Hello all. I'm glad to be back. I missed all of you faithful reviewers :). This story would probably be a lot less successful with out you. I don't hope to offend any Catholics/Christians in this chapter. I myself am one. For anyone who doesn't know the significance of the stigmata, their official meaning to the Catholic Church is rather...odd. They represent those who have been forsaken by God. That they've been shunned from the community because of their wrongs. This should help explain more of the Noah's hatred for God and the Crystal.

My thanks to my beta Espeon16.


"She's going to die, Mana. The Earl or one of the others will kill her. Allen, while technically part Noah, is more human. Humans are afraid of Noah. Once she Awakens, Elizabeth will be afraid enough to want to kill her. I won't be there to stop her, brother."

"Goodbye Neah."

End Dream sequence...


But when she learned of the real secrets behind the bible, she would realize they were right. People had changed all the book's gruesome secrets so they would hypnotize the next generation into the 'perfection' of the Catholics. It had worked so well that no one even knew the original words anymore. They were lost to the sands of time.

Tyki came to a stop under a tree. Marveling at its beauty, he lightly stroked the bark. If only there were more of the pure beings. They really only existed within animals and plants. Humans were a corrupted breed and nothing could ever change that. It was a fact, nothing more or less.

Sighing, Tyki decided to take a small nap under the tree to pass the time.

The Final Dream of Neah Walker, the First Noah of Balance...

Standing in inky black darkness was a figure cloaked in white. Upon closer inspection, he had wavy brown hair, golden eyes, and dull gray skin. Seven stigmata lined his forehead, slightly bleeding while he clutched his forehead in pain.

Three voices spoke around him.

Voice 1: "You have a particular purpose in this world. The last one we sent to create the Balance did nothing but create more violence when He let Him know his worst secret. Noah was the worst problem we've come across. You are the final memory he left, but you were underdeveloped. In turn, your memory was left sitting in the Ark. Nothing more than a shell."

Voice 2: "We took the shell and filled it in. Before He died, Noah simply hadn't developed you. So, we finished you. We need the Balance, or the world, as the humans know it, will turn to nothing. Do whatever it takes to restore Order. We don't care even if you go along with the other Noah and kill the entire human race off and recreate it. Just do what has to be done."

Voice 3: "The world is fading, we cannot allow Fate to allow the world to be destroyed. For now, we will take our leave, Noah of Balance..."

End Dream Sequence...

In the Black Ark...

Fluttering her eyes open, Allen let them readjust to the light shining in the room. Suddenly, a shadow appeared over her.

"Ooohh. She's awake!"

It was Road, the blue hair unmistakable in the blinding glare of the lights.

"I better go get Tyki! He'll want to know she's awake. Lero! Stay here and keep an eye on her."

With that, the small girl rushed out of the room in a hurry, leaving a confused Lero in her wake.

"Lady Road, where are you going, lero?"

There was no reply from Road, and instead Lero heard an indistinct groan from Allen.

"Ughhh. I feel as if an elephant stepped on me. What happened?"

Frightened, Lero started panicking while he waited for Road to come back.

With Tyki...

"Tyki! Wake up! C'mon, we need to go back home! Something important happened!"

"Woah, Road, calm down. What's got you so excited?"

"It's Her, Tyki, she woke up!"

Taking a second to realize what she meant, the Noah of Pleasure broke out in a grin. His little exorcist had awoken, had she? No more waiting around then.

"Then open a door Road, what are you waiting for?"

Squealing, his niece opened a door and bounded inside. Following after her, Tyki saw that she was sitting on the bed in the room with a white haired person. Said person looked lost, a bit out of it.

"What's happening?" the person asked.

"Welcome home, 14th. We've missed you." Tyki took off his hat and bowed at his waist in a traditional greeting.

Then, the person's eyes snapped open with surprise.

"What?!" she screeched.

"Welcome home Allen, my little exorcist."