Hello! Sorry if it feels a bit rushed but I wanted to hurry it up and get back to Kitsune's Tomboy Princess! This is the ending of Black doctor hoped you enjoyed it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or its characters! I forgot to put it on a few chapters... Sorry!

"Could I forgive myself aru?" Yao looked down, even though there were no tears it looked like he was crying. "She was my greatest sin aru…" Kiku felt his heart twist painfully when he saw how tender and gentle Yao stroked the soulless girl's face. Yao brushed her hair back gently, "How could I choose? Between my forbidden and sinful love or my blood brother aru?" Yao's hands curled into fists

"I could not let Hong Kong die for my selfishness, I killed her already… I couldn't bear to have his blood on my hands too aru!" Yao turned to Kiku, tears were in his eye "If I had known this would've happened I-I would've never tried to bring the dead back to life aru!" Yao covered his face, overcome with emotions he whispered through his fingers "I would've never trespassed god's territory aru…"

"Did you curse Yao?" Kiku asked softly, Hong Kong Looked away "That day was the 1st time I've ever used my powers… It's a kind of dust that moves to my will and… I usually have complete control over it but that day I was so mad, so angry I-I cut my brother's eye into a bloody gooey messy." A mad sense of anger and malice gripped Hong's voice, bloodlust twisted his face into a mask of lunacy "I remember him screaming in agony and withering around in pain but at that moment I didn't care… I hated him! How could he choose me over her? I was willing to die, I told him that but he… He chose to save me! Instead of MeiMei!"

Kong grabbed his face screaming as he felt the rotten flesh that was once his beautiful lips give away to his hands, he heard the cracking of dried flesh fall off his face as he stretched his mouth to the impossible. "Why?" He screamed looking up at Yao's guilty face, Yao flinched but didn't look away "How could you do this to me?" He roared, Yao's lips trembled as he fell back "I-I couldn't let you die aru!" Kong glared at Yao with tears in his eyes, his tear ducts did not rot away, "I thought we came to an agreement to use my life to save hers!" Kong shrieked through his fingers, Yao began to cry shaking his head, "I didn't know it would take so much of your life… I didn't aru!" Kong shook his head slowly, more flesh slid off "It didn't matter! I loved her but she loved you! I wanted to be part of her some way! And you steal even that from me? Brother what more will you take from me?" Yao looked at Kong with horror "I…" He swallowed and gathered his resolve and said "I-I love you more… When I saw her soul… I-" Kong screamed "Enough!" But Yao continued "I felt you were dying a-and I couldn't do it! I couldn't use you to bring her back aru!" Black foul smelling blood oozed out of Kong's body and slowly formed his death scythe but Yao didn't see it in the dim room, inside of Kong's heart the part that still loved Yao screamed in vain to tell Yao to run but Yao couldn't hear or see the danger in Kong's limp hands "I-I Couldn't aru… Sor-" It happened so fast that Yao didn't even scream when he saw the scythe, the black scythe sliced through Yao's eyeball as though it was cheese, blood spurted out of the wound so fast and seem to float in the air like an expensive abstract glass sculpture. Yao clutched the his face and screamed "AHHH!" Yao choked on the blood that oozed into his mouth; he threw up from the pain and nausea he felt from the blood. Kong looked at Yao's withering form with hate filled eyes "Yao I…" He noticed Yao's remaining eye was red as blood and black veins were all over it, his heart froze, he thought Yao escaped the punishment unhurt but… Horror filled his eyes with a cry Kong ran out, stiffly because his joints would not yield to his living mind, he ran away like a coward leaving Yao to his own curse. Everyone to their own demons…

Hong left after that, leaving Kiku alone with his thoughts… Heels clicked and clacked against the carpeted floor of the carriage, Kiku looked up to see Yao's annoyed face "So it isn't enough that you weaseled information from me that you had to ask Hong about it?" Kiku looked away before staring dead on at Yao "Hong cursed you but what was the curse?" Yao instinctively touched his eye patch before laughing bitterly

"My curse is simple… I can see death… It hurts… Until I destroy the root of my curse, I will never be free… Why do you think I cure people? So I can relieve some of this horrible pain in my eye." Yao winced and gripped the eye patch; blood began to ooze out of the skull's eye sockets. Kiku unconsciously walked forward but Yao flinched away from him, he held a hand up while looking away from Kiku. "Don't." He said simply, tears gathered at the corners of his eye

"Don't pity me…" Yao hissed, Kiku froze Yao glared at him "I don't need pity or forgiveness… Not from you…" Yao took another step back but Kiku kept coming. Yao was shaking from his pain and sadness, Kiku couldn't bear to see Yao in this much pain. "Yao…" Yao stopped for a moment, the way Kiku said his name… It made his name sound so beautiful and loved. With Yao frozen it gave Kiku enough time to fling himself on Yao, he hugged Yao tightly with tears rolling down his cheeks "I know you don't need my pity, you are as proud as anyone but you need love…" Yao stiffened and then he melted into Kiku's arms sobbing "I hate it… I wished I'd died that day… If only I"

Kiku patted Yao's head gently "Shhh…" He soothed with only the silent medical instruments and books as his witness. "… Thank you Kiku… I'm not afraid anymore… I end it all…" Kiku stiffened for a moment before sinking into Yao's arms, Yao lowered his eye lid in guilt but he held Kiku close. "I... Love you aru... If only we met earlier..." Yao whispered then he turned to Hong's hidden form, Yao smiled sadly when he saw Hong Kong's cold unreadable eyes glowing in the shadows "Don't worry, my life for her life... I promised aru..." Then he carried the limp boy back to his bed before leaving a feather soft kiss on Kiku's forehead. Kiku stirred in his sleep as though he was reaching for something precious that was slipping away but Yao was gone and so was Hong Kong.

