Sleeping Beauty

Card Captor Sakura Version: Prologue

Once upon a time in a far away land a king and queen were still to create a hire for the thrown. Which they did one day it turned out to be a girl they had her named her Sakura, Princess Sakura Kinomoto. And so this is where the celebration begins on the joyful day of Princess Sakura's.

Crowds of people celebrated and rejoiced the coming of Princess Sakura. Many of the villagers from the neighbouring towns and from the main village itself where lined along the pathway of the castle, wishing to catch a glimpse of the precious new born.

A way back away from the palace came a precession, a horse drawn carriage one coloured in the royal colour of the Syaoran hierarchy. It was the King and Queen Syaoran who brought along with them they're son of two weeks oldhe was to be betroth to Princess Sakura as part of an pact made by the two Kings earlier on in the year. It was for just cause as they wished to bring together their two kingdoms and unit them as one.

Once the Syaoran carriage had arrived at the castle gates swordsmen who were escorting the carriage had jumped off their horses and made two lines at either side of the carriage door, they had opened the door of the carriage and out stepped the King and Queen Syaoran dressed in their royal garments which were of the colour green the seems were lined in yellow.

Together along with the Swordsmen at their side the King and Queen as well as little Prince Li Syaoran slowly walked toward the thrown room of which the Kinomoto family was waiting.

Once apon arrival to the thrown room they walked into the crowed room with many of the guards and villagers were lined along the great walls. King and Queen Syaoran stopped at steps leading to the thrones and bowed slightly and then proceed up the steps then stood along side with King and Queen Kinomoto.

"People of my kingdom! I must say to make it official that the Syaoran and Kinomoto have made an agreement that will bring our two kingdoms together. In doing so we have betroth both Princess Sakura and Prince Li Syaoran." King Kinomoto said to them all, there were cries of celebration and cheers, applauding and whistling.

Three tiny fairies came flying into the throne room suddenly and hectically they waved their wands and came to human size. "We came to give the princess her three gifts." said Chiharu the one in the green out fit replied. "Yes, yes." Naoko the one in the blue said. "I shall give the princess my gift first." Rika the one in the pink said, she hovered to the little crib in which the little girl slept.

"I grant the princess the beauty of a rose." She waved her wand over the girls crib moving aside the Chiharu flew to the crib next. "And I shall grant the princess solemnity." she waved her wand over Sakura's crib then it was Naoko's turn. " I shall grant the princess-." she was interrupted as the throne room suddenly filled with a green smoke.

"I see. something has been going on here. Why with the celebration?" a person stepped out of the smoke the black bird that sat up on the windowsill flew down and perched on upon her shoulder. "The evil sorceress! Meilin" the three fairies cried out. "You are not welcome here be gone!" King Kinomoto said with anger.

"I just came to see the new born child.I would like to give her a gift for her. If you don't mind." the Sorceress come took a step forward she stopped at the girls crib "The gift I give princess Sakura is deathon her sixteenth birthday she will touch a needle on a spindle and then cause her to die." she witch laughed wickedly. Then vanished in to a puff of smoking leaving the Queen and King in panic and the crowd as well.

"No she can't die on her sixteenth birthday." the queen held her daughter close to her. "Is there anything you can do good fairies?" the king asked in despair. "There is one thing I can do for sure. Instead of her dieing when the princess pricks her finger on the needle she shall fall into a deep slumber instead of death." Naoko waved her wand over the girls crib.

"There is has been done she will fall into a deep slumber if she is to be pricked by the spinning wheel."

And so with that the king put a band upon all the spindles in the county, he made sure they were burned in hopes of sparing his daughter form a eternal sleep. In fear the King and Queen decided to hide they're daughter in the deep forest and to live with three fairies that were to take care of her for the sixteen years of her life.

Upon her sixteenth birthday she was to meet her parents, and her husband to be.

To Be Continued.