Notes: The final chapter. But not the end of the story. Merely a major transition point.
Some of this chapter focuses on Hiead and the part he will play (which means more godboy weirdness).
The scene between Zero & Teela is meant to be confusing. Don't worry about it, all will be explained.
Warning: Before you read this chapter, you may want to go back a re-read the previous one. I've made some minor changes that may or may not help you understand things better. But if you're not at all confused by anything so far, go right ahead. Just don't say I didn't warn you.
It had been easy enough to sneak back to the gravity chamber.
He had not counted on the access pad working against him. Apparently, someone had gone to the trouble of enforcing his breaks, to ensure that he didn't wear himself out.
Not that it mattered.
With a smirk, Hiead pressed his hand firmly against the access pad. His fingertips began to glow bright blue with heat, and the pad sizzled loudly at his touch.
A moment later, he was inside, sealing the door from within.
As he approached the main console, something sparked on the very edge of his awareness.
Curious but not overly concerned, he opened his mind and gasped at what he saw.
Heading towards him, slowly but surely. Nowhere near as glorious or bright as he had always imagined, yet…
She was returning to G.O.A. at last.
For him?
He had to know.
He WOULD know.
There were various ways for someone like Hiead to reach out, but he only knew one: with cold, unnatural probing; a determined shark in unwelcome territory. There was no consideration for the target, nor for any damage Hiead himself might suffer in the process. There was only a thirst to know that demanded satiating.
He expected resistance from Her, but was surprised at how much he found.
She did not avoid his prodding; She merely glided around it. His feelers slid away from Her and found purchase in nothing.
It angered him.
Because then he knew.
She had not come for him.
Why else would She try to hide from him?
His hand strayed on the console. Though his fingers had grazed the recall button, which would soon return the chamber to the last setting before shutdown, he wanted more.
At least, his mind did.
His body screamed at him in protest as he reached across the console and upped the gravity. It was still weak and recovering from the few hours he had spent in 80G. This was too much, too soon.
But Hiead no longer cared.
He had not been chosen.
There was nothing left for him but death now.
He was not afraid.
He wondered if She would cry for him…and that image was the last thing he saw before the unseen force slammed into him, crushing his body against the cool, reinforced steel floor. He was unconscious seconds later.
* * * * *
Zero did not think to ask how Teela knew where his room was. There were too many other things to absorb at the time, and he was fairly certain she wouldn't have answered such a meaningless question, anyway.
For one thing, soon he would BE a PILOT, and with the exception of the other Candidates and Repairers in his troop, nothing on G.O.A. would be of too much importance anymore. It was all he could do to keep from bouncing off the walls as he packed his things.
The fact that Teela was sitting on his bed, as if she belonged there, watching his every move, probably helped to keep him from flipping out. Though he had a feeling the moment he was out of earshot, he'd let out a whoop that would leave everyone in a one mile radius rubbing their ears.
Zero suddenly realized that Teela had never said why it was he should follow her. She hadn't said to come with her so they could talk, or so that she could show him something. She had only wanted him to come with her. Maybe that was supposed to mean something, from one Pilot to another. Well, from one former to one soon-to-be, anyway.
Whatever the reason, she was being awfully quiet about it.
Perhaps that was why her just sitting there, saying nothing, was bothering him.
He'd expected her to share her wisdom, give him some much needed advice, or at the very least, some helpful hints. Wasn't she supposed to know everything about being a great Pilot, after all?
"You already possess everything you need to fly."
Zero blinked and looked at her. "That's IT? That's all you're going to say?"
"What would you have me say?"
"Well…for starters, why are you quitting?"
She tilted her head slightly. "How else would you become the Top, the First?"
"But…I can't replace YOU. You're like…THE Pilot, y'know? It's all…weird and-"
"You will know what is required of you when you ascend, my Rei."
"…why do you keep…calling me that?" he whispered. "You…can't know…"
"I know all that I need to. As do you."
"…who ARE you?" Zero asked.
Teela held out her hand to him. "Will you trust me, Rei?"
For some reason, Zero was not surprised when his hand almost shot out instinctively. This woman claimed to know him as Rei…and it was Rei that was reaching out for her hand. Zero was wary, but Rei seemed to trust her completely. It was a truly odd feeling: loving someone so much it was scary, or being so uncertain of them that it had to be a dream.
