Author's note: Hehehehe...I can't believe I really do it. Ehm...oh, you're already reading o.o

Yep, here's my new story. A Rose x Scorpius one. And I tell you one thing...this story isn't finished at all so it's quite unusual that I'm already uploading the first chapter. Just a short warning: It might take me rather long to update, please be patient with me!

Another thing...I'm again trying something new. In 'Injunction or Chance' it was writing in POVs...and this time it's completely written in only Rose's POV o.o And as her POV is mine...please don't say anything like 'she's OOC'...we don't really know how Rose is so she can't be ooc...

Enough rambling...I hope you'll like it. Reviews are appreciated :)

Chapter 1

-Returns and Changes-

"Take care of you and your brother, will you?" asked my mother. Hermione Weasley, once known as Hermione Granger. One third of the Golden Trio and heroine of the second Wizarding War. She was a good Mom, the best a child can have.

"Sure I will, you know me, Mom!" I retorted with a grin on my face.

Me, that was Rose Weasley. First born child of Hermione and Ron Weasley. Redhead (well, auburn), bookworm and Prefect, starting her sixth year in Hogwarts. So far I had always been best student of the year and I was willing to continue this year. You see, I was almost like my mother. In almost every case…as I even had (thanks Godric not entirely) her bushy hair and her chocolate brown eyes.

"Where's Hugo by the way?" I wondered. Hugo was my little brother. A little prat who admired our cousins Fred and James. Pranksters and Quidditch players first class so to speak. …You can't believe how glad I was that they had finished school already. Why? Well…they were a bad influence for my brother and had always chosen me to be their first victim when they had had a great prank. Hopefully this year will be quieter now that they left Hogwarts…with only 3 NEWTS each.

I couldn't help it but had to role my eyes at the thought of my dear cousins.

"He's already in the train…said he wanted to check something out." answered Mom.

"Mh…he should know by now that I won't make exceptions when it comes to punishment for his little crimes just because he's my brother." I grumbled.

Mom laughed at that and pulled me into a hug. Sure, the Hogwarts Express was to leave in two minutes. Smiling slightly, I pulled away after a few seconds.

"Tell Dad I say Goodbye and that I'm waiting for a letter of him." I said…disappointment in my voice.

"He's really sorry, Rosie. If he and Uncle Harry hadn't had this special case he would have come to wish you a good year as well."

"Yeah, sure. I know…but I don't think that they'll catch him this time."

My father worked, just as Uncle Harry, as an Auror for the Ministry of Magic and was currently away to chase a former Death Eater who had attacked 'Mudbloods' half a year ago. They had received several hints on where this guy was during that time and were sent to search him for the third time now.

"We'll see. I will tell him to write a letter and I promise that you'll see Cadie in one week at the latest with it."

Cadie was my own owl. A tawny owl. She was a present for my last birthday. As I had known that Dad couldn't come to say goodbye, I had left Cadie at home and had told Mom to send her with the first letter of the year.

"Okay. If you can't keep your promise I'll send you the first Potion Accident…and I'm sure this will be a gruesome one!" Of course not MY accident. I was good at Potions. But for example my cousin and good friend Dominique…she was also good enough to take it this year but not good enough to avoid accidents.

"That's mean, Rose! But okay…I'm sure I can keep the promise so I'm not afraid. Now, get in, only half a minute left! Goodbye, dear!"

"Bye Mom! I'll miss you!" I said and then entered the train.


Finally inside, I went straight towards the compartment which Dominique had chosen and in which she was already waiting. She was the second oldest daughter of my Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur. Having partly Veela blood in her veins, she was, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful girls in Hogwarts. Today her long, blonde hair was bound into a curly ponytail.

"There you are! Phew…why does it always take you so long to say goodbye to your parents?" she said as I closed the door to the compartment.

"Well, probably because they usually don't want to let me go and because I like chatting with them." I retorted, sitting down across from her.

"Whatever…at the moment I'm really glad to be away…with Victoire pregnant…"

Victoire was her older sister who was married to Uncle Harry's godson Ted Lupin. As far as I can remember, Dominique had always been a little jealous of her older sister. And now, as she said, that Victoire was pregnant, it got even worse because her parents of course cared very much about their eldest child.

"You know that they'll nevertheless miss you and send you a letter every week as they have all the years before." I said monotone and took out a book from my little rucksack.

"I wouldn't be too sure." she said, turning her head towards the window. "Don't you have different things to do than to read again?"

"Prefects Meeting isn't before three pm, so I have plenty of time to read." I answered, turning to the next page.

