Hello, abcRP here. This is my first story and I'm currently writing the second chapter. I'm also working on a couple of other KH stories. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the beginning and reviews would be nice to know how I'm doing so far.

"Please Roxas! Please!" Sora begged his brother.

"No," Roxas replied and walked away. Sora followed close behind and continued to beg. No matter how many times his brother would say 'no' he kept begging.

"Please Roxas! Mom said I can't go unless you come with me!" Sora said as he grabbed onto his brother's arm. They stopped walking and Roxas tried to shake off Sora, but it was no use. Sora looked up at his brother with sad eyes and gently tugged on his arm. "Please Roxas, I really want to go. But I can't unless you come with me. If you don't then I'll be sad and I won't ever forgive you!"

All Sora wanted was to go to the circus that was coming to town. He heard that is was really good and entertaining and he wanted to be one of the first in town to see it. The only problem was that his mom won't let him go alone because she's afraid he'll get in troubled or lost. After about an hour of begging to his mother, she said he could go if he can get Roxas to go with him. So here he was, practically crying to his brother. He wasn't really crying though, the tears were fake, but he was serious about not forgiving his brother. The tears were just to make sure his brother agreed. He knew his brother didn't like it when his little brother was upset, especially when he's the cause of it.

Roxas took a deep breath and looked down at Sora. "Fine," he said, "I'll go."

Sora made a noise of excitement and wrapped his brother in a tight hug.

Roxas woke up to sudden extra weight on top of him and his mattress bouncing. He opened his eyes, blinking to get used to the sunlight from his window. Once his eyes adjusted he saw Sora on top of him trying to wake him.

"The hell, Sora?" Roxas mumbled, rubbing his eyes and pulling up the blankets.

Sora noticed this and tugged down the blankets so Roxas was half exposed to the cold air. "Come on! We gotta get ready for the circus!"

Roxas let out a tired whine and reached for his blankets, but Sora quickly moved to the end of the bed taking them with him. Roxas's legs were now exposed to the cold and he let out another whine. Without his blankets he was practically freezing. He liked to keep his room cool and sleep with lots of blankets. And since his blankets keep him warm, he only wears a tank top and short shorts to bed.

Sora left the bed and came back with clothes. He tossed them to Roxas telling him to get dressed. Once he was dressed, Roxas was pulled downstairs and into the kitchen. Sora handed him a banana and pushed him back out and into the living room. Roxas, only half awake, barely heard Sora call to their mom that they were leaving. He was then dragged out the front door and down the sidewalk.

After walking for awhile, Roxas started to gain more energy. He followed Sora down the sidewalk quietly. The entire walk was silent. When they arrived at the circus, Sora quickly got in line. Roxas stood by him and waited. The line wasn't long and moved at a good pace. The silence was broken by a yell in the distance. Roxas turned to see Demyx, Sora's friend, running towards them.

When Demyx finally got to them he said, "I didn't think you were coming."

"I wasn't at first. I had to get Roxas to come with me," Sora replied crossing his arms.

Roxas sighed and held a hand up to his temple. "Sora, you know could've told mom you were coming with Demyx. Then she probably would've let you go."

"I did tell her! She still said I had to get you to come though!"

"Whatever, come on." Roxas moved with the line and gestured for the two to follow. After a few more minutes they bought their tickets and went inside to find seats. They found seats in the second and third rows. Sora and Demyx sat in the second row while Roxas sat behind them in the third. For the first day in town, there weren't a lot of people. Probably because not enough people heard about it. Only a few people actually sat in the front row, but there wasn't anyone in front of the three so that was good.

After a few moments of people settling down, getting food, and finding seats the lights dimmed. Then a light was shined to the middle of the circle and landed on a man standing on a high pedestal. The man started to speak in a deep voice. "Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages! Welcome! And let the circus begin!"

The light turned off and music started play. The area was lit back up by torches spread around the circle's edge and an opening act started. The opening act consisted of clowns, a small marching band, jugglers, acrobats, circus animals, and much more. All of those were great, but Roxas kept his eyes on a man breathing fire. He couldn't tare his gaze away; only until the man left at the end of the act did he notice he was watching him the whole time.

After the opening ended, the circus went on with other different performances. At one point a magician came out and did an act of tricks. Before he left, he had come over to the three of them and handed Sora a rose. Roxas was hoping to see the man with the fire again, but he never came back out again. At least not on his own.

The lights had turned off again, and the ringleader announced the final act. The lights then turned on slowly but not all the way, leaving the area dim. In the middle of the ring was a net tied to the four wooden pillars and above was a small boy standing on the tightrope. He stood in the middle facing the audience. Back below by the net stood the man with the fire doing small tricks with flames.

