A/N: The only thing I want to address in this Author's Note is kind of a minor thing. It's just that I'm just worried about there being no reviews for Chapter 15. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting 3,000 reviews every chapter, but it just really scares me when I don't even get one. It makes me feel like I wrote something terrible and no one will dare say it's bad. Now, I know people said I was a great writer, but that doesn't mean that I can't have something bad pop up every now and then. What also bothers me about this is when people constantly will tell me to update and when I do no one says anything, and that just heightens my fear of failure (this isn't only with this story). Like I said, I'm not expecting thousands of reviews just something. I'm not saying everyone needs to instantly start reviewing the last chapter, only if you want to. Alright that's all I wanted to say, thank you for taking your time to read this. (I know that other people have personal lives and it doesn't consistently revolve around my fanfics, but it still is a concern that I wanted bring up.)