"I didn't mean your meeting…but taking care of Hugo, Lily and Louis. They were planning something."

"Yeah…I should…but there are also other Prefects on this train and don't forget that even Professor Longbottom travels with the Hogwarts Express."

"If you say so…hey, where's Albus by the way?"

"Probably together with his Slytherin-friends. But he promised to come to us later."

Albus was Uncle Harry's and Aunt Ginny's second child and by the way older brother of Lily. He was my best friend even though we didn't meet very often and, as I've already mentioned, in Slytherin. He was the only one of our large family to be in this house. The rest was in Gryffindor, like Dom, Hugo, Lily and I (formerly also James and Fred) or in Ravenclaw like Louis (and formerly Teddy and Victoire).

It wasn't bad that he was in Slytherin…as he was still the same good guy. The only problem was his friends there…such as Nathan Zabini or – the very worst case – Scorpius Malfoy. Yes, THE Scorpius Malfoy, son of Draco and Astoria Malfoy. Hurray, right?

I hate him. But I'm sure you had guessed it already after I had said it was the worst case. Mh…let's not talk about him, okay? He's way too arrogant anyway.


Half an hour later the compartment door opened with a loud noise, coming from the forceful way it was handled. The noise made me jump and woke Dom who had just fallen asleep.

"Are you insane?!" I asked loudly and stood up, miming a wall in front of the door now.

"Shut up Weasley and let me in for a minute. Your stupid little brother pranks all the other Slytherins and I don't want to smell like a troll as well!" said the dark haired boy, Nathan Zabini, and tried to squeeze in.

"You already do; so I don't see a point in hiding. Maybe Hugo makes you smell even better!" I hissed.

In response to my comment, he shot me a deadly look, lifted his hand and just pushed me aside with such force that it'd surely leave a bruise. However, he was then kicked by Dominique who couldn't tolerate force against a girl – and especially not against her friends- at all.

"Shit, you bloody bi-" he cursed but was cut off by the old 'emergency' socket of my father which I usually had in my pocket on the train ride to Hogwarts. It was a matter of experience, you know? I had stuffed it in his mouth and used the moment of surprise to grab his collar and throw him out of our compartment again.

"Bloody idiot." I grumbled, sitting down again.

"What is he thinking about himself? He can't really expect us to help him." said Dominique, rolling her eyes and leaning back against the window.

"Obviously he can. Probably thought that we're 'poor little Gryffindor girls' and that we can't defend ourselves." Godric I was angry now, I can tell you! And now you also see why I didn't like Albus' friends, don't you?

It was every year the same old story. At some time during our trip a random Slytherin – once they also came as a group – came for a 'visit' just to annoy and insult us. In third year, however, I had taken one of Dad's old sockets with me and used them ever since as my personal weapon…as we were not allowed to use magic on the train.

"I'll have to check what Hugo's really doing…Mom would freak out if she received a letter with a complaint even before the next year had properly started." I sighed a minute later and got once again to my feet.

"Okay…I'll take care of our compartment…I hope those snakes don't think about invading us again."

"I'm sure you'll do your best. Keep Albus here if he turns up, will you?"

"Sure. Tell Louis I'll scream at him later if you see him."

"No problem."

Then I went out and was surprised to smell something like a mixture of skunk and troll coming from the compartments in the back part of the train. I recognized it as James' and Fred's famous mixture they had created in their fifth year. It was disgusting…

Grimacing stronger and stronger with every step I took towards those compartments, I searched for my little brother and his partners in crime. I took a brief look in every compartment I came across and eventually saw them hiding near the toilettes.

"How DARE YOU to prank the Slytherins?!" I bellowed and took hold of Hugo's ear. He immediately screamed in pain.

"They deserve, sister!" he moaned.

"Yes, they do! They really do! They insulted Lily when we were still on platform 9 ¾!" said Louis.

I just narrowed my eyes at them. "And that's a satisfying reason for you to pollute the normally good air in this train?! It's not only the Slytherins who you've annoyed now but EVERYONE!"

"Take it easy, Rose! The smell will disappear in a few minutes…well…from the air, not from those gits…" said Lily, trying to defend herself and her cousins.

"I don't care if it's gone in a few minutes! The three of you will have detention. And that's my final decision, no negotiations!" I said with a strong voice and finally let go of my brother's ear.

"You're so mean!" Hugo protested.

"I'm your sister; it's my job to be mean." I retorted, "Go to your compartment now. I don't want to see you outside again except for changing!"

They eventually obeyed and I had time for myself again. So I returned to my compartment where I continued to read my book.


