and the viciousness I could see in them nearly made me whimper.

"Well, then you are at least not my problem anymore.."

I lowered my eyes and turned around, opening the door without looking back.

And as the door closed behind me, the tears started to flow.