Hey you guys! This is my second fanfiction. I hope you guys will enjoy it! DISCLAIMER: I don't own any hunger games material.



I an nothing to them. I'm only another body that takes up space. A toy that they can mess around with. A statue that shows no emotion and has no feeling. A girl who has nothing left to lose. Not even her sanity. Laughs and snide remarks are memories that fill my mind. They gave up on me long ago, when I blocked out the world, and hid behind my curtain of brown hair. When I remained silent for days. Then weeks. Then months. I had forgotten what my own voice sounded like. But then I remember why I stay silent. It's because no one would care if I said anything. No one would acknowledge. And no one would want to hear my story. It would be best if I disappeared from the world. But instead, I stay trapped in the foster home, waiting for my chance to escape. I, Katniss Everdeen, am a very, very lost girl. A lonely girl. A girl that is about to get loose. A runaway.

Chapter One

PFFFFTTTTT. PFFFFFTTTTT. Saliva saturated spitballs fly from the straw and onto the back of my neck. I use my right hand to swipe them off and rub off any unwanted watery liquid.

"Hey Catpiss." Glimmer whispers. I ignore her. "What's wrong Catpiss? Cat got your tougne? Or did someone cut it off?" I turn my gaze from the whiteboard and give her a deadly glare. She sits there, no sign of irritation or pressure. Her emerald green eyes staring into my soul, crushing it from the inside out. I feel a slight nudge on my shoulder.

"Don't let her bug you Catnip." Gale says and leans back into his chair. I huff. Gale relaxes in the chair. His chocolate brown hair, charcoal grey t-shirt, his cargo pants and black converse. Gale makes any guy look like a sack of crap. But not to me. Gale is my only friend, best friend, brother.

"Katniss." I look up from my quotes that I constantly write in my notebook. "Katniss." Miss Trinket says. The sub. That woman is wearing more pink than there would be at a breast cancer fundraiser. Pink obnoxious wig, pink five inch heels, pink suit, and pink sparkly handbag. "Katniss, I am talking to you. Answer the question." Everyone averts their eyes to me. I have never been called on in my whole life, let alone talk and interact to other human beings other than Gale. Guess no one told this woman I don't talk. Period.

"Catpi- I mean Katniss doesn't talk Miss Trinket. She's practically mute." Glimmer informs her. I roll my eyes. I am not MUTE. I simple choose not to speak out of stubbornness.

"Yeah, I don't think I've ever heard her talk before." Marvel says. Glimmer's lifelong crush. Or should I say obsession.

"Shut the fuck up Marvel." Gale spits out.

"Just an observation." he says with a sas-master tone.

"Well I don't care if she's mute or not, Katniss Everdeen will answer my question!" She shrills. Yeesh. This woman sounds like a dying guinea pig. Everyone once again looks at me, interested in the next words I'm gonna say. I decide to mess around with her.

"What was the question?" i say with sarcasm. Glimmers eyes go wide. I hear a gasp in the front of the classroom.

"And she speaks!" Marvel shouts. Effie, on the other hand, totally forgot the question, and stomps her foot and huffs.

"Let's go onto math." she says with a sigh. I look down at my notebook, blocking out the harsh whispers and wide-eyed looks. No matter how hard Gale tries, he will never be able to protect me from the words of others. Instead, I focus of other words. Quotes. I glance over at my favorites. "The more you say, the less people will remember. " - François Fénelon. And "The soul of conversation is sympathy." - Thomas Campbell. Words I live by. BRAAAAAAAAANNG! The last bell. Meaning schools out for the day. I gather my books and run out of the classroom.

"Katniss!" Gale shouts. But i shut him out. 'I hate school.' I think to myself, 'I hate people. I hate District 1. I hate Panem. I hate my foster home. I hate my life.' I shove my stuff in my locker and SLAM it shut.

"Katniss!" Gale shouts. I spot Gale, stuck in a sea of people and bright colors. I run, then break into a full on sprint. 'I wanna go home.' I think as I sprint towards the abandoned building. 'I wanna be with my family.' I slip through the two wooden boards that covers the door. 'I wanna go back to District 12.' I run up the stairs, not caring that they could collapse at any second. 'I'll take Gale with me.' I'm still running up two flights of stairs. 'I wanna have him meet my old friends.' I knock down the door that is for room 23B. 'I hope they still remember me.' I open the balcony doors. 'I wish I could've said goodbye.' I collapse onto the ground crying. 'I wish I hadn't told Peeta I loved him.'

What do you think? R&R, fav and follow, blah blah blah. :) until next update!