But he did, and it wasn't.
She was not offended by his hesitation. "You're worried about your partner."
There was definitely that, but Zero was more concerned with what he would have to do to save Kizna. He'd decided never to tell anyone about the deal, but…if anyone could help him out, surely it would be Teela.
But when he opened his mouth to speak, she pressed a cool, soft finger to his lips.
"You will do what you must, Rei."
He pulled her hand away, but did not release it. "Why won't you help me?"
She smiled at that. "You do not need my help. But when you are lost, I will find you…as you found me."
Suddenly, Zero began to cry, openly and unashamedly. "I don't want to be alone anymore," he sobbed, falling to his knees.
Teela gently brought his head to rest in her lap. "You are not alone, my Rei," she murmured, stroking his hair fondly. "Not anymore."
* * * * *
"Back already, Mr. Fortran?" Kuro asked. "I had hoped this assignment would keep you busy for some time."
"Merely reporting my preliminary findings, sir. I wondered if you could tell me if I'm headed in the right direction…or directions, as it were."
"As you wish. You may begin."
Clay adjusted his glasses slightly before clearing his throat. "Concerning the sudden retirement of the former Pilot of Ernn Laties, Teela Zain Elmes, I present the following three theories. Theory A: the Pilot, one of the rare Zeanoah, suffered physical damage to her person during battle and found it necessary to retire, rather than risk endangering herself and her team by fighting at anything less than 100% efficiency." He paused, awaiting his superior's response.
"That is…not correct. To this day, the Pilot contains no automics, and I am positive she never suffered physical damage in a battle."
Clay nodded and immediately moved on to the next item.
Kuro smiled at that. The boy must've been fairly confident about one of his remaining theories. He must've realized the first was incorrect even as he came up with it. Any physical damage to a Pilot was always recorded, and there were no such files on Teela, for obvious reasons.
"Theory B: the Pilot, due to an extremely successful and extensive term of service, suffered a severe drop in EX, which directly affected her ability to perform dependably."
Kuro was silent for a long moment. "That is very possible, Mr. Fortran. Teela's term of service was indeed extensive. I would be very curious as to your insight on this particular theory, when you have had ample time to explore it."
Again, Clay nodded and moved on to the next theory.
"Theory C: the Pilot suffered from one or more of the following, all of which are typical among Pilots: stress-related trauma, mental instability, cardiac disease(s), nausea, and extreme fatigue."
Kuro took even longer to answer. "I suggest you focus your search for the truth on the last two theories, Mr. Fortran. Do not, however, limit your search to only those."
* * * * *
Wrecka had not stopped talking since they'd left the auditorium, and Yamagi was sick of it. Only the knowledge that she would soon be gone for at least a few days made him put up with it.
Once Roose had come to, he was still in too much shock to do much of anything. Yamagi had finally volunteered to pack for him, assuming Wrecka would never do manual labor that wasn't strictly related to a Repairer's duties. Anyway, the sooner Roose was out of the room, the more space Yamagi had to himself.
There would just be he and Hiead now. Yamagi thanked the stars they were in separate rooms, too.
"-and we still have to figure out what we're going to call the Goddess," Wrecka said to no one in particular. She turned to her Candidate. "What do you think, Roose?"
Yamagi smirked. He imagined Roose would name the Goddess after Wrecka, naturally.
"…I don't know," Roose admitted quietly. "I hadn't really thought about it."
"Well, you should keep it in mind. First impressions are important, and we don't want to upset her with a weird name."
Roose looked extremely worried. "Do…do you think she'll like me, Wrecka-chan?"
Wrecka beamed and gave him a peck on the nose. "I'm sure she'll like you just as much as I do, Roose-kun."
"I hope not, for all our sakes," Yamagi muttered.
"Did you say something, Yama-san?" Roose asked.
"Talking to myself," Yamagi grunted, jamming the last of Roose's clothes into a suitcase and shutting it. "Well, that's all of it." He dragged the suitcase over to the door.
Roose joined him a moment later, looking hesitant. "Yama-san…I…"
Yamagi scowled. "You're not going to start blubbering, are you?"
For a second, it seemed like Yamagi was right. Roose's bottom lip quivered, and he looked for all the world to be fighting back tears. Then he held out a steady hand.
