Sorry for the wait, you guys. My computer has yet ANOTHER virus! Luckily, Requiem is saved to my pen drive, and I've been working on chapter three using my friend's laptop. It's almost finished, and BOY do I have some plot twists planned for you lovelies.

A quick note I'd like to add is that I do ship LxLight, though I most likely won't put anything romantic between the two characters in this story (there's enough romance fics to go around on FF!). Even so, I might touch on the friendship and respect that they had for each other leading up to the events in episode 25. I don't want anyone who doesn't support that pairing or who dislikes "yaoi" to be dissuaded from reading.

ALSO! If you haven't noticed yet, chapter two was edited. For some reason, FF kept posting a version just before my latest save, but I was luckily able to get that sorted out.

I'd like to thank all of my reviewers thus far. You all inspire me to continue writing. I don't care how long or short your feedback is, I just wanted you guys to know that I truly appreciate it.

And, as to not cause your patience (impatience?) to shatter from the lack of a chapter, here are some hints as to what takes place next:

*Important* Characters Involved:

-Sachiko Yagami

-Sayu Yagami

-Kira Investigation Task Force

-Light Yagami

-Near (Possibly)

-? [to be revealed later on]

NOTE: more characters may end up featured, but these are the ones written so far.

Feel free to guess as to who the lovely mystery character is, and what you think may happen next. Alright, it's almost three in the morning, and this insomniac need to get some sleep (it's chronic insomnia, to be exact). I'll hopefully get the next chapter up very soon.

Once again, thank you all so much for your patience, and I'm glad that you like my story. I love you guys~