Crud! Haruhi inwardly yelled as she sprinted towards the abandoned third music room. She checked her watch one last time to see that she was now 15 minutes late. Oh great…I wonder what will happen if- *OOF* Not paying attention to where she was running and caught up in punishment scenarios, Haruhi had carelessly crashed into somebody. They both fell to the floor.
Haruhi looked up at one of the Hitachiin twins, undoubtedly Karou. He flashed her a trademark, crooked grin.
"Right again!"
He picked himself off of the floor and brushed off his hands, offering her one afterwards to which she gladly accepted.
"Are you alright, Haruhi?"
"Yes, I'm fine…What are you doing out of the Host Club?"
"Hikaru and I were told to find you. All appointments for the club have been canceled today. I think Hikaru went to the classroom to look for you."
Karou then patted his pockets, all of them being empty, to which he then frowned.
"Hang on; I have my phone, if you were looking for yours."
Haruhi rummaged through her old leather bag for a second before producing a blue basic cell phone. Karou's face brightened as he called Hikaru to let him know of Haruhi's appearance. They agreed to rendezvous at the entrance to the cafeteria. Soon enough, the three of them were on their way back to Music Room Three.
Haruhi suddenly remembered the question that was plaguing her.
"Wait, if club activities are cancelled, why are we going?"
The twins both placed their elbows on her head.
"Well," Karou started.
"ever since the Ouran fair," Hikaru continued. They then proceeded to finish the sentence in unison.
"you have been known as a girl. Kyoya is hosting a meeting for the members and we think that is what it's about."
It WAS only a few days after the fair and the almost-departure of Tamaki.
"Whatever the meeting is about, it can't be good." stated Hikaru. Worry tinged his sentence, sending a wave of alarm through Haruhi.
"Why?!" Haruhi blurted, getting her pitiful glances from both twins.
"You'll see when you get there…speak of it..."
Haruhi looked up to find themselves at the correct room. The trio entered to find an unusually serious atmosphere surrounding the other members, all of them sitting at a large table. Everyone's faces were gloomy in thought. What happened…? This meeting can't be good. The unusual silence made their footsteps seem unearthly loud on the polished tile, a nervous sweat starting on Haruhi. She felt like trapped prey.
Kyoya was the first to notice their entry.
"Hello Haruhi." He said in his casual, serious tone. "Sit down and we'll begin."
Tamaki, Mori, and Hani all looked at her with sad faces. Haruhi hesitantly sat down at an empty chair at the long table they were sitting at, the twins following suit. All eyes were locked on hers, creating a great feeling of discomfort, like entering the wrong classroom in the middle of class.
"Recently, at the end of the Ouran Fair, we revealed your true gender to the school." Kyoya paused to measure Haruhi's reaction, letting it sink in.
"…Yes?" Haruhi questioned, becoming more and more impatient.
"Well… the school isn't necessarily pleased with your deception at the moment." Kyoya's face was stone, his eyes hidden behind his glasses.
This simple sentence sent a tidal wave of chills up her spine. Oh no… Everyone faces held a new meaning of alarm, excepting Mori. Haruhi sucked in a breath, failing to release it.
After studying her for a few more seconds, Kyoya continued.
"Haruhi… you are now officially banned from host club activity."
Haruhi's heart stopped then and there.
Chaos then began to erupt from the others, a swarm of complaints and pleads mixed into a big buzz of indistinguishable words. Voices were raised, chairs were toppling over, and everyone seemed crushed. Mori and Haruhi were the only ones who didn't leave their seats, both ridden with the same amount of shock. That was, until a bang erupted and echoed through the large, empty rooms. Everyone immediately went silent. Kyoya had slammed his fist on the table. His face was unreadable, shut-off from the others.
"No exceptions." He said coldly as he turned around and walked out of the room stiffly, leaving everyone else in shock. Hikaru was the one to break the ice.
"Well…THAT escalated quickly…"