More than surprised, Yamagi shook the hand firmly…and cried out in muffled protest when Roose pulled him into a bear hug. That was really nothing new with Roose. However, Yamagi protested a bit more than usual, since Roose's arms were a lot stronger now, thanks to his advanced training.
It only got worse when Yamagi felt Wrecka hug him from behind as well.
Somehow, this was not how he'd pictured Roose & Wrecka's departure at all…and yet, it was exactly what he'd known would happen, no matter what he hoped for.
"Okay, I get it, you'll miss me! Let go!" Yamagi snapped some time later.
They finally let go, Roose more reluctantly than Wrecka.
Yamagi handed the suitcase to Roose. "Don't get killed before I get there."
Roose nodded gravely and turned on his heel, walking out quickly.
Yamagi looked at Wrecka expectantly. "Well? He'll get lost without you."
"You have an odd way of showing you care, Yama-kun," she said softly. "But I'm glad you do." Wrecka stepped closer and quickly kissed his cheek before hurrying after Roose.
* * * * *
Despite all of Dr. Croford's assurances, Ikhny couldn't help but wonder how quickly Hiead would recover. She had taken up the post at Hiead's bedside, determined to be the first person he saw upon waking up. Normally, she would've just left him a note and hoped he could find nothing wrong with it. But today, she had good news that, in her opinion, should be revealed in person. She was almost certain that her Candidate would be pleased…even if he didn't show it…at all.
It took a whole hour and a half, but Hiead finally began to stir. The first thing he did was shift from left to right slightly, as if testing the restraints. Then his eyes snapped open so fast that Ikhny barely stifled her gasp in time.
His gaze shifted to her, and she could already she him wetting his lips to greet her as only he could.
"Hiead-san," she said urgently, before he could speak. "I have something important to share with you." Ikhny held up an official looking document which bore the G.O.A. seal. "You're the Top now, and this proves it," she explained, as if not having the paper would cause him to think her a liar.
He stared at the paper in silence, but he wasn't reading it. His eyes weren't moving, for one thing. Hiead seemed to be staring straight through the paper…as if it had no meaning to him whatsoever.
Ikhny was thoroughly and understandably disappointed. Here was something she'd just known her Candidate would enjoy immensely. Instead, he acted as if it (and she, as usual) didn't matter at all. "H-Hiead-san?" she asked softly.
His eyes snapped to her again, and Ikhny was secretly pleased when she didn't gasp.
"Aren't you happy? That you're the Top now?"
He looked away. "It means nothing."
Ikhny blinked in surprise. "Nothing? But…why do you-"
She got her answer as the door slid open.
Zero walked in, dressed in his white and red formal uniform. Something about him looked rather important, but the effect didn't reach his face, which was just as open and friendly as it had always been. That was what Ikhny adored about Zero: he never got tired of being everyone's best friend…not even hers.
"How is he, Ikhny-chan?" Zero asked as he moved to the other side of the bed.
"…awake," Ikhny answered truthfully. She feared Hiead would make her regret any other answer.
"Heard you banged yourself up pretty good, Hiead," Zero said as he leaned over his rival. "You gotta take it easy now. You know no one can touch you."
At least, that was what Ikhny heard. That was all she could hear.
She did not understand the language of Zero's eyes…the language of Rei.
But Hiead did.
"I won't waste time bragging," Rei began. "You're the Top now, and there's supposed to be a ceremony where they give you a new badge and all." Zero pulled the badge that identified him as the Top from his pocket. "But I want you to keep mine. For now." He placed it in Hiead's right hand.
Hiead glared up at him, but remained silent. His idiot Repairer would see this as an act of kindness. Even if it was, it was also an act of superiority. Rei was giving Hiead his Top badge because he no longer needed it, and being the Top among Candidates was meaningless. Especially when he'd become the Top among Goddesses.
But then Zero said something that Teela had expressed to Hiead, only in different words. It would have also meant nothing…that is, if Rei hadn't echoed it, too.
"I'll be waiting for you," Zero and Rei whispered as one.
Ikhny looked shocked. "Z-Zero…what…"
Hiead ignored her. His eyes remained focused on his rival. Slowly and imperceptibly, he nodded.
Zero reached down and squeezed Hiead's right hand in an oddly affectionate manner. "Your time will come, Hiead-san."
