Disclaimer: No i do not own Twilight, Wife Swap, or 19 kids and counting.
Chapter 1

Esme POV
I grabbed the mail as I returned from my quick hunting trip while the kids were at school. I raced down the driveway and threw the mail on the counter. I planned on fixing a hole that Emmett made when Jasper beat him playing X-Box. I was going to get the plaster when I saw an interesting envelope. I grabbed the envelope to get a better look. It was addressed to Carlisle but it was from Wife Swap.
"Wife Swap?" I thought out loud

"Hey Esme," Bella said coming through the kitchen door.
I dropped the letter and asked

"Hey, will you help me fix the hole that Emmett made?"

"Sure," Bella agreed.
We raced to the garage to get the plaster.

Carlisle POV
I came home from the hospital to my wonderful and sometimes crazy vampire family. I ran through the kitchen and noticed the mail in the counter. Alice's credit card bill, a magazine for Rose, Emmett's new video game, a letter from Wife Swap, Bella's new book. Wait! A letter from Wife Swap? What have the children done now?

"Family meeting now!" I shouted.

Bella POV

"Esme and I just finished fixing the wall when I herd Carlisle shout "Family meeting now!"

"Do you know what this is about?" I asked Esme.

"Must be the letter I saw earlier," she whispered.

"What letter?" I asked her

"You'll see," she replied.

With that we ran down the stairs to the living room. I made my way over to Edward and Nessie while Esmw went over to Carlisle. Carlisle held up a letter, "Anybody know what this is?" he asked.
I saw a thick envelope that was from Wife Swap. Wife Swap! Oh this is all Emmetts fault. It has his name all over it.

Edward POV
My love and Esme came down the stairs and split at the base. Esme went over to Carlisle and my lovely Bella walked over to me and our precious daughter Nessie. Carlisle was fuming. He held up an for everyone and asked "Anybody know what this is?"
I read the thoughts of my family.

'Oh No. I forgot about the letter when asked Bella to help me fix the hole.' Esme

'Oh great my idiot husband did this I'm sure!' Rosalie

'What? I expected it from Emmett but why is my Alice nervous?' Jasper

'Goodie I cant wait to torture this new mom!" Nessie

'I hope Nessie is up for some pranks!' Jacob

'Oh no! We were supposed to ease him into the idea. Alice!' Emmett

'No! He wasn't supposed to find the letter!' Alice

"Carlisle I can tell you it was Emmett had the idea and Alice helped," I informed him

"Wow Eddie snitch much!" Emmett shouted

"Emmettt! Just please be quiet," Carlisle said.

"Now Alice why would you help with this plan?" he asked.

"Well, daddy Emmett wanted to make sure nothing bad would happen. That is why I am involved with his plans." Alice answered

"And.." Carlisle again.

"Esme is going to a small town in Arkansas and it will be overcast every day shes there. Every thing here will be fine as far as I can tell, not everyone has decided on pranks yet," she answerd.

Carlisle please read the letter," Esme asked

*The letter*
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cullen,
Congratulations! Due to your entertaining video, we have accepted you for the next episode of wife swap. Cameras will come to your house on September 8th at 11:00 am. Esme will be leaving on September 9 at 6:00am. The new mom will get to your house at 12:00 pm that day. Thank you for your submission and we hope you have a good tome on our show.

The wife swap team

Esme was looking down as I finished the letter.

"Esme you are considering this aren't you?" I asked her.

Esme POV

"Esme you're considering this aren't you? Carlisle asked.

"Well it would be and experience for all of us," I said simply

"If you want to do this I support you," he told me

"Then it's settled de are going on Wife Swap," I said.

Michelle POV (New Mom)
Well our agents wanted us to get more publicity so we signed up for Wife Swap. I really didn't want to leave, I love my family even if they are a little crazy. For the people that don't know. I am Michelle Dugger and I have 19 kids. I was secretly hoping they would reject us because we are already on TV but no such luck. Now Jana was helping me pack so I will be ready to leave. We only got the letter yesterday.


"Mom I got the mail ," Joy-Anna said.

"Thank you Joy-Anna," I replied.
I looked through the mail. Bill, a fan letter, a packet for Jill, the letter from Wife Swap. When I saw this I opened it and sighed.

"What's wrong, Mama?" Justin asked scaring me.

"I'll tell you in a minute OK. Just let me tell the whole family at once ," I told him.

I walked over to the intercom, we have in the house and called everyone down. They all probably thought I was pregnant again, but what they don't know was that after the still birth I was told that I couldn't get pregnant anymore. They all looked nervous coming down the stairs. I showed Jim-Bob the letter and he and and stood beside me.

"Kids, we got a letter Wife Swap," I said try to sound excited.

"Are you leaving?" asked James.

"Yes, I am leaving and a new lady will take my place," I told him.

"No! Mommy don't leave! Jenifer shouted.

"Now Jenifer, use your inside voice," Jim-Bob scolded, "And Mommy is only leaving for a little while and then she's coming back."

I caught the relived glances of my kids at my slim flat belly.

"We're all going to miss you Mom," Jinger miserably stated.

"I'm going to miss you all too," I replied with teary eyes.

*End Flashback*

"Mom don't worry,"Jana said

"We'll be fine. Just think of this as a chance to help a family."

"Oh Jana, always thinking on the bright side," I replied admiringly.

AN: So did you like it? Please review and tell me. I will update as much as I can but no promises of when. :))