I have an animal crossing GCN game and my best friend on there is Hazel. Everyone(the animal citizens) else had left and were replaced with new ones. But Hazel always stayed. Even if she was programmed and could not realize how close we were. She could not tell but I had always felt as if she was my best friend. I mailed her letters, and sent her presents a lot. But not to long ago, I found out she had left. And when an animal leaves your town, it gets reset.

When I found out that she had left I was devistated. It's weird to make such a fuss over something programmed isn't it? But I really felt like I had lost a friend that day so I am making this story in her honor. Enjoy.

I do not own animal crossing.

It had been many years since she had left… We never knew this would happen… It started just a few months after she left us… The flowers wilted and died, trees stopped bearing fruit, it rained almost everyday, and then, the weeds came… Those wretched things, I hate them! They grew everywhere, taking over the whole town. Tom nook's store went from top store to rock bottom. The town funds had disappeared… Everyone started to move away. Calling this town an awful place… I scolded them, saying that maybe if they'd of helped…

She would still be here…

I miss her… She visited me everyday, always to make sure if I was okay… and now she is gone. In her honor, I will tell you the story of an amazing person. She… Well I don't want to ruin it for you.

My neighbor, Tank, was packing up to leave. He was walking to the bus stop and I went up to him.

"Why are you leaving?" I said.

"Would you look at this dump? I mean, there are no flowers, just weeds, no fruit, just weeds, hell, even Nook is leaving!" He said.

"Maybe if we weren't such lazy idiots and worked together, we could restore this place!" I said.

"Hazel, look around. There is no hope for this place."

"Yes there is! Kayla kept this place in shape all by HERSELF!" I snapped.

"Then maybe she shouldn't have left!" He snapped back. "Ever since she left us, the town went in ruin! She just selfishly left us!" Something inside me snapped.

"HER MOTHER WAS DYING! What else could she do?! Just stay here and not do anything?!" I screamed. Tank was shocked.

"Her, mother?" he whispered. The bus pulled up and the door had opened. "I…I never knew… it was her mother…" He said in a sad voice. In my rage, I had forgotten that Kayla had only told me why she left. Tank got on the bus and waved goodbye.

Another one had left. Only I, Nibbles, Chief, Olivia, and Yuka remain. I visit the others only to find that they are leaving as well. Even, Nook, Pelly, the Mayor, and Blathers were leaving. The only reason I stay is because, I hope that one day, she will come back…

Knock Knock!

"Hazel, are you in there?" I heard Nibbles knocking on my door as I got up to answer her. I opened the door and came out. Nibbles gasped and said, "Hazel! Are you sick?" She was obviously noting the purple swirls around my head. Our emotions or well-being can trigger an atmospheric change around us, cause out emotions to literally show.

"Have your come here to give me some medicine? Of course NOT! Kayla was the only one who would go out of her way to help the animals around here!" I snapped.

Nibbles looked at me with sad eyes and said, "Hazel, you really miss her don't you?"

Tears came out of my eyes as I said, "Yes! Yes! I miss her so much! I only stay in this wretched place because I only hope she will come back someday!" Nibbles hugged me as I cried. I could feel her tears soaking my head fur but I didn't care.

All I wanted was for Kayla to come back… More than anything in the world… I wanted her back…

I kept crying until Nibbles spoke up and said, "Yuka left… I'm sorry…" Besides Kayla, Yuka was all I had left… Yuka had come here a snooty and uncaring animal, but Kayla had turned her into kind and loving one. She had felt the same way towards Kayla as I did, even if Kayla and I were closer, she did not care me and her were best friends as well. I cried deeper and heavier than ever before...

I had lost another friend.

For all I know they might as well be dying because once they had left the town, they never came back. They never sent letters, they never came to visit, and I realized…

What about the animals I had left?

What about them? Before I came here, I left a town called Anicali. I had a friend there named Rod, and one named Joey. I also had a great friend named Sydney. We were great friends. How did she feel when I left her? I gasped and backed away from Nibbles.

"Hazel? Hazel what's wrong?" Nibbles said. I fell down to the ground and broke into tears crying.

"I left her… Just like how… Yuka left me…" I said.

"Hazel…" I looked up at Nibbles who held out a paw. She clearly did not know what I was talking about, but she knew I was suffering.

She helped me up and I said, "Thank you Nibbles. You being here has made me feel better." Nibbles nodded and went back to her home and I stayed in my house, thinking more about Anicali.

I remember how unkind I was before I came there, and a kid named Kyle had brought me some medicine when I was sick. I turned over a new leaf. I became good friends with Sydney not best friends, but good ones. Kyle had left the town but a girl named Avan took care of the town. I noticed a change in Sydney's mood, but she was still the same. Eventually, I left. I didn't even tell her I had left. Thinking back on it now I feel a deja vu… then it hit me. I had left her in the same way Yuka left me.

I cried once more realizing what I had done to Sydney.

Author's notes: I miss you so much Hazel...