Ikhny could barely believe it. Nice as he was, Zero had never shown Hiead any kind of respect. At least, not directly. Occasionally, he would say something like, "Damn, Hiead was tough today," or "What have you been FEEDING that guy, Ikhny-chan?" But never open, obvious respect that Hiead could hear.
Zero moved to the door, paused as if he'd forgotten something, and looked over his shoulder. "Ikhny-chan," he called quietly. "Need to talk to you. Outside."
Ikhny looked hesitantly at Hiead, and was surprised to see his eyes closed in apparent slumber. She quickly joined Zero just outside the room, hoping desperately that Hiead wouldn't mind too much.
Zero seemed lost in thought as he leaned against the wall, but as he caught Ikhny's gaze, his face broke out into a warm grin.
Ikhny couldn't help blushing. She wasn't used to being the center of attention, and having someone look at her like that…well, it was ridiculously exciting. Absently, she wondered if that was because it was a boy, or because it was Zero. Up until then, Ikhny wouldn't have cared who looked at her like that, so long as someone did. Because it would mean that she mattered to someone…that someone was fond enough of her to show it in their smile and their eyes. Had she been feeling especially reflective at the moment, she would've realized that Kizna had looked at her that way many times. But it was very hard to think of anyone other than Zero just then.
Without warning, Zero reached out and carefully began to remove her glasses.
Had it been anyone else, Ikhny would've instinctively batted at the intruding hands. But Zero had never shown her anything but kindness and consideration, and there was no force in existence that could convince her he was capable of malice. It was so very easy for her to trust in him, for some reason.
"Ikhny-chan," he said quietly.
Though the world beyond her nose was fairly blurry, Ikhny was suddenly aware that Zero was standing awfully close to her. For one thing, the details of his face were gradually becoming sharper and more defined. A blush rose in her cheeks as she was reminded of an old movie she'd seen as a child. A true gentleman only removed a lady's glasses when he was going to try and kiss her…
The thought of being kissed by Zero was certainly nothing repulsive, but Ikhny refused to encourage the hopeful feeling bubbling in her chest. She had never been kissed before, so there was no reason to-
And then she felt what could only be Zero's fingers tenderly stroking her cheek.
"You're so smart, you know," he stated firmly. "And nice. And cute, too."
Ikhny finally found her voice, though it came out even softer than she was used to. "Zero…what are you doing…?" A more fitting question would've been, "What are you doing to me?" but she didn't want to be terribly obvious at how nervous he was making her.
"I guess I'm saying goodbye," he admitted, almost sounding reluctant.
She found that very odd. Hadn't Zero just told Hiead they would meet again? Surely it wouldn't be that long before Hiead became a Pilot as well.
"You're such a good person," was the last thing Zero said before he pulled her into his arms.
Ikhny said nothing as her forehead came to rest against Zero's chin. There was nothing to say, really. She had an odd feeling that the hug was not as comforting as it should've been…or maybe as she'd hoped it would be.
And when Zero began to release her, he leaned forward and kissed her nose in a brotherly sort of way that erased any thoughts of romance she might've been nurturing. Though how she was now so certain of his intention, Ikhny couldn't even begin to understand.
He replaced her glasses and smiled brightly. "Take care of yourself for me, Ikhny-chan." Then, with a light squeeze of her shoulders, he was gone, hurrying down the corridor and out of her life.
And yet, she was not yet out of his.
For even as Zero hurried away, Rei's voice echoed in his head.
"You're such a good person…and you don't deserve what's going to happen to you."
* * * * *
Kizna had finished packing some time ago. Now, she was merely sitting on her bed, staring at the nearest corner of the room. Something in her head insisted that the corner should be very interesting, but for the life of her, she couldn't figure out why that should be.
Until she heard the soft whimpers of a child that was very much afraid.
Gradually, her eyes adjusted, and Kizna could make out a small girl. She was curled up into a tight little ball, her head pressed firmly against her knees. Her hair was unusually dark in color, and she was shivering slightly.
Kizna's first impression was that the girl was very familiar. Automatically, she sought to move forward and comfort the girl…but something stopped her.
"She is ours," whispered a voice like rocks on gravel. "Just as you will be."
"What do you want with her?" Kizna asked fearfully. "What will you do to her?"
