BoonDocks FanFiction
Carina Hawkins Presents:
Chapter 1: Bad boys ain't no good. Good boys ain't no fun
Once again, Huey found himself caught in another feud between Granddad and Riley. He could feel a pulsing in his brain that was growing by the minute. With every unintelligent word that emerged from between their lips, Huey grew more and more irritated. 'Pathetic...' The afro boy sighed, exhaling a breath he forgot he was holding.
"Granddad, I want Cindy to sleep over!" Riley shouted at his Grandfather from the couch.
"Boy, are you deaf?" Granddad started. "I said no! Lord only knows what kind of sick things you two end up doin' when your brother and I ain't around." Crossing his arms over his chest, he closed his slightly aching eyelids.
"We don't do shit Granddad!" Riley looked away from his PSP in order to shout.
"Boy, watch your mouth!" Placing his wrinkled hand on his belt buckle as a warning, he glared over to the boy laying on the couch.
You would think that at Riley's age, he would have discovered what female's were for in the first place. But then again, even at seventeen, Riley was clueless. Huey's chocolate brown eyes scanned over the words on the pages of his book silently. After almost twenty years of the yelling, he had taught himself to block out the duncing noise around him.
"Actin' like you ain't got no idea about girls," Robert started in a mumbled voice. "Shoot, I was at your age boy."
Riley looked back to the screen of his PSP and rolled his eyes. "Yeah right, like the time you went to Cost Rica to get them sexy ass Spanish bitches?" A chuckle emerged from Riley's mouth as he spoke. "Ya right Granddad, you fo' sho'." Granddad shook his head in anger and annoyance.
"Shut up boy." He sighed. Riley continued to laugh as if he hadn't heard his grandfather.
Shutting his book with a loud CLAP, Huey stood, tucking the blackish colored object under his right arm. It was secured in between his waist and his forearm. He began to walk out of the living room until he was stopped by the sound of his grandfather's voice.
"Boy, where you goin'?" Noticing Huey had walked away, it racked his brain a bit why.
"...Out." After a short pause, he finally spoke only one word. Continuing his stride, he placed his book on the dining room table. Looking up and out of the window, he noticed a moving truck with the words 'Do it yourself!' in large, black letters painted on the side he could see. Scrunching his black, wavy eyebrows together, he squinted slightly looking for what house across the street was being taken. For all he had known, nothing in Wood crest was available besides Thugnificent's mansion and a random, white house a couple spaces down from it. After a few minutes of silence and spying, the doorbell ringing sound flooded throughout the house like a plague. This sound was followed by a few more seconds of silence then another 'ding-dong'.
"Boy!," Robert yelled from the living room. "Get the damn door!"
Sighing with heavy angst, Huey walked over to the large white door and pulled it open like it was air. Sunlight filled a few inches of the house from ceiling to floor and beyond. The summer breeze sent chills down his spin and ran by him.
"Hi!" Two perfectly harmonized, female voices sang.
Huey stared in awe at the two teenage females standing before him. Eying them, he noticed one with a fair, not pale, complexion. He had raven black hair that was pulling around the back of her neck and braided over her slender shoulder. Her black bangs were combed to the side which made it nearly impossible to see her right eye. Though with the eye he could see, he noticed she had piercing emerald eyes that shot right through him as she stared back. The inappropriate places of her body were shielded by clothing. Covering her chest and torso was a skin tight, black, short sleeved shirt with a drop down neck line. This made her neck look slightly longer but so much more gorgeous. Around her hips was a semi short, dark blue skirt. The green eyed girl's waist was small but not to small and her hips were a good size to say the least. As Huey examined her more, he noticed her white knee high socks and the black boot like heels that gave her emphasis on her height. This girl wasn't taller than Huey. In fact, she was about three inches shorter than him which made him feel a bit better.