After two hours, Albus finally decided to join us. We hugged and he told us about the attack on the Slytherins again. He was shocked and disappointed that his own sister was one of the attackers. I could understand him…it was quite a shame.

"Do you have a chocolate frog? I really need some sweets now." he asked suddenly.

"You know me; I always have a chocolate frog or two with me." I answered and took one out of my rucksack. They were my favourite sweets.

"Yeah, therefore I asked you. Thanks. Do you want to have the card back?"

"Depends on which one it is."

"Mh…Morgan Le Fay?"

"No, thanks. I already have four of her."

"Okay, so I'll keep it."


"Ah yeah, I have a message." he said, snipping his finger in the air.

"Okay…spill it."

"Prefects Meeting is in…oh, half an hour already."

"…" I shot him a dirty look, "And you remember this NOW? Just in time I'd say, dear cousin! Who left the message?"

"You don't want to know."

"Okay, I already know from that answer. How does he know?"

"Met Madam Laverne on his way back from changing."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Okay…then I'll go, changing as well and then go to the meeting. Don't expect me to be back soon."

"Alright. Have fun." Dom and Al said at the same time.

"You don't have fun on Prefect Meetings, how often do I have to tell you?" I snapped before closing the compartment door behind me.


When I arrived at the compartment in which we usually had this meeting, all the other Prefects were already there…as was Madam Laverne. She was the first one to have this new, interesting *cough* job as 'Intermediary between Prefects and School'. A person who supervises those meetings and tells the Prefects what to do, what was planned for the year coming and she officially appointed the Head Boy and Head Girl.

"I'm sorry…the message that we would meet a bit earlier didn't reach me in time." I excused, giving a particular boy a dead stare. This tall, blond guy with this unnerving smirk. Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy.

"It's okay, Rose. We haven't started yet. But now that everyone's here, we can begin." she said in her strict but also terribly shrill voice.

So I sat down, prepared to listen to everything she was telling us. A piece of paper was lying in my lap and a pencil was put behind my ear, waiting to take notes. I preferred writing with a pencil as long as I wasn't in Hogwarts.

"First of all, welcome and welcome back. You have the honour to be Prefects of your Houses in Hogwarts and thus entitled to more things than normal students are. You may take points from students of your OWN house and give detention to other students as punishment for rule breaking. But you also have obligations. You will have to patrol after curfew and of course see to it every time that all rules are respected.
Talking about your patrols…there'll be a change this year. This year, it is me who fixes you schedules and with whom you patrol. Those settings won't change during the year and are not negotiable."

Some people around me already moaned in dislike. I have to admit, I was also quite sceptical but didn't say or do anything except for drawing a table in which I would write the single pairs and when their turn was.

"So. The pairs will be made within grades. So a 5th year student won't have patrol with for example a 6th year one. Attention please, I'll read them to you now…"

There was one thing you could notice right away while listening to the groups for our 5th year Prefects. The two partners always were from different Houses and never from the same. So it was not possible that I would have the luck to patrol with Daniel, my fellow Gryffindor.

"…and finally, also for the 6th years: Daniel Thomas and Lysander Scamander as well as Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy."

My pencil had already fallen to the ground when Madam Laverne had read out that Daniel was paired with Lysander. Scorpius and I? As Prefect partners? I gasped for air while I could see him straightening up in his seat from the corner of my eye.

"I want another partner, Madam!" he protested.

"This is not negotiable, as I've already told you."

"But Ma'am, this won't work AT ALL!" I said, trying to keep my voice down, "We'd rather kill each other than be able to patrol the whole night!"

"It's not the whole night, Miss Weasley. For you and Mr Malfoy it will be 5 hours every Wednesday, from 9 pm to 1 am and on Sunday from 1 am to 6 am."

"And why, if I may ask, do we have to make two shifts?" I asked as politely as possible.

"As the 5th grades have to prepare for their OWLs and the 7th grades for their NEWTs, we decided to let two pairs of 6th years do two shifts. The other one will be Mr Thomas and Mr Scamander on Monday from 9 pm to 1 am and Friday from 1 am to 6 am."

The expression on our faces told her everything…and nevertheless she grinned.

"People grow with the tasks they were given. Anyway…"


And so the meeting went on. Scorpius and I glared at each other whenever an opportunity occurred and our mood in general was very, very low.

We were allowed to leave at about half past four pm and I immediately stormed off to the compartment I shared with Dominique and hopefully still Albus. I needed someone to scream at and as Dom was a bit…stressed already because of her sister, Al should be my victim…even though he wouldn't understand why I was angry as this ugly git of a Malfoy was his best friend as well.