"For now. Nothing."
There was a long pause, and then Kizna felt something cold and prickly grasping her shoulders.
"You can save her. If you want."
She was suddenly very aware of the many shadows in the room. Partially because they made the scene even scarier, but mostly because they were moving, twisting, and gaining misshapen forms.
A particularly large shadow slid over the girl, revealing only narrow slits of her face through that could've been black fingers. The darkness gradually gained mass, until Kizna could see a large, black beast crouching over the girl, its long claws keeping her head firmly in place.
"I like her cries," it rasped, petting the girl's head rather roughly. "They are sweet…pure…without taint."
"Leave her alone," Kizna whispered fiercely.
The girl peered out carefully from the between the claws of the beast. Her eyes seemed to be pleading with Kizna…but not in the way she would've expected. Instead of asking to be saved, the girl was begging Kizna to leave her with the beast.
"You would save her?" the beast asked, sounding slightly curious. "You do not know her."
Kizna snorted. "You think that matters?!"
"It would seem…it does not." It chuckled, as if amused. "So. Will you take her place?"
"Yes, of course. Just swear you won't hurt her."
The beast grinned wickedly. "Oh no. Never harm. Can not. Would not. Girl Is Special." It stretched out its free claw. "Come."
Kizna stepped forward, just in time to hear the girl shout, "No, please don't!"
There was a flash, followed by an overwhelming sense of numbness.
"You fool," the girl moaned, her eyes brimming with fresh tears. "You stupid, stupid fool." She pressed her face against her knees and sobbed.
Kizna blinked a few times and glanced around. They seemed to be in some kind of brown cavern, and there was barely enough room for the two of them. Really, there shouldn't have been, unless she'd suddenly reverted back to childhood.
That phrase, she knew at once, was frighteningly accurate, as Kizna now recognized the girl she'd been trying to save. Slowly, she reached out and gently tugged at the brown cloak the girl was wearing. She was not at all surprised when a long, thin, tattered object fell out. It was a tail…at least, it had always been intended to pass for one.
Kizna bit her lip, before whispering uncertainly, "…Kizzie?"
"Not anymore," she muttered, raising her head. "Now, I'm just Past, you're only Present, and her…" She glanced at something over Kizna's shoulder. "She's Future…or she will be, once she's Inside with us."
Kizna turned, noticing a small window in the cavern that she hadn't seen before. She could see a younger version of herself still sitting on the bed, wearing a shiny white uniform. "But…how…?"
Tukasa came in and touched the Kizna in white on the shoulder, apparently not noticing how much smaller she was. The Kizna nodded, and they left the room together.
Kizna started to cry out, but Past shook her head. "She won't hear you. Not now. Soon, but not yet."
"Then…what do we do?"
"Hopes she listens to her head instead of her heart." Past sighed in frustration and glared at her. "You shouldn't have come Inside. I could've found a way to stop It, if only you hadn't-"
"I couldn't just leave you in here," Kizna said, reaching over to squeeze her hand.
"Well, no," Past agreed sullenly, unconsciously squeezing back. "But you SHOULD have."
"But I couldn't," Kizna replied firmly, scooting closer to her.
Past scowled at her. "I hope you're satisfied. Now we're both trapped. If It gets her, too, then we're all done for."
"At least you stopped crying," Kizna noted, wiping gently at the still damp tear tracks on the girl's face.
"Idiot!" Past snapped before breaking down, burying her face in Kizna's jacket, and sobbing all over again.
"I'm sorry," Kizna murmured, stroking the girl's hair tenderly in the darkness.
* * * * *
Ikhny did not go to Zero & Roose's farewell ceremony. She wasn't sure she could face Zero again so soon without turning red all over. Aside from that, she had noticed something of a change in Hiead that demanded her attention.
Since Zero's visit, Hiead had been very quiet. That was nothing new, but he hadn't even put up a fight when Dr. Croford came to check up on him. He was relaxed in a way people could only achieve when they knew with absolute certainty what life had in store for them.
Ikhny didn't dare ask him about the change, for fear of interrupting the peaceful state. It wasn't even that she didn't prefer this Hiead to the old one. It was just…she'd gotten used to him, as much as someone like her could, and this change was most bothersome. She was more afraid of upsetting him now than she had been when he was blatantly cruel.