The boy started to do tricks back and forth along the rope. He would do a flip here and there. Sometimes he threw in an aerial. He would spin and jump, even go up on his hands. At one point the boy actually jumped off the rope without landing and falling past it.

The lights turn went out. It wasn't dark for long, but it wasn't the lights providing sight, it was the net. The net was set on fire as the boy fell. But before he could come into contact with it, he landed above it. He now stood on another tightrope, one that was lower and hidden from the dim lights. The boy continued his tricks, but these ones were more risky. The tricks came together faster and most were in the air. There was one where he would do a series of flips from one side to the other without pausing.

The man with the fire was circling around the net. The flames he was doing tricks with were gone now. He was now doing hand gestures to the boy above. With one last motion of his hand, he went and stood under the net. The boy did more flips only to stop in the middle of the rope. Then just like before, he jumped off and started to fall to the net. Instead of landing on the net and getting burned, the boy fell through the middle and the man below easily caught him. Ah, yes, there was a hole in the middle of the net, also hidden within the dim lights.

After the final act, the crew came out to extinguish the flames and clean. Axel carried Zexion towards the back. Pulling back a curtain he walked into the back room and set the boy down. They both made their way to the racks of clothes in the back of the room. Axel changed his clothes quickly and hung up his circus clothes on the clothe rack. He looked to Zexion who was on the floor looking through his bag.

"I'm gonna go help clean up, okay?" He asked making his way back out pausing next to the smaller boy.

"'Kay," Zexion replied not looking up.

Axel made his way back to the ring. The crew was walking through out the seats picking up forgotten trash or fallen food. Looking around, Axel saw Riku, already dressed in regular clothes since his act was earlier in the show, sitting and talking with three boys. Walking over to them he noticed one was holding a rose and blushing. He figured Riku must've given it out during his act. Riku giving out roses was a rare thing he did and only gave them to those who caught his eye. While Riku talked to the boy with the rose, the other two were talking to themselves. Axel immediately took a liking to the small blonde. When he finally reached the small group, the blonde took his gaze from his friend to look at him and Axel swore he felt that gaze on him before. Axel smiled at him, causing the blonde to look away with a small blush, and then sat down by the one who he had been talking to.

Riku stopped talking to the boy and looked at Axel across the two in between them. "Hey, where's Zex?"

Axel gestured to the back with his hand. "Still changing clothes. Why?"

"They go to the school were going to. I wanted him to meet them that way he doesn't get worried over school again."

"And they are?" Axel asked looking to the three, two sat in between him and Riku and the other, the small blonde, sat behind them.

"Ah, right," Riku said leaning back. "This is Sora, Demyx, and Roxas," he gestured to each one in turn then to Axel. "That's Axel."

Axel leaned back and crossed his arms. He looked over at Roxas thinking of all the names he could tease him with. While thinking of all the possibilities, a thought came to his mind. There were three of these boys and there were three of them. Sora was obviously Riku's type and Axel wanted Roxas. Then that left Demyx and Zexion out. He didn't know anything about Demyx, but he wondered if Zexion would be interested. He also didn't want to leave Zexion out and alone. Now that he thought about it, Axel realized he didn't even know what Zexion's type was. He knew he was gay though, he found that out in a slightly awkward situation. Axel smirked at the memory then stood up and excused himself from the group.

He walked back into the back room and found Zexion, now in his regular clothes, sitting at a makeup table. He had a wet wipe and was rubbing off the swirls of lines from the corners of his eyes. Axel began to walk over to him, planning to scare the boy from behind, but dismissed the idea when Zexion looked at him through the mirror. Instead of scaring him, Axel decided to just simply sit down on the table. He sat silently watching Zexion take off his makeup.

"What's your type?" Axel asked suddenly.

Zexion pulled the wipe away from his eye and looked at Axel. "My type?"

"Yeah, you know, what kind of boys do you like?"

"I dunno. Why?"

"Just curious," Axel said once again leaning back and crossing his arms. Looks he might have to play match maker.

Zexion sat confused. He blinked and then turned back to the mirror. He didn't have a clue to what Axel was thinking and felt that he didn't want to find out. He cleaned off the swirls replacing them with a light amount of eyeliner around his eyes. Taking his foundation he tucked his hair behind his ear and covered up a small but noticeable scar by his right eye.

The owners and performers of the circus moved into a small motel not too far from the tent. Each room had two beds, a bathroom, a TV, a closet, a couch, and a small kitchen area in the corner. Riku, Axel, and Zexion decided to share a room. Zexion said the two older boys could have a bed each, that he was fine on the couch. He went to the bathroom to change into clothes to sleep in and when he came out he went to go get a blanket from the closet. As he made his way to the couch he was grabbed from behind. Since Riku was already asleep he figured it must be Axel holding him.

