Hey, I'm ALIVE! I'm so glad to still be around. Anyways, I know you people are dying to see how my story's gonna end so I wont torture you any longer. Here it is (FINALLY!), chapter 3.

Disclaimers: This is the part I hate the most about writing fan fiction, sadly this characters are NOT mine. Yeah I know, life's a bitch. What can ya do, right?… Anyway, on with the story.

And also, please pardon my English. If you want it to be properly written, then read the Spanish version. Of course, you'll have to wait until I decide to move my lazy butt to write it.

Good Luck

By Snipergal7

Well, I'll have to admit that yesterday was not a good start for my master plan, but at least it worked. You should have seen her. After Jamie found the note and gave it to her, she opened it and read it to herself in front of everyone present in the kitchen, which of course meant all of us, without even suspecting what the note was about or who had sent it. It was priceless watching every second of it as her face got redder and redder. She was almost too adorable to bear.

At seeing her reaction, Brad, holding a cup of coffee near his mouth, asked what the note was about. At that she quickly hid it in her pocket and tried to cover her embarrassment and excitement saying 'Oh it's nothing. Just another stupid love note from Harry', and then dashed out of the dinning area to her room.

At first I was a little upset. 'Did she think the note was from Harry?' Nah, she couldn't… could she? At that thought, I quickly decided to make sure she knew it wasn't from him. How, I wasn't sure, but I just had to make sure she knew. I left the kitchen in what I hoped wasn't a suspicious manner and as soon as I was out of sight I made a mad dash towards Leena's room. It seemed that in what I hoped was her excitement she had even forgotten to make sure her door was closed.

Through the small creek she had left I watched as she sat on her soft bed, her very soft and comfortable bed with the fiery red silk sheets that would feel smooth and cool against bare, sweaty, passionately moving skin… wait a minute… BAD BIT! VERY BAD BIT! Stop thinking like that. Geesh, people are gonna think you're some kind of pervert… Anyway, as I was saying, when I looked in I saw her sitting on her bed, her soft… STOP THAT! She was sitting on her frikin bed reading the stupid note OKAY! Jesus, man, pull it together.

Well what I was trying to say was that she was reading it and smiling, which put to rest my fears of a misunderstanding.

You see, my Leena isn't like ordinary girls. She's higher that all of them, which is why I just couldn't help to fall for her. While other girls might be attracted to a complete idiotic, narcissistic moron just because of his money, Leena simply hates his guts, even more than mine. Compared to him, the girl almost loves me. Of course, love can be painful sometimes, although with Leena, it can be VEEERY painful, sometimes downright homicidal, but I don't mind it, really.

Well, as I was saying, the fact that she was smiling as she read the note told me that she knew it wasn't from Harry because if she thought it was, she would've thrown it in the oven and turned the notch to disintegrating high temperatures, she would've run off to her Gun Sniper and paid an early visit to the "man destined to be king" with a couple of tons of ammo as a gift. And she didn't.

After that, she was an angel the rest of the day. She was simply beaming at everything. She even offered me some cookies. The thought that I, Bit Cloud, pilot of the legendary Liger Zero, had made that firecracker of a girl so happy and even nice was enough to boost my ego up to the moons.

And now, here I am filled with this amazing love for this amazing girl, angels playing beautiful music with the strings of my heart, my eyes sparkling with the undying love I feel…

…and I can't even write a GODDAMN LINE! Not a frikin word! I've been sitting here, in front my computer, for almost three hours trying to write my next note and I can't even think of a stupid line to write for her. I mean, I've heard of writer's block, but this is absurd. GOD WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH?... Okay Bit, just calm down… I'm never gonna do this… CALM DOWN!

Excuse me… I need a moment to myself.

Thanks for the break. I just had a small breakdown. Nothing serious. I'm just gonna sit here for a while and think calmly about this. I'll let you know if something comes up.

I just had an epiphany. I figured the perfect way to write my notes for her. This is so simple I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner. Well… maybe I can, but that's not the point here. I figured that women love to be flattered, you know, "complimented". All that bullshit about how nice you look, love your new haircut, you're ass look great in those pants… that kind of stuff. Well, for Leena, I'm gonna write a note about each thing about her that I love, starting with her body. That way, I'll have plenty of material to write about. I'll just think about something that I love about her and write why I love that part of her. I'll be honest and true. Now the tough part is to where to begin. I think I'll start from the head down. Fine, first her hair.