Hiead did not notice her discomfort. If he noticed that she stayed by his side at all while he recovered, he never showed it. He generally stared at the wall or the ceiling until the doctor interrupted him.
On the day that Dr. Croford proclaimed him healthy enough to return to his own room, Hiead had still not reverted to his old self. He even allowed Ikhny to escort him, and did not complain about the few times her arm accidentally brushed his.
When they reached the door, Ikhny did not enter with him, nor did she expect to be invited in. She remained in the doorway, watching him sit on the edge of the bed. "Do you need anything, Hiead-san?" she asked.
Hiead lay back on the bed, staring thoughtfully up at the ceiling.
Ikhny felt a need to say something comforting. "I'm sure we'll make it to GIS soon."
For the first time in weeks, Hiead's eyes moved to acknowledge her. "Are you sure?" he asked.
She nodded.
Something of a smile crept over his face. There was a little of the old him in it, but not so much that it scared her.
"We'll make it to GIS soon," he repeated, chuckling softly. "Tell me something then, Allecto."
Ikhny froze. She could never remember Hiead calling her by name. "Yes, Hiead-san?"
"What makes you so sure 'we'll make it' anywhere?" His tone did not change, but his eyes were laughing. "How can you be so certain I won't dump you like the worthless trash you are the first chance I get?" And then he did laugh. "How can you be so sure I haven't already?"
Ikhny instantly recalled Zero's visit. She now realized that each time he'd said something that indicated they'd meet again, he had never been looking at her, nor had he included her name. And when he finally had spoken to her, all his words were so kind, warm, and reassuring…he'd told her how wonderful she really was…as if he were trying to soften the blow.
Zero had known…yet he had looked her in the eye and said nothing. Why? Was he really that kindhearted? Or was he just refusing to do Hiead's dirty work? Hadn't he known how much more it would hurt her coming from Hiead than it would've from him? Didn't he know how much pleasure Hiead would take from delivering the news in person?
"You oblivious little fool," Hiead said with a smirk. "Still, you were right about one thing. I've achieved my fondest dream. At long last, I'll finally be rid of you. I will go to GIS alone, and there will already be an experienced, competent Repairer waiting for me. One that will know enough to stay out of my way."
Ikhny simply stared at him, her face blank. Finally, she whispered, "But…I…I thought you…"
"What little activity does occur in that empty head of yours," Hiead interrupted quietly, "has never been any of my concern. I have no further use for you." With that, he turned away to face the wall. "Get out."
When the door slid shut, Hiead turned again, casting a disinterested glance at the person in the corner. "What do you want?" he snapped, folding his arms behind his head and laying down.
"We have…much to discuss," Teela replied softly as she sat down beside him.
Hiead snorted indignantly and made a point of not looking at her. "So talk."
* * * * *
"I can keep this up for hours, you know."
Kizna blinked and suddenly realized that Zero had been poking her for at least ten minutes. "Huh?"
"Oh, nothing," Zero said with a cheerful grin, still poking her as he spoke.
She made a little noise of annoyance and swatted his finger away. "What?!"
"You were zoning out again," he pointed out, not smiling anymore.
"Oh." She considered that for a second, and then looked out of the window. "Thanks," she muttered.
She was mildly surprised when he pulled her hand from her lap and gave it a friendly squeeze.
"You've changed," he said softly, so quietly that no one else on the shuttle would hear. "I'm worried."
"I told you not to worry; it's nothing," she replied shortly.
"No, it is something, and I'm going to worry unless you prove to me right now that I shouldn't."
Kizna shot him a withering look. "Can't this wait, Zero?" she asked coldly.
"No." He squeezed her hand a bit harder. "I'm a Pilot now. I need my partner. I want my friend back. I want Kizna. Now."
For a second, there was an angry red glow in her eyes, but when it faded, Kizna's eyes were clouded with tears.
"Zero," she gasped, "it wouldn't let me…I didn't mean…how did you…"
He shushed her and pulled her closer, pressing his forehead to hers. "Don't worry. I'll tell you everything later. Promise."
She nodded faintly and closed her eyes, trying to regain her breath.
"Zero?" Roose peered over the seat at them. "Is Kizna okay?"
Zero nodded. "Just a little tired. All the pressure finally kicked in." He grinned. "How you holding up?"