"You don't have to sleep on the couch. You can sleep in my bed," Axel said in a hushed tone as to not wake Riku.

"I'm fine," Zexion replied just as quiet.

"Come on," Axel whispered whiling gently tugging Zexion to the bed. "You're like a little brother to me and I wouldn't want my brother sleeping on an uncomfortable couch."

Zexion sighed not wanting to fight and just sleep. Throwing the blanket onto the couch he followed Axel to his bed. They lay down next to each other and Axel wrapped a protective arm around the smaller boy. Zexion was both comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time. Comfortable because of the bed beneath him. Uncomfortable because of how close Axel was to him. He stayed awake until Axel's breathing evened and his arm's grip was loosened. Zexion slipped out from under the arm and out of the covers making his way to the couch. He grabbed the blanket and unfolded it. He lied down on the couch and covered himself with the blanket. The couch was actually not that bad and he fell asleep easily.

Zexion woke up by something hitting him in his side. Like Riku, Zexion was a light sleeper and mostly anything could wake him. He opened his eyes and looked down to what had hit him. On the floor was a pillow. He looked up at Axel, who was sitting up in his bed, and raised an eyebrow. Axel rolled his eyes and sighed falling back onto the three remaining pillows. Not knowing exactly what to say Zexion got up from the couch and made his way over to the bed, picking up the thrown pillow on his way.

Axel had an arm over his eyes. He didn't seem to notice Zexion's approach. Zexion paused at the bedside looking at Axel curiously. Realizing that the redhead wasn't planning on moving he raised the pillow in his hands and brought it back down onto Axel's head and arm. Axel jumped and abruptly sat back up shooting a glare Zexion.

"What the hell was that for?" he asked faking anger.

"That's what I would like to know. Why'd you throw a damn pillow at me?" Zexion questioned holding the pillow up in defense.

"I threw the pillow because I woke up to an empty bed," Axel answered. He held a hand up to his chest. Putting false sadness into his eyes he said, "It hurts to know you would leave me Zex."

"Shut up." Zexion was used to Axel's childish way when he was with him. He always pretended to be shocked, angry, or hurt. He actually found it quite attractive, but he wouldn't ever admit it. Even though Zexion himself wasn't very child-like or playful, it was still what he liked in others. You could say it's his 'type'. After hitting Axel with the pillow, he realized something. "Where's Riku?" he asked looking to the other side of the room.

"Out with Sora," Axel replied leaning back against the headboard, arms behind his head and eyes closed.

Zexion tilted his head not familiar with the name. "Huh?"

Axel opened his eyes and looked to the other. "Oh that's right," he leaned forward bringing up a knee and resting an arm on it. "You didn't meet him yesterday. But don't worry; you'll be able to meet him at school tomorrow." Axel then ruffled Zexion's hair and leaned back again.

Zexion sighed and fell onto the bed. He was so not looking forward to school. Hugging the pillow to his chest he turned onto his side and closed his eyes. He felt Axel's hand start to run through his hair as he petted him and soon fell back to sleep.

The next morning Zexion didn't even want to wake up knowing what was to come. He hated school. At school people made fun of him, he was beat up, and his only friends there were Axel and Riku. At least this school didn't require uniform like the last one. Axel and Riku kept teasing him for looking like a little schoolboy. He would argue with them and say he was nothing like a schoolboy but of course they kept at it.

While their walk to school Zexion had been listening to his iPod, but as they reached the front gates Riku took it from him saying he couldn't risk it being taking by a teacher. He obviously knew him too well. He had listened to his iPod in class before and the teacher took it. Riku's parents had to come to the school to receive it. The principle didn't just hand it over though. He had sent Zexion to a week's worth of detention and after that he talked to Zexion for a good hour and a half making him promise it wouldn't happen again. He then called his 'parents' to come receive it. He was able to sneak it pass Riku's parents but Riku, or Axel, always took it from him before they enter the school.

Walking past the gates the three of them entered a courtyard full of teens. Zexion seriously wished he could just turn around and go back to the motel. But he knew that wasn't an option so he decided to do the next best thing. As the other two walked past him he stayed in place. It didn't take long for the other two to notice. They came back over to him and each took one of his arms. They tried to pull him along but Zexion stood his ground.

"Ugh, come on Zex," Riku muttered as he pulled the small boy's arm. Zexion pulled his arm back and shook his head. "Fine then. Axel."

Riku released his arm and took a small step back. Axel then came to stand in front of Zexion not letting go of his arm. "You leave me no choice." Reaching down Axel wrapped an arm around Zexion's back and the other under his knees. He picked him up and made his way into the courtyard. Axel ignored Zexion's commands to put him down and followed Riku. By the time he was finally put down they had reached a tree with a small group of kids sat.

