So, sorry this took so long to do. I really feel bad that I left everyone hanging after it was almost done. I just didn't really know how I wanted to end it, but after watching some DBZA I decided that I had to write, and that one of things I had to do was to finish this story. I have written some other stories, mainly one shots, so if you want to read something that has an ending, you can always make your way to my profile. Actually, the whole concept of Gohan and Gokuu understanding each other after Gokuu confessed that he killed his Grandpa, I actually made a one shot about it, because its a great idea that I wanted to explore. That is called "Memories Never to Forget" so if you get bored, go read that one shot and let me know what you think.
The Wish
Kaio-sama could have come at a more awkward moment.
Today had been an emotional day, Gohan didn't know how draining all of it really was. Yet, at this moment, the emotion was annoyance. He was positive he had more time. At least fifteen minutes. So much could happen in fifteen minutes.
"It hasn't been three hours," Gokuu let go of his son, glancing over at Kaio-sama.
"I know," Kaio-sama stated, "But since Gohan transformed to his ascended form, the energy took away from his time, unfortunately this means your son has to go."
"Well, Grandson, it was nice to finally meet you," Elder Gohan put a gentle hand on Gohan's shoulder, "Your father told me so much about you, and I am glad I had to chance to see it first hand."
Gohan didn't look up, he knew that he should give a nice smile to his Grandfather, but at part of him didn't want this to be happening. He didn't want to lose his father again. Now, he was going back home, and the reminder that his father was not going to be there was… almost too much to bare.
And now he had to go, now, all of a sudden, with no time to prepare.
"Are you sure he can't stay the whole three hours Kaio-sama?" Gokuu asked, taking a step forward, "It's been so good to see him again."
Kaio-sama shook his head, "I'm sorry Gokuu, but he has to go. Now," Kaio-sama extended his hand, "I'm sorry this is so sudden Gohan, but its time."
Gohan nodded his head, standing up from his spot, his directed his eyes to his Great-Grandfather, and lightly bowed, "It was an honor to meet you." His voice was small, lost.
The elder Gohan bowed back, "Take care my child."
This was the moment, the moment he was not looking forward too, and he knew he had to do it quickly, if he didn't say it, he might be forced to leave without saying anything at all.
He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he did that.
Gohan turned around, lifted his eye towards his father.
His father's eyes looked down at him sternly, not the reaction Gohan was expecting. His father was looking at him as if he was trying to take every detail in. Words were lost to Gohan, he didn't know what to say. He didn't want to go.
There were no more words, not more tears; there was only goodbye now.
Yet, either one of them couldn't say it, either one of them couldn't say goodbye.
His eye unmoving, Gokuu took a step towards his soon. He placed his hand on his son's shoulder, squeezing it. Gohan wanted to say something, he wanted to step forward and embrace his father. He wanted to say so many things, but he didn't know where to start.
Gokuu gave his son a gentle smile, and time froze.
The last image he has of his father was his strong touch, gentle smile, and stern eyes. That was his goodbye.
Suddenly, his father's touch was gone, the smile was gone, his eyes were gone, and Gohan found himself at the gateway between the living and the dead.
His eyes didn't lift; he stared into the spot where his father was at a moment ago. Trying to figure out if this was real.
"I'm sorry it had to be so sudden," Kaio-sama patted the boy on the back, "If I were allowed for you to have more time…"
Gohan blinked, and turned around to face Kaio-sama. He wanted to be sad, he wanted to feel empty, he wanted to go back to the way he was feeling only a few hours ago. Those feelings never surfaced, instead, Gohan's smile grew wide, "Thank you."
Kaio-sama nodded back, "For all that you and your father have done for the universe, I should be thanking you."
"Gohan!" Gohan turned to the sound of his name, Dende smiled at him and walked towards his friend, "How is your father?"
Gohan remembered a time when the mention of his father was painful, now that weight was lifted from his shoulder, he smiled, "Dad is doing great, thanks for asking."
"Good to hear, are you ready to go home?"
Gohan nodded, he walked over to the Guardian of the Earth and placed his hand on his shoulder, and in another instant, and he was back with the living.
Piccolo was waiting for Gohan when suddenly the two teenagers appeared before him. As soon as student laid eyes on his teacher, Gohan couldn't help but to smile, and ran to his teacher.
"Piccolo-san," Gohan stopped in front of Piccolo and bowed his head, "Thank you so much, if it wasn't for you-."
The Namek nodded his head, and instantly could feel the positive energy Gohan was now experience. It had felt like so long since he felt this from his student, "Anything for you kid. Are you okay?
Gohan looked away slightly, as if he was debating the answer. A lot had happened in what felt like a short amount of time. He knew the road to forgiveness would be long. He knew all the disappointment he caused his friends, but, now everything felt different.
