A 221B fic, incorporating the Three Words which Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss revealed as the hints for the third season of Sherlock.
Three Little Words
What he did was brilliant – of course it was, what else would you expect from him? But something didn't add up, and once I got over the immediate grief of his loss, it didn't take me all that long to smell a rat.
All the clues were there, of course – it just took me time before all the hints that he had been dropping for months before his disappearance began wedding together and making sense. And once I realised why he had done what he did, my admiration of his genius made me bow my head in shame that I hadn't trusted him, hadn't believed in him, hadn't realised that he was the one who suffered the most in taking this action, not those he left behind.
But how can I bring him back when he obviously doesn't want to be found?
This is the first time I've written on my website for months, and everybody who might have used this new entry for their own gain has already been dealt with. There's only one person who needs to read this, and I can only hope that he will.
John Watson: if you are reading this, I swear to you that I will never lie to you again, and I'll never leave you again.
John. I beg you.
Please come back.
Author's Note: So just in case anyone didn't know/care about the three words which Moffat and Gatiss released yesterday to describe the forthcoming Season 3 episodes, they are: Rat, Wedding and Bow (to rhyme with 'cow' and not 'sew').