AN: Hey! So, here I am again with a new Finchel fanfiction. First I would like to apologize if there is typos, I am French and I may still make some mistakes even if I really am comfortable with English. Anyway, that's my life and I'm rambling… Uhm, I came up with this idea a little while ago but had some difficulty to start it. I'm posting the first short chapter to give you a good start to know how everything really started. Hope you'll enjoy.

I do not own glee or any characters!

It was hot. Really hot. All around her. And she couldn't move. The smoke all around her was so thick, she couldn't breathe. It felt like she was suffocating. She had tried to scream, to call for some help, but she felt like it was useless. And that's when she let it go, she couldn't fight it anymore, and she fainted. She was laying down there, on the cold floor of her kitchen, not conscious about anything anymore. Even the door getting broken didn't even "wake her up". So that's where he found her, and picked her up. He held her up easily against him; she was so small in his big arms. He was worried about the petite brunette, he hadn't even checked if she was still alive but he had that instinct that she was. He just didn't even think about checking it before, the only thing he'd been thinking about was to save that girl who was laying down on the floor, close to the flame. He didn't know either that there was someone left in the building, they all thought there was nobody left, but he was sure that he had heard someone calling. And he'd been right. That -rather beautiful- girl was still in her apartment. When he had carried her all the way down and outside the building, he brought her directly to the ambulance where they would take care of her. She was alive, and the fireman couldn't feel happier about it. It was a strange new feelings though, she was the very first on he had saved from the flame, and he would probably never be able to forget about her, especially because the second he heard her, he knew it was his role to take care of her and save her. He stayed around a bit, trying to hear few things about the girl's health. Apparently she was just unconscious; she hadn't been exposed too close to the fire to get burnt and neither in the smoke to really suffocate.
"Finn! Come on! We need help back here with the fire!" he heard his co-worker call behind him. He hesitated a bit and started walking towards where he'd been called, but soon he returned to the Ambulance and stopped one of the guys there.
"Uhm, excuse me… uh... where are you taking these people?" he asked feeling a bit embarrassed with his question. He wasn't supposed to care about it, I mean, yea you care about the persons you saved, but it's not like you're going to visit them to the hospital everyday afterward, because you have other things to care about when you're a fireman. But that girl was the first one he saved, and he really felt like bound to her.
"New York Downtown hospital." the guy answered and Finn nodded, thanking the guy before leaving to help his co-workers. The fire was still pretty intense and soon enough he stopped thinking about the brunette, although she was still in a corner of his mind.

AN: So, hope it wasn't too short. Please review and tell me what you think for now! I promise I'll try to update as soon as possible!