Kiku snapped his eyes open; he looked out the window to see the twinkling stars and the dark night sky. He bolted up, how did he end up here? Then he rubbed a hand on his chest, he felt like something terrible is happening. Like the very air itself was withering and the silence was a heavy suffocating cloak like a seductive lady having an affair with a man before his wife.

Resisting the dreadful feeling no more, Kiku rose out of bed and found his way to the forbidden room. Then Kiku felt his heart freeze, his legs gave out from underneath him, and he couldn't feel anything other than his heart breaking into millions of unfixable pieces. The thump of his knees hitting the ground echoed throughout the room then Yao turned to him with a shocked expression before it faded into a resigned look.

"It's all right… Everything was for this moment aru…" Yao said as his voice slowly began to fade, cracks form all over his pale skin, Kiku could only watch helplessly as tears rolled down his cheeks. Yao smiled sadly; more cracks etched itself all over his skin "Please smile for me aru… I want to have something beautiful before it all ends…" Kiku felt his lips twist up but he could not make his eyes smile not even for the man he loved more than anyone, his heart was breaking.

MeiMei half opened eyes slowly glowed as she slowly lifted up her head, the chains on her neck began to clang against each other, and Yao turned to look at her. He could not even cry for joy for there were no more tears in his eyes and his body was slowly petrifying, there was only one thing he wanted to do… Yao winced as more cracks formed over his arm as he lifted it up and reached for MeiMei, he stretched his fingers out even though he couldn't feel anything anymore. His legs began to give up on his as he started falling his torso began to crumble into dust "Smile… For me… Please aru?" The still doll stared at him before a crystal drop of tear fell down its face grazing over its cheek "Y-Yao… Yao…" Her voice shook and trembled like newborn lamb but Yao heard her loud and clear.

Yao's eyes widen then he reached out of the circle to touch her cheeks but before he could his fingers crumbled into nothing, at first Yao blinked in shock and pain before laughing "Still I could not touch you… Kiku…" Yao whispered as his lips grew dryer and dryer "I thank you aru… Good Bye…" Then a huge gust of wind rose from the depths of the circle and engulfed the lost man while drowning his last words and there was nothing left for Kiku to even to hold in his arms and weep. Nothing for him to pour his sadness on or hold and anchor him, Yao was gone.

All Kiku had of this strange man with many names, was memories that brought tears to his eyes and stole the very breath from his lungs. Kiku collapsed to his knees in shock just like that the man who lived for over 4,000 years and seen the rise and fall of civilization just faded away, Kiku clutched his heart trying to keep his feelings and memories from slipping out as tears.

Then he heard someone fall and looked up hopefully but it was the girl who took everything from him. The girl that had Yao's love and devotion, this girl was the reason why Kiku was saved and why Yao was cruelly taken away from him… Kiku hated this girl or wanted to but she was the reason why he was able to meet Yao. "Why does my heart hurts so much?" She cried kneeling over in pain "Why am I crying?" She sobbed looking at Kiku "Why does this man make me so sad?" Kiku held out his hand to her, even though he wanted to hate her… She was all alone and lost with no memories of her past. "Hello MeiMei…"

Many Years Later…

A handsome middle aged man sat there admiring the view of the countryside, his face had lines of sadness and regret etched deeply on his face aging him beyond his years but it did nothing to ruin his beauty. A young Asian woman and man walked out of the black carriage holding duffel bags in their arms, they stared at the man shyly before…

Kiku froze; he dropped the reins "So… You're leaving?" MeiMei and Hong Kong nodded miserably but Kiku laughed sadly "So…" Kiku closed his eyes sadly; his heart squeezed painfully "Even you leave me… huh." He looked up at the rusting wires that once held Yao's medical instruments "Yao… How I loved you… I must've been the fool…"

Then MeiMei's voice cut through "I heard his last words… He said 'I love you Kiku'…" Kiku sat there silently; then he looked up "What?" MeiMei smiled sadly as she leaned against Hong Kong "Yao said he loved you." Then she looked down "I thought he was the one but… We were young and rash" She looked up with sadness in her eyes "I think it was fate though… That brought us together and it was fate that made Yao the way he was…"

She smoothed her hair back "I definitely sure that it was fate that brought you guys together… It might have seen you and him being soul mates so I sure it'll bring you guys back together again!" she said with such conviction her cheeks turned red and she grabbed his hands before leaving one small squeeze. Kiku silently watched the couple grow smaller and smaller in the distance before waving goodbye. Surely he would see Yao again, in fact he could almost hear Yao's gruff voice scolding him "Kiku aru! Stop frowning aru! It makes me lose my appetite aru! Just wait for me okay? I promised I'll be back so wait for me!" Kiku smiled fondly "Hurry up Yao..."

The End

Thank you everyone for reading Black Doctor! Sorry if there are some mistakes I missed...