"Hey Sora," Riku greeted one of the boys while sitting down. The boy who he sat down next to smiled; Zexion figured that must be Sora. Beside him sat a girl with short red hair, beside her was a girl with brown hair, next to her was two boys, one with short blonde hair that spike back and the other was a bigger built short brunette. The last of the group was a boy and girl who looked a lot like the first two, only these two were blondes. Axel sat down by the blonde boy and Zexion sat a bit away from the group but was closet to Axel for comfort.

"Hey Riku," Sora said, "Axel." His eyes then landed on Zexion. "You must be Zexion, right?" Zexion nodded his head slowly. Sora smiled again. "Great! It's nice to meet you!" Zexion nodded again not having anything to say. "Anyway, now that you're here let me introduce my friends. This is Kairi, Olette, Hayner, Pence, Namine, Kairi's sister, and Roxas, my brother." He finished with another smile.

"Where's Demyx?" Axel question with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, he's in the music room," Sora answered.

The group started a conversation, Sora sometimes saying random stuff, and Riku and Axel joining in every now and then. Zexion sat back watching them and the other students passing by. Maybe this won't be as bad as he thought. After all he already had a group of people he can become friends with. He was still worried about bullies though. He always hated being pushed around and hit. Axel and Riku practically babied him whenever he got hurt. He wasn't strong enough to fight back. Plus he didn't want to get into trouble.

Sitting there while the others talked, Zexion wondered if he could be able to get into Riku's backpack and get his iPod back. He made to move over but stopped when a yell came in his direction from not too far away.

"Hey circus freak!"

He turned to see a group of three making their way over to him. The one in the middle was a blonde in a beanie, to his left was a guy with rather big muscles, and to the blonde's right was a girl. Seeing the three approaching Zexion started to panic inside. Before they could reach him though, he got up and started to run towards the school building. He ignored Axel and Riku's yells to him and ran through the door. He instantly turned left. He had no clue to where he was going but he didn't care. While running he could hear the fast footsteps of the three bullies behind him. He started to run faster, one of the only things he was good at.

Running. Running away.

He shook his not wanting to think about that. He passed doors, some open some closed, but each room had someone in it. He wanted to be alone, not with some random student or teacher. Not wanting to run anymore, Zexion started to count the he passed and went into the ninth one. Nine always was his lucky number. He didn't know why and didn't really care, but it always was. He closed the door behind him and leaned back against it. He didn't see the sign when he came in so he didn't know which room he was in. He fell to sit on the floor, back still against the door. He stayed that way for a few minutes until he heard a soft noise go through the room. Hesitantly, he looked up and came eye to eye with a blonde with an acoustic guitar.

They held eye contact until a rough pound came against the door and jerked Zexion's body forward. He wrapped his arms around his knees as another pound hit the door. He didn't see the other boy put down the guitar as he made his way to the door. Standing above Zexion, he placed both hands on the door. He gently pushed Zexion's leg with his foot to get his attention. When he had it he gestured with his head to another door. Zexion quickly got up and ran through it.

Once he was in he noticed it was a closet. Closing the door he could hear the other boy open the other door. He heard the bullies' footsteps enter the room and their questions to where he was. The other boy was telling them he didn't have a clue to what they were talking about. After another minute of talking, Zexion heard a crash. He figured the bullies had probably knocked the other boy down. Then he heard the footsteps get closer to the closet and he started to panic again. Looking around for a place to possibly hide Zexion noticed a shelf. Checking it to make sure it could hold him he quickly climbed up to it.

The closet was dark so Zexion's clothes easily hid him. As soon as he was settled against the wall beside the door the door opened and the blonde with the beanie walked in. Being higher up then the bully, Zexion looked down from shelf to watch the other. The bully looked around, huffed, and then left without even thinking to look up.

Idiot, Zexion thought.

After the footsteps of the three fell quiet and the sound of the door closing, the other boy came into the closet a confused look on his face. Zexion couldn't help but let out a small laugh. At the sound the other boy looked up to Zexion and smiled.

"Clever," he said. Then he moved closer and lifted up his hands. "Here let me help you down."

Zexion hesitated at first but then put his legs over the edge. He felt the other's hands grip his waist and he was gently placed on the floor. They stood there silently not looking at each other. Other then Axel and Riku, no one ever helped Zexion with bullies before. Then he remembered what Sora had said earlier and what room he had ran in. Looking at the taller boy in front of him, he asked, "Are you Demyx?"

The other looked down at him a bit startled. "Uh, yeah," he answered with a small smile. Then he pointed at Zexion, "Zexion?"

Zexion in turn only nodded. They fell silent again and Zexion was about to thank Demyx for helping him, but before he could say the words the school bell rang.

"Come on, I'll take you to your first class," Demyx said and went to the door. Zexion followed him out of the room and down the hall.