Hey everyone its me again! I decided to start on a new Maximum Ride Fanfic this time not going to start with 2 new characters, but it will deffinantly be mostly about Fang and Max. Just like my last fanfic though, here's the catch, I might not use some of the characters from the books in this fanfic… as I said before, its hard enough that I can't remember all their characteristics… oh and their personalities might be a bit different as well… anywho … enjoy~ oh and leave a review please!
Disclaimer: I do not own Maximum Ride.
Ch 1
Every morning, day, afternoon, night… I sit alone in my room of the orphanage. At this very moment its nighttime. I'm Maximum Ride, but call me Max for short. I am eighteen right now and I was told I'd be going to boarding school in a couple of days. No kidding! I think boarding school will be worse then it was in my old schools.
I sit up in my room and look at the empty beds with an empty expression. I sigh. Figures… empty yet again… Every day I wake up to an empty room. Years back I was found on the streets when my mother died in a car accident. As for my father… well… he's pathetic… he was never around and I hated him for that. Heck! Why am I even thinking about him? Well anyways, I had been found in the park by kind gentle women who told me she ran an orphanage and she offered me a place to stay. I was lucky I had been taken off the streets.
Some people that wanted to adopt me at one point, saw my true colors though and they instantly changed their minds. I was confused at the time, but easily forgot all about it.
I hear a knock on my door, "Max? Are you still up?" the voice spoke.
"Yes Martinez…" I grumble. Yes the lady that spoke was named Martinez, but she liked to be called Dr.M for short, she was a nice women and I loved her for that. She basically raised me since the last owner passed away when I turned 9. Talk about saddning.
I could see my door open and Dr.M walk in, "Max, someone is here to see you" she says and I sigh, but nod in response and follow her down to the stairs to see a boy maybe a couple years younger than me standing there with short brown hair.
I blink and let a small grin form, "Hey squirt. Come to visit me again?"
I could see he chuckle, "Yes my dear Max. I came to see you again. Only so I can win our little bet." He grinned.
"Oh your on you little furball!" Ok maybe a little harsh. He wasn't exactly furry or anything… its just a nickname I came up with since his hair is always a mess and felt a bit furry to me.
"I-I'm not a furball!" Ari whined. I couldn't help, but laugh as Ari's face turned a bright red, "Sh-shut up!" he said and tackled me playfully to the ground.
"Oof! G-get off!" even if he was a few years younger than me, he was still so freaking heavy!
Ari grinned, "Not unless you take back it back."
"Never squirt!" I gasped trying to breath since he basically had his knee against my chest, "Get off I cant breath!" I let out.
"Then take it back."
"Ok ok I take it back now get off!" I only said that, but to be honest, I never met a word of it. I was still going to call him a furball anyways… well… until I went to boarding school anyways… this sucked…
As me and Ari were spending time together like if we were siblings, we still had fun playing our usual game of uncle until Ari cried uncle anyways. I always beat him at it! I don't know why, but I loved that game. Ari… well… not so much (yeah he never got what was so fun about it). We staied up until about morning when we were both exauhsted.
"I can't believe you made me play uncle…" Ari grumbled rubbing his shoulders.
"Oh come on! It wasn't that bad." I retort and grin.
"For YOU maybe, but not me… why couldn't we… oh I dunno… watch TV. or something?"
"Well maybe its because I didn't have a TV. Or this place doesn't even have one… consider that." I spat. We looked up to the morning sky as the sun rose. It was nice for sure, but since tomorrow will be when I'm leaving, this may as well be my last sunrise at the orphanage. I shot up, "Hey Ari! Lets go get the other's and go hang out at the movies or something!" Personality change much?
All Ari did was shrug, "If we go to the movies, what will we see then?" he asked. Hmm… didn't think about that…
"Well we could always decide with the group you know."
"Hmm… well ok then." He replied and got up. Yes! My last chance to hang out with everyone!
"Ok! I'll go get ready and let everyone know!" I say, but Ari looks at me.
"Max… you do know its still early right?" I groan and look at him.
"Yeah and?" I reply just wanting to see everyone already.
"Well they are probably still asleep right now…" I felt my face flush red a bit, "Oh… right… well maybe in the afternoon then and I see him nod." Well it was worth a shot I had to admit.
As soon as the afternoon had rolled around, I head up to meet everyone. I knock on one door and a brown haired girl opened it, "Max? What's up?" she asked as another girl stood behind her.
"Hey Sara. Just wanted to see if you and Rose want to hang out with me and Ari today at the movies." I explain.
"Hmm… tempting… but no sorry… me, Rose, Samantha (Sam), Jacob, and Jasper are going to hang out at the pool today. Why not join us there since you wont be here after tomorrow?" she asked and I couldn't help, but crack a smile as I look back at Ari.
Ari puts his hands up like he wasn't going to argue. So I nod, "Sure we'll come!" I giggled seeing Sara do the same.
"Ok then, be ready in an hour cuz we are leaving at 1pm." She says and closes the door. YES! Pool Party!
Well that was the 1st chapter of this little fanfic. Give me a review telling me what you all thought about it. And let me know I made some mystakes so I can make this Fanfic better~