Change of Plans- Part 2
A/N As promised, this is the second half. I want to thank Bia Benson, beckums8685, ToriRenee161, bakontrack, JoLynn98, Amanda4Meloni, SVU101, SoLetsPlayDoctorBabe, SVUFan4Life, ladyknight104, ElAndLivForever, redangel365, Ceci-Vicsan, ElandLiv-InaHeartBeat, Jennifer Catlin DiNozzo & Laura for following the story, reviewing and adding to favourites. You guys are such an encouragement. 3
JoLynn98- The episode I was watching was Season 11, Episode 6- Spooked. After Porter asks if "you need a ride home?" and Elliot interrupts "No I'm good thanks." I basically thought it was unusual for Elliot to openly show his displeasure at Olivia getting male attention, usually he grins and bares it, and it made me wonder just how often he hides what he's really thinking.
And SVUFan4Life of course I remember you. Your reviews are always fantastic and keep me going lol x
Olivia stepped out of the cab in to a chilly air, but it was comfortable. The city looked beautiful tonight; clear starry sky, all the buildings lit up and the trees blew gently in the breeze. As the cab pulled away from the curb, a white carriage came in to view, pulled by two white horses. She gasped with her eyes lit up.
"Excited?" he asked, the answer obvious in her face. Her heart skipped a beat as they headed for the carriage. The white horses waited at the curb, throwing their heads back and forth with impatientence.
"Come on." he called, taking her hand and they excitedly hurried towards the carriage.
Elliot threw his pen down in defeat. This paperwork was going nowhere.; he was staying late to finish it before the weekend but as of yet he hadn't managed to get past the first page. He huffed and got up, heading for a cup of coffee.
As he headed back to his desk, hot cup in hand, he spied the bunch of flowers. they seemed to stare at him; he hated how oestentacious they were. He plucked the small card from the bunch. Liv wouldn't mind. 'Well actually she would but how could she know.' he reasoned, pulling the card from it's little envelope.
"Dear Livvy,
can't wait to go out tonight,
I know we'll be great together.
Sending love, Mark Briscoe. x"
Elliot rolled his eyes. 'Livvy?' he thought. 'She's going to love that.' he thought sarcastically.
"Mark Briscoe, huh?" He put the card back as it was and dropped back in to his chair.
He typed the name in to the computer and waited. Only seconds later, Mark's face popped up in a mugshot. Elliot read the charges alout as he scrolled through them.
"Unpaid parking tickets...failure to attent court hearing...assault?" He clicked open the file. "Bar fight." Elliot read how Mark ahd been cautioned and fined. "Not exactly Ted Bundy." Elliot shrugged, not the psycho he pictured but still not good enough for Olivia.
Olivia sat across the table from Mark. Now the excitement had worn off the bitter air was more obvious. She was clutching her thin shawl in an attempt to warm herself, but to no avail. Mark was not the 'dream' she had imagined. He had noticed her shivers, but instead of giving her his jacket, he had cracked a joke about her wasting money of a strip of fabric that hung off her arms. He seemed to thinj that now they were on a date, that gave him license to leer, talk with his mouth open and whine about his boss; which he continually pointed out was a woman.
The food was crappy and the wine was a few days over. But Olivia still forced a smile. He was handsome and he'd gone to all this effort.
"So I said to the guy 'hey buddy, back off!' you know?" Mark chuckled. Olivia merely nodded with a smile as he chugged down his drink.
"So what did you do?" she asked, having at least some input in the conversation.
"What do you think? I headbutted him." he grinned.
"Oh." Olivia said with raised eyebrows, taking another large gulp of the bitter-tasting wine. 'Maybe I could fake a work call.' she silently hoped.
Nearly an hour later, Elliot finally put aside the finished paperwork. His wrist and hand ached from the writing but it was worth it, he'd have a free weekend for once.
He heard footsteps clicking behind him and turned in time to see Olivia striding in looking slightly disappointed. He frowned, wasn't she supposed to be off having dinner with that douchebag?
"Back so soon?" he asked, trying not to sound smug at the idea that something had gone wrong.
"Yeah. I guess I didn't feel like taking the night off. Central Park was nice though."
There was a moment of silence as he simply looked at her with a smirk.
"You froze your butt of, didn't you?" he chuckled.
"God, you have no idea! It was freezing and he didn't even offer me his jacket. I ate as fast as I could to get out of there and then he brings out the second course. Which was just as bad as the first, if that's even possible."
"How was the movie?" he asked, trying really hard to keep the satisfied grin off his face.
"Are you kidding? I excused myself before the opening credits even began." she smiled, shaking her head.
"Well, maybe you have everything you need for now." he said seriously.
"Yeah." she agreed, a strange looking of consideration crossing her face. "Hey El," she piped up after a quiet moment or two. "You busy tonight?"
"Nope, I finished my paperwork on time for once." he added, rather proudly.
"I was thinking...we could go to my place."
"Yours?" he asked, hating how dumb he sounded.
"Yeah. We could order Chinese, watch a movie?" she added hopefully.
"Chow mein?"
"Of course." she agreed, as if there wasn't any other option.
He considered for a minute, trying to gauge her intentions. "Yeah, sure. Ok."
She passed him a wide smile as she grabbed up her things. He pulled on his long coat, passing his jacket to her. She moved without thinking as she slung the jacket around her shoulders; it was routine for them by now.
"So, what movie were you thinking?" he asked, as they headed for the double doors.
"Casaulties of War." she shrugged.
He hesitated for a second. "That's my favourite movie." he asked with a slightly confused frown.
"I know." she smiled as they headed out. How come it took her so long to see?
A/N I don't know if anyone has seen the movies I mentioned, but everytime I watch them I can't help but think of Elliot and Olivia, and what they thought of them. The Colour Purple, stars Whoopie Goldberg as a woman who is sold by her Father to a local land owner at a young age. The movie shows her overcoming abuse and finally standing up to her 'Husband'. It's an incredible film and I highly recommend it. Casaulties of War is about an American soldier in Vietnam (Michael J. Fox) who witnesses his fellow soldiers kidknapping, raping and killing a local Vietnamese villager, a young girl. When he returns to the States his superiors try to cover it up, even kill him, but he strives to justice. I thought both film contain themes and values Elliot and Olivia have. Let me know what you thought x