Author's Notes: Hi everyone! I know some people think this couple is terrible and will never happen and I respect that but if you are one of these people I suggest you get out of here right now cause I have no intension of listening to you whining about how this is a piece of crap and how I'm the sickest person in existence. All right, now everyone has got that message all just go on to say that this idea came to me during Biology when we were looking up pictures of Angiosperms (Plants which that reproduce using flowers) and I found some stunning pictures of cherry blossom trees and I thought that a fic that centred around a sacred cherry tree would be pretty cool Just so everyone knows, This is a poem which basically describes the story to come and before anyone asks, no, I didn't write it and I don't own it. First chapter should be up soon


You Hiding

From innocence

In the mountains where cherry blossoms fall

Was love so pure and silent that your heart dared not to accept the call

We would have danced every dance until there was no distance between dawn and heavens door

You would have drowned in the certainty

That eternity had been ours

Long long before

Silent lotus

Author's Ending Notes:

