Allright guys, so this is my very first piece of work that I wrote in English.

It's mainly Kelena shipping, tough some other couples will develope throughout the whole story.
I hope you like it and if you do, please review it's such a motivation :)

It's called 'Stripped' because of a song. No, actually this video on Youtube ( watch?v=6zrI7VcCiYY) inspired me so much that I wanted to write this. AND I love the song. Shiny Toy Guns. Stripped. It's amazing.

So enough bla, bla, now read and (hopefully), enjoy ;)

.Katherine's POV.

The cold air of the night felt lovely against my dead skin.

I was standing in the shadows since three hours, allowing the darkness to hide my presence. No one should see me. Without any prior warning they would remember me that I don't belong here. A smile, so cold, appeared on my lips, imagining how Stefan would react if he knew how often I had been watching his beloved sleep. The young girl fascinated me in some way, no doubt. But at the end of the day she was nothing but a means to an end. Her pathetic life in exchange for my freedom. Slurred speech came to my ear and I took a silent step back, letting the darkness consume me.

Speaking of the devil:

Stefan and Elena were approaching the house, talking.

Even from this distance I could see that they were holding hands and the loving smile that Stefan had for Elena. The only thing my body would respond to this generous sharing of emotions was nausea. Nothing about these two was sweet, or romantic to me. Only an awful lot of jealousy came over me. That doppelgänger bitch collared Stefan more and more. It had to stop.

The two love birdies had reached the porch, looking at each other for what felt like an eternity of misery for me, before saying good by to each other with a long lasting kiss. I suppressed the urge to slaughter her right here, right now and took a deep breath, patiently waiting until she was inside and Stefan far enough away from her house. Then, I appeared in front of him.

"Stefan. What a lovely surprise to see you again." Playfully, I cocked my head to the side and looked him in the eye while showing him my sweetest smile.


My smile faded and I was pouting, not looking less cute.

"You make my name sound like an insult."

His green eyes had once been full of love when he looked at me. Now, all they were showing was pure hatred. Tough I would never admit it, it hurt me more than anything.

"Maybe this was my intention."

The playfulness in my expressions died.

"Why so grumpy darling? Pissed because my newest copy won't put out tonight?"

If I hadn't been prepared the impact would have been much heavier and more painfully. But the old oak tree Stefan was pushing me against suffered far more than I did.

A seductive grin came to my lips and I looked up to Stefan, who was holding me in place by pinning my wrists over my head. There wasn't much space left between the two of us.

"Feeling better now? Being tender all the time has to be so exhausting. I mean sweet Elena would break underneath you, if you'd actually let yourself go. I can't imagine."

I was whispering the last words into his ear, my lips nearly touching his skin.

"Come on Stefan. Admit it. You like this. You love hurting me. The roughness in your actions is missing when you're with Elena. How much you would enjoy beating the crap out of me right now.", I continued to purr into his ear, while my knee slowly slid between his legs, applying a little pressure. "You enjoy the animal inside of you. And with her you can't be yourself because you'd probably kill her." Stefan let out a deep growl and pushed me even harder against the tree.

He grabbed me by the throat with his free hand and if I actually had to breath he would have suffocated me. "Katherine..." He paused a second, searching for any sign of humanity in my deep brown eyes. "Do you have any idea..." The pressure around my neck was nearly unbearable and I tried hard not to panic. "How pathetic you and your manipulations are?"

It took me a second to actually understand what he had just said. But when reality finally kicked back in, it took me lno time to react. Being way older than him it didn't took much of an effort to switch our positions. Unlike me, Stefan wasn't prepared for the pain and the trunk of the old oak nearly broke in a half. My dark eyes, being nearly black in the dark, reflected my wrath just too well. "Not nearly as pathetic as you trying to become happy with a cheep copy of mine!", I snarled in his ear, punching him hard in the stomach before disappearing in the night.

.Elena's POV.

Gently, I brushed my velvet dark hair one last time before I put the brush back on the dresser and looked at myself in the mirror. I could see sadness in the soft brown eyes in front of me. Sadness that hid behind a smile every day. Sadness that not even Stefan could make go away. With a sigh I turned around and left the bathroom. By custom I took a look at my mobile, which was already blinking at me.

Sweet dreams. I love you, Stefan.

Lost in thought, I smiled, looking at his words until the screen of my IPhone darkened. He was lovely. But his cute text did not quite explain the goosebumps on my arms. Frowning, I turned to the window. It was open. I could have sworn that I had closed it before I took a shower. I slowly walked through my room and looked into the night. There was nothing out there. The only thing you could hear was the sound of some passing cars.

I shook my head about myself. "You're simply becoming paranoid. I mean, why not? With a vampire boyfriend. Totally normal." The shaky attempt to calm myself did not really work and I stayed in front of the window for some minutes, loosing myself in the beauty of the night.

Just when I wanted to turn around, something made me freeze in my motions. Someone.

I felt the presence of a body behind me.

I did not dare to breath.

Delicate fingertips were stroking my shoulders, moving down my back and wandering to my hips. Just before they reached the waistband of my shorts I inhaled sharply. I could feel someone breathing against the soft skin of my neck, my body reacting in a way that I never felt before. In trance, I stood still not wanting to move. Not wanting it to stop. A soft kiss from lips so tender was placed on my cheek and my heart skipped a beat. "Elena." The voice was like a wakeup call and I opened my eyes, I wasn't even aware that I had closed them. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the window, my cheeks were flushed. And next to me I saw... Myself.

I blinked and I was alone again.

The sudden noise of my ringing mobile scared the shit out of me and it took me several moments to pull myself together and actually answer it.

"Honey, is everything alright? I sensed something strange."

"No Stefan, everything's fine. I'm going to bed now. Sleep well."

"I love you."

"I know."

Trembling, I closed the window and double checked it before I turned all the lights off and crawled into bed. It took me hours to find sleep this night. My thoughts always returned to the event before Stefan's call.


The voice was reverberating in my head, over and over again. It couldn't be. That was not possible.

It had been my own voice.