
Loki was staring adamantly down at his desk as I walked in the door. Not many people can sneak up on Loki, but I am one of the few that can. He didn't hear me enter, he had no idea I watched as a tear rolled slowly down his cheek.

"Brother," I said gently, reaching for his shoulder.

He turned to me with wide eyes, and I gasped as I saw blood dripping steadily from his nose. For one second, Loki's face was completely open, and utterly vulnerable.

Suddenly, his face hardened, and he became as distant as always. The tears were gone, his eyes were empty, and he looked totally alone.

"I am fine. Don't worry," Loki said easily. "I merely hit a door."

"You were – "

"It stings," he cut me off. "I will ice it, and I will be fine. Now, out. Leave my room."

Loki turned to walk to his bed, cracking his neck back and forth as he did so. Unfortunately for him, the action exposed skin.

"Why is there bruising along your neck, Loki?" I asked as firmly as possible.

He froze, and turned slowly around.

"It's nothing. I am fine, as always," his voice cracked on the last word, and he cleared his throat.

"Let me see," I said, reaching towards him.

In a second, Loki had my arm bent, my wrist grasped tightly in his hand.

"It. Is. Nothing," he hissed.

Then, pressing my own arm against my chest, he forced me out of his room, and briskly slammed the door in my face. I heard the click of a lock.

I banged once on the door, hard.

"Dammit, Loki!" I shouted. "Just tell me!"

A quiet reply came from the other side of the door.

"There is nothing to tell."

I stood there, breathing heavily, full of concern and frustration for my younger sibling.

"Goodnight, brother," I heard him whisper.

I trudged slowly back to my room, and watched the black sky turn to blue as my body refused to rest.

"Sleep well, Loki."
