HOLA! Hello y'all well you see I got bored one night and a new idea hit me ! I'm still continuing my other story; I just wanted to work with this one before the ideas get change or if I forget. This is the description of my new story.

In this world pokémon and all the stuff in the manga never happened. In other word another dimension that has castle and magical creature! Oh and especially magic.

Disclainmer: I do not own pokemon in anyway!

You see there are 5 elements: Air, water, fire, earth and spirit. Some person are born with elements but just because they are born with an element does not guarantee that they be able to use it.


There are some people at most have two elements. The only way they are given that if their familiar had died and gave them their power or if a love one gave them their element.

People who have an element are call elementalist.

Air: Common in a certain area. Have no style but it gives the ability of flight.

Water: There are two type of style that comes with water.

Water (liquid) – Style born with or learn after mastering ice. It the most use and common water style.

Ice- style you are either born with or learn after mastering liquid water. Found in certain area. It a non common style.

Fire: There are two type of fire style.

Fire (normal )- Heat of the flame determine the color. (from lowest to the hottest: red, orange yellow, blue, and white)

Electricity- must master fire first. Only some are born with this ability.

Earth: 3 type of style.

Earth- Born with ability. Common. Move rock and the ground.

Metal- Must master earth. Hard ability to learn. Rare

Plants- Born with ability. Uncommon. Control plants

Spirits: Unknown about this element and rarest of the elements.

A familiar is creatures that protect, deliver message to/for their owner, and have a bond with their owner. Some familiars have some elemental power and some have no elemental power but that does not prevent them from protecting their owner. It all depends on their bond with their owner. It may seem like a pokémon but it not. I'm using some of the pokémon in the manga and changing them into familiars.

Royalty have an elemental bird that is said to be the most useful and rarest out of familiars. The element of the bird depend on the royalty element

Kingdom of Ignis: Main element fire. Have some air. The climate is characterized by warm to hot, dry summers and mild to cool, wet winters. It's is found in the Southern region near the ocean. Kingdom of phoenix is the second wealthiest kingdoms.

Prince Red

Born: August 8, 3096

Element (s): Fire. He is the master at the element and known as the best in the land. Mastered Electricity.

Familiar(s): A phoenix name Pika

Fiancé: Blue

Prince Gold:

Born: July 21, 3098

Element (s): Electricity. Trying to master fire from Red.

Familiar (s): fire weasel name Exbo.

Fiance: Platina

Council men Black:

Born: May 18, 3099

Element(s): Born with Air. Master of air

Familiar(s): Giant bird name Brav, Stilla name musha and fire pig name Tep. (also known as ignisporcus. Stilla mean blob. Just imagine musha from pokémon it look like that but it have no flowers on its side and it element is spirit)

Fiancé: none.

Kingdom of Cymatilis: Main elements liquid water. It's a group of islands close by the Kingdom of phoenix. Have a tropical type of climate and environment. Average kingdom.

Only Princess: Blue

Born: June 1, 3096

Element(s): Master water.

Familiar (s): Twin aqua avis name Glacies and Unda (mean: water bird. These are birds that are blue as the sea and are made out of water. It equivalent to a phoenix.)

Fiancé: Red

Adopted Prince Silver:

Born: December 24, 3098

Element(s): Born with Ice ability and mastered both water abilities.

Familiar (s): Ice wolves name Weavile. (White wolf with the ability to manipulate ice.)

Fiancé: undetermined.

Blue personal servants White:

Element(s): none

Familiar(s): fire pig name Gigi and vine snake name Amanda.

Kingdom of Glacies: Main element ice and only a few master of the element of water. In the mountain ranges and snow annually. At the farthest part in the north of the continent. Have the most advance science and technology.

Princess Crystal:

Born: April 30, 3098

Element(s): Born with ice ability and master both water abilities.

Familiar(s): Glacies avis name Natee and flos equus name Mega (Glacies avis mean ice bird and is made out of ice. Flos equus mean flower horse. Kind like look like a Meganium.)

Fiancé: Ruby.

Princess best friend and in the main council Emerald:

Born: May 31, 3099

Element(s): Born with electricity.

Familiar(s): thunder wolves name Caryn.

Fiancé: None XD forever alone Emerald.

Kingdom of opulens: Main element is earth and ice. It in the western part of the continent and have a four season kind of climate but it is on the cold side. It's the riches out of all the kingdoms.

Princess Platina:

Born: October 27, 3100

Element(s): Born with ice ability and earth ability. Still learning.

Familiar(s): ignis equus name Ignis(Ignis equus mean fire horse. Look like a rapidash), ice penguin (different from a normal penguin because it have ice ability), and Glacies avis name Piplup.

Fiancé: Gold

Princess personal servant/ childhood friend Diamond:

Born: June 6 3100

Element(s): Born with plant and earth ability. Hiding the fact he a master of all three earth abilities from everyone except Pearl.

Familiar(s): Earth turtle name Wig.

Fiancé: Undefined.

One of the council men and childhood friend Pearl:

Born: June 6, 3100

Element(s): Master of fire.

Familiar(s): Fire monkey name Chimhiko.

Fiancé: have none unless someone wants him to have someone then make up a character for me.

Kingdom of Vestis: Main elements Air and water. It's the main fashion capital. It's in the Southwest and it also near the ocean. It has a warm, cool, and mild weathers.

Prince Ruby:

Born: July 2, 3099

Element(s): Born with air abilities

Familiar(s): Aqua avis name Popo and water dragon name Mimi.

Fiancé: Crystal

Professor and council men's daughter Bianca:

Born: June 19, 3099

Element(s): Master Air ability

Familiar(s): Water seal.

Professor assistant Cheren:

Born: March 12, 3099

Element(s): Master Element of Plant

Familiar(s): Vine snake name Snivy

Kingdom of silvestris: Main Element plant abilities and fire. It's is a mix of a river and forest land mix together. It's in the southeast of the continent.

Princess Sapphire:

Born: September 20, 3099

Element(s): unknown

Familiar(s): Phoenix name Toro

Fiancé: None because of circumstances.

Kingdom of Fulgur: Main Element water and Electricity. It a field area near the mid south east of the continent and have a four season type of climate.

Prince Green:

Born: November 22, 3096

Element(s): Born with Fire ability and is master of both fire abilities.

Familiar(s): Fire dragon name Charizard XD

Fiancé: none because of circumstance.

Princess Daisy XD: Not important to me so to the next kingdom! XD

Kingdom of Tamashii: It has an even amount of all the four elements and is where elementalist with the spirit elements is found. The spirit element is mostly found here because it is the most spiritual and purest land in the continent. It is in the center of the continent with a four season climate.

Princess Amarillo del Bosque Verde (Yellow)

Born: March 3, 3097

Element(s): unknown

Familiar(s): Unknown

Fiancé: None because of circumstances.

Princess Yellow body guard (self appointed) Lance:

Born: December 1, 3094

Element: Fire and Spirit. Master both spirit and Fire abilities

Familiars: 5 dragons. Each one has one element.

Kingdom of Ignis: kingdom of fire

Kingdom of Cymatilis: kingdom of waves

Kingdom of Glacies: Kingdom of ice

Kingdom of opulens: Kingdom of wealthy

Kingdom of Venti: Kingdom of wind

Kingdom of silvestris: kingdom of wild

Kingdom of fulgur: Kingdom of lightning

Kingdom of Tamashii: kingdom of soul

These are the profile for the character in the stories just in case you get confuse :D.