Roose smiled back, though he was clearly nervous. "I'm okay. Wrecka and I are trying to think of a good name for the Goddess." He glanced at Kizna again, and then lowered his voice. "How do you say 'cat' in your language?"
Zero frowned. "I don't think you want to name her after Kizna, Roose. Wrecka might not like it."
"Oh. Right." Roose shrugged. "I'm just looking everywhere for ideas."
"I noticed," Zero chuckled.
"What's the word for 'pink' if-"
"Try harder, Roose. Think blue. As in YOUR Repairer's hair color."
"Do you and Kizna know what you're going to name your Goddess, Zero?"
Zero looked at Kizna, who had fallen asleep on his shoulder. "We never really talked about it. I don't think it'll be a problem."
Roose sighed. "I wish I had your confidence."
"Maybe you already do," Zero murmured.
Roose gave him an odd look, but eventually went back to Wrecka.
"Did you mean it?"
Zero looked down to see Kizna staring at him. "Mean what?"
"What you said to it? About…me?"
"You heard that?"
"I can hear…sometimes…what it hears." She shook her head. "Did you mean it?"
"Yes, I meant it. This isn't a one-person job, in case you forgot. I need your help. I need YOU."
Kizna blushed a bit. "You didn't have to say it like that."
"Yeah, I did. You keep forgetting that we're partners. Even Roose got the concept down pretty quickly."
"But we're not THAT type of partners," she said quickly. "Not like Roose & Wrecka."
"Obviously," Zero laughed. "But you know what I meant, right?"
"Yeah," she replied quietly. "I know what you meant."
"Good." He tweaked her left ear.
Kizna sat up straight. "…I forgot to bring a hat," she said, looking stunned.
"So?" Zero asked. "What do you need a hat for?"
"…they don't know about my ears. You're used to them, but they-"
"They can't say anything bad about your ears. I'd fire them." Zero beamed at her. "I'm the Top."
She scoffed. "You are NOT going to fire a Pilot over my ears. You don't even have that much power." But even as she said it, Kizna knew that wasn't exactly true.
"You don't think I would? Just watch me."
"Zero," she said seriously.
"Well, I would," he insisted, looking perfectly determined to be loyal to her. "They're great ears!" He turned back to Roose, looking for confirmation. "Hey, Roose! Wrecka!"
"ZERO!" Kizna hissed, trying to clap a hand over his mouth.
Zero blocked her hand. "Aren't Kizna's ears the greatest?"
There was a short silence before Roose stated, "I've always liked them."
"They're absolutely adorable!" Wrecka chimed in. If one looked really closely, they might've seen something of a wicked glint in her bright eyes. But no one did.
Kizna ducked her head, blushing bright red. "I can't believe you did that!"
"See? Now I don't have to fire them," Zero pointed out. "Like I said, there's nothing wrong with your ears, and anyone who can't see that doesn't deserve to see them."
She sighed in defeat. "Zero, I forbid you to ever mention this conversation to anyone."
"Okay, fine. But it would make a GREAT story to introduce myself to the other Pilots."
"Kidding. But I was serious about the firing thing."
Kizna sank down in her seat and shook her head. "Yes, I KNOW you were. That's why I'm worried…"
* * * * *
More Notes: Yes, Hiead is pissed at Teela, and with good reason. No, I won't be telling you what they talked about. At least, not outright. Don't look for Hiead to discuss it, anyway.
Don't worry, Wrecka isn't possessed, too. She's just enjoying the chance to embarrass Kizna.
I don't really know if Zero would try to fire someone over Kizna's ears...but *I* would.
End Notes: And that's it.
The next time you see Zero, he'll be a Pilot! And still Top, just of a different group.
Kizna (plus one), Wrecka & Roose will also be along for the ride, in case you forgot.
Don't worry, Hiead will still be around; I'm not done with him yet.
Ikhny, as you might have figured, won't be making very many appearances. But rest assured that I have found a place for her…rather, someone else has.
I know the part about three Kiznas was probably confusing, so here's something to help you tell the difference. Kizzie looks like pre-accident Kizna (no cat ears and short, dark hair), while the other two are more or less identical, just dressed differently.
Be sure to keep an eye out for the next installment, simply yet aptly titled, "Change." (It'll be separate from this chapter, so look hard!)