Dear Leena, the color of your hair reminds me of the purest red rose.

Hey, not bad. So far, so good. I knew this was a good idea.

Every time I see your silky red strands… I think of how they would look sprawled against fiery red silk sheets, smooth and cool against bare, sweaty…BAD BIT!

Well, maybe starting with her hair wasn't the brightest ideas. Moving on… her eyes.

My beloved Leena,

That sounds better.

My beloved Leena, your eyes are like windows through which I can see your soul and all its depth. The fire within you shines through them, the red fire, the hot love you hold, the hot, passionate…sweaty… moving…slick love… STOP!

Oh man. Guess that wasn't a good idea either. Concentrate man! Okay, her mouth.

My loved one, you lips are like pure temptation. I think of them and I think of the honey they must permeate. I think of their sweet taste that I would just love to kiss, and taste all day long… and to suckle them… and nibble them… and have them kiss me all over my body and all over my… AAARGHHHH!

I can't do this. I really can't. GOD YOU KNOW I'M TRYING! I haven't even gone any further than her face, and even then I think about… well… other stuff. The girl's just too damn hot and gorgeous. It's not my fault. I HAVE HORMONES TOO YOU KNOW!

Umm… do you mind giving me a few moments to myself. I need some… umm… privacy. Just a few minutes to… ahh… ahem… relax, you know, collect my thoughts. Look, JUST GET OUT!

Once again, sorry. I didn't mean to kick you out or anything. It's just that something came up and I had to take care of it. That's all. Anyways, after I took care of, ahem, business, I was finally able to concentrate enough to write her a decent note. Check it out.

My darling Leena,

Ever since I met you, I noticed you were different. You captivated me in a way that no one else could. Your incomparable beauty and charm have captured my heart and I'm praying that someday I'll be able to capture yours.

Your secret lover


I'm NOT Harry. Just wanted to make that clear. I love you.

So what did ya think? I knew you'd like it. Once I was able to get my head out of the gutter the words just came so easily it was almost stupid. I know you're wondering about the P.D. Well, I just had to make sure. I won't put it in the others, I promise.

Now, all that's left is to wait 'til everyone is asleep and sneak out to put it in place. This time I won't be so stupid as to leave it in the wrong jar. Nope. I won't make that mistake twice. This time I'm gonna tape it to her door. That way I'll make sure no one else gets it before her.

Oh wait, I think I just saw the last light turn off. Now I'll simply wait 'bout half an hour and then I'm off to Leena's door. I'll tell you how it went later.

I'm back into my room. Sorry I took so long, but Jamie paid the bathroom a little midnight trip and I had to dash and hide until he returned to his room. I got a little disoriented in the dark and dashed right into a wall. Luckily for me, Jamie was too asleep to notice, and I didn't make any noise, what with being out cold on the floor, how could I. After a couple of minutes passed out I got up, went to her door and taped the note as fast as I could, which wasn't very fast since I was still dizzy. But now, I'm back into the safety of my room and able to pass out anytime I want so….

(Sorry everyone, but Bit's unconscious on the floor right now so please leave a message after the tone… BEEP!)

Well, right now we're all sitting in the dinning area having breakfast, except for Brad, and Leena seems to be acting, well, normal. Didn't she like the note? Maybe she's acting so she won't make us suspicious. Yeah, that has to be it… but still, I wonder? Oh, here comes Brad. What's that he has…

'Umm, Leena? I think this is for you. Someone taped it to my door and I found it this morning.'


Well, that's it for chapter 3. It's the longest one so far. I hoped you enjoyed reading it. I know I did. I'll try to post the next chapter soon, now that I'm on break for the Holidays. In the mean time, please REVIEW. For this story, it is very important that you do, because I'm thinking of switching the point of view to third person in order to make it a more complete story. Please let me know what your think of if. It is highly appreciated. Thanks for reading and God Bless!