I think so, Piccolo-san, but I know I am going to need your help."
I'm always here to help you kid, do you know what you need?" Piccolo asked, placing a hand on his student's shoulder.
"I do, I had to a chance to train with my father and Kaio-sama, I think I might have a way for me to control my power."
Chi-Chi looked over at her clock, the sun was about to set and Gohan had not come home yet.
She wanted to have a feast ready for Gohan when he got home, but she couldn't focus on anything. All she could do is wait, and hope for the best. Hope that Gohan was able to forgive himself, and to finally move on.
"Ma," Chi-Chi directed her eyes toward her son, who was playing on the floor next to her, she smiled at her youngest son, and sat down on the ground next to him.
"Goten, what is it?" She asked playfully, giving him a soft smile.
"Goo-haan," Goten shouted, giggling at the sound of his name, "Goo-haan!"
Chi-Chi smiled, rubbing the top of her son's head playfully, "I miss Gohan-chan too."
As if it was planned perfectly, the front door opened. Chi-Chi and Goten turned their head to see Gohan stepping into the house. He stood by the door, taking off his shoes and placing them neatly by the door.
"Goo-haaaaaan!" Goten screamed, clumsily standing up and running towards his older brother.
Gohan looked up to see his brother running towards him, and in one scoop motion Gohan lifted his brother and held him up in the air, "Hey sport, how was your day?"
Gohan bounced his brother in the air, and all the little one could do was giggle in delight.
Chi-chi watched her sons playing and she couldn't help but to get a little chocked up. Her eldest looked different, it had only been a few hours since she had seen him, but it was as if she was seeing him in a new light.
Gohan glanced over at his mother, and saw the glisten of tears in her eyes. This concerned Gohan, as he placed Goten back on the ground, "Hey sport, why don't you go in the other room and we will play later, okay."
"O. K." Goten smiled and darted pass his mother and ran into the other room.
Gohan and Chi-Chi watched the boy until he was no longer in site, and for a moment, they couldn't look at each other. A lot had happened in the three years since Gokuu was dead, and a lot of what Gohan was going through Chi-Chi didn't know. It wasn't until he made the wish to the dragon that she understood how badly her son was hurting.
She just hopped Gokuu was able to help him in some way.
Chi-Chi lost her train of thought and glanced over towards her son. His head was slightly lowered, but he was looking up at her through strong, sad eyes. He sighed deeply to himself, "I'm sorry."
"Gohan-chan, you don-" before she could say another word her son cut her off.
"I'm trying to get better," Gohan took a step forward, "I—I'm going to train with Piccolo-san so I can control my emotions better. That's why I'm so late. But, but," Gohan looked at his mother, his eyes pleading, "I—I am sorry for everything. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Chi-Chi closed the distance between her and her son and wrapped her hands around him. Gohan took a deep breath in, wrapping his arms around his mother. He tried not to shed any tears, he thought he had used up all his tears, but water still appeared under his eyelids, the salty water started to trail down his cheeks. It just couldn't be helped.
"My son, it's okay," Chi-Chi rubbed her child's back, letting him let out his emotions, "Its all going to be okay.
"Sometimes I don't know," Gohan admitted, "But I am promise I will try. I'll try this time mother."
Chi-chi separated herself from her son, and lightly whipped the tears way from his eyes, "I'm always here for you, and we'll get through anything. As a family."
Gohan nodded, and the two stood in silence. The wounds in his heart were starting to heal, they would make it out okay.
Finally, Gohan broke the silence, "I met Great-Grandpa Gohan today."
Chi-Chi's eyes widen, "Wow, really?"
Gohan shook his head, "I couldn't really talk to him for too long, but he was an amazing man, just like Dad had said."
Chi-Chi gave a warm smile at the mention of her late husband, "How is my Gokuu-sa doing?"
"Dad is doing great, I'm really happy I got to see him," Gohan looked down, smiling to himself, "I really miss him, but, I dunno," Gohan paused for a moment, before looking back up at his mother, "After seeing him, I feel like everything is going to be okay."
Chi-Chi couldn't help but to get chocked up, looking at her son she couldn't help but to see the strong man that he was becoming. She knew that he would be okay, maybe not today, but one day.
"You have to tell me everything," Chi-Chi looped her arm around her son's arm, "Come, let me find us something to eat as you tell me everything.
Gohan nodded as both of them made their way into the other room, "When I first got that, Kaio-sama didn't tell Dad that I was coming, so it was a complete surprise. I think he thought that I might have died."
"Oh, your poor father."
"I don't think that Dad would be so easily fooled."
They broke out in a laugh.
As the sun started the set, and the forest slowly fell into the darkness of the night. A small little house sat in the center of the woods, with the lights on.