Switching his brown eyes to the other girl, he felt his heart stop for a moment. This girl wasn't anything like the other. The female's skin was more of a tanned or sun kissed complexion. She also had black hair but hers was wavy and ran down her back like a waterfall. On the right side of her head, was a gathering of a bunch of black strands that were tied at the bottom. A few strands of midnight hair hung over her forehead but that didn't stop Huey from noticing her light, brown eyes that were similar to his own. Scanning over her body as if she was a book, he noticed as well that her style was different from the girl that was standing beside her. Covering only her chest, was what was left of what looked to have been a white tee shirt. It looked to have been cut just below her bust line. This made it easier to see her tanned torso. She had a tiny waist but thick, luscious hips that would make any man scream. And that's exactly what was happening to Huey. His head was screaming as he stared. She had a toned body, a belly button that went in and had a piercing above it, and a dark beauty mark that was stationed above, and to the left of her female abs. Her pelvic lines were easily noticeable due to the hem line of her light blue, baggy, man jeans sliding lower and lower with each passing minute. Her height was shorter than that of Huey's and the other girl but that didn't bother him.
"Excuse me but we just moved in across the street." The girl with the piercing green eyes said politely.
Shacking his head in order to clear his dirty mind, huey looked her. his large, dark brown afro stopped moving as soon as he did. Opening his mouth slightly, he wanted to speak but found that no words were able to escape his gorgeous lips.
"I'm Lala Hunter and this is my twin sister Seani Hunter." The tanned female said smiling.
"I'm Huey Freeman..." He finally spoke his words. They sounded like heaven. The girls looked at him scanning over him as he had done previously to them. They noticed his very large, dark brown afro, his chocolate brown eyes, and his brownish colored complexion. That was all they were able to see due to him wearing a dark blue hoodie, in the middle of summer, and the blue jeans he was wearing.
"It's nice to meet you Huey." Once again, Lala and Seani said in perfect comparison. They reached out their hands to him. Lala her right and Seani her left. Huey stopped for a minute, then realizing what he was supposed to do next, he slowly reached for their hands but was stopped when Riley and Robert Freeman interrupted by shoving Huey harshly to the side.
"Well hello there cutie-pies!" Robert said eying the girls as if they were candy. "My name is Robert Freeman. And you are?" He reached for their hands and began to shake them ever so gently. As if they were precious porcelain dolls.
"Yea' and my name's lil Reezy but you can call me Riley." Riley said latching onto the girl's hands as soon as his grandfather released them. He grinned that the beautiful girls before him pushing his wavy eyebrows together slightly.
"Well, what are you two cutie-pie's doin' standing out there in the cold, come on in!" Robert exclaimed and stood to the side, pulling Riley by the back of his white wife beater top.
Stepping into the house, they navigated around using only their eyes. "But Mr. Freeman, it's ninety-eight degrees outside." Seani spoke softly as Riley closed the door behind them when they were safely inside. For a good minute or so, they stood by the door until they heard music playing in, what they thought was, the living room.
"Let me lick you up and down till you say stop
Let me play with your body, baby, make you real hot
Let me do all the things you want me to do
'Cause tonight, baby, I wanna get freaky with you"
The two girl's looked at each other in discomfort until Robert can back out from where he was hidden and handed each girl a glass of orange juice. Smiling, they raised their glasses to each other and giggled, taking sip after sip of the tart drink. Riley and Huey eyed the girl's their grandfather was seducing. Leaning over to his equality tall brother, Riley whispered "Yo this ain't right man...Granddad taken all the bitches."
Rolling his eyes, Huey whispered back "Riley, not all girls are bitches..we're talking twenty..twenty five percent tops."
"Boys!" Huey and Riley stood straight and glared at them. "Let's go take these two beautiful girl's on a tour of each room in the house."
Nearly spitting out their juice, they swallowed harshly shaking their beautiful heads. "N-No it's okay , that's not necessary at all, really." Lala exclaimed with a smile. "Besides, we have to get back to unpacking before school tomorrow, we start WCCC in the mornin'."
Smiling, Robert gently took the empty glasses from them and shrugs "Suit yourselves."
Lala walked up to Huey and pushed her hand toward him. "It was nice meeting you Huey Freeman." Her voice was soothing and indescribable in his mind. Reaching outward, he gently grasped her soft, small hand and watched her with an expressionless face. Doing something he didn't want to, he released her hand and watched as she turned and walked away from him. He eyed her from her head to her feet. Riley looked at Huey. As soon as the door shut with a soft 'click', Riley started to chuckle like mad.
"Yo nigga, you got a crush on the new hoe in town!" Riley wrapped his arms around his own belly and laughed until her finally fell to the ground.
"Riley, shut yo dumb ass up." Huey hissed and stepped over the laughing boy on the wooden floor. He would walk up the right hand side of the staircase and navigated into his room that he shared with his annoying little brother.
Turning her head slightly toward her sister, Seani grinned like a mad person. "I think that cute boy with the afro like you Lala." Nudging her sister's arm gently, she would giggle.
"He does not, he was just..being...uh..friendly." Lala pulled her arm out of her sister's way then returned the nudges. "Besides, he probably has a girl."
Shaking her head, Seani rolled her eyes and walked up the steps to the front door but before she opened it, she turned and looked at her brown eyed sister. "Talk to him," She nodded her head toward the Freeman house. "Get to know him, and then ask if he's got a girl." The grin she had earlier had not vanished once.
Lala sighed and rolled her eyes then glared at her sister. "Fine, I will," She started. "But if he has a girlfriend, I'm throwing you in the river and leaving you there to drown." She threatened and pushed by her sister pushing the door open revealing boxes upon boxes everywhere.
"Dad, we're back and I think our neighbor across the street is is pedo!" Lala shouted in order to find her father.
"Dad!" Seani shouted after her.
Seani walked into the crowded kitchen and say a shadow by the sink. "D-Dad?" She said with a shaky voice. Suddenly, she came face to face with a sharp chef's knife. A scream sounded and echoed around the house.
Lala, who was up stairs, ran as fast as she could down. She skipped every other step in order to get to the kitchen faster. "SEANI ARE Y-" She stopped seeing her father and her sister laughing hysterically at the situation. "You two need to quit the damn games before someone really gets hurt!" Lala shouted and stomped away. She walked toward the door and walked out into the open fresh air kissed her skin gently. Slamming the door behind her, she sat down on the last step that led to the ground and sighed. "Hate when they do that." She spoke through gritted teeth. Looking around the street, she only saw Huey, Riley and another girl she hadn't seen before. She was as skinny as a twig with a pale complexion to her skin. Her hair was a caramel color and was tied in two large puff balls that sat on either side of her head. She was latched onto Huey's left arm like she was drowning. Rolling her eyes, Lala looked away with a semi angry look slashed on her beautiful face. "Hmph." Noticing her, Huey and Riley dragged the other girl along with them across the street until they were standing in front of her.
"Ey there girl!" Riley smirked at her.
"Hey Lala." Huey added on.
Lala didn't look at them for a few moments. She stood the faked a perfect smile. "Hey guys." She said looking at them then to the girl holding onto Huey. Within a split second, it seemed as if the air around them got heavier. Their eyes met and an electric shot ran down both Riley and Huey's spines causing them to jump a little.
"Yyyyyeah...well, this is Jaz-"
"I know damn well who she is. Jazmine Dubois." She spat her name as if it were acid burning through her tongue.
Jazmine stared at her for a moment with a glare. "Lala Hunter, welcome to Wood crest." Her tone was a but cocky. "I see you met my best friend's Riley and Huey."
"Yes,I have in fact." The tension between them got heavier.
"Anyway, we'd love to stay and chat, but we have to-" Just as soon as Jazmine was about to finish her sentence, Seani walked out from the door.
"Hey Lala I-" As soon as she looked up and say Riley, she blushed a bit then shook it away. "Dad wants our help unpacking." Crossing her arms over her chest, she swayed her hips to one side and glared at the girl. "Jazmine Dubois, what a damn shock." She said in a hushed tone. "So this is where your skinny ass has been hiding, right here in Wood crest."
Jazmine smirked at the twins and rolled her eyes. "Pa-lease, don't act so shocked to see me Seani." Turning around, Huey was forced to turn as she did. "Well, goodbye girls!" She faked her friendly tone. Riley took one last glance at Seani. She waved at him, blushing, and biting her lower lip. He would wave slowly and run after his bother.
"Ey yo wait up Nigga!" He shouted while running.
As soon as their figures faded away, Lala looked up at her twin with a smirk. Seani smirked back. Taking a deep breath, they looked back over to the direction where they last saw the Freeman boys. "I think living in Wood going to be funner than i originally thought." Lala said grinning more.
"I couldn't agree more Lala," Seani watched the sunset for a few minutes. "I couldn't agree more." After the sun had completely drained their new town of light, they walked back inside to help unpack what was left in the mountains of boxes.