Adventure time belongs to Pen Ward

The Ice King paced back and forth across his icy floor, pondering his upcoming birthday. It wasn't just every day you turned 1049 of course. The icy monarchs loyal penguin Gunter sat on a chair, watching the white old man.

"What am I to do Gunter?" he asked, "It's my birthday tomorrow and I haven't even sent out the invitations yet".


"What do you mean no one would come anyway?"


"I do to have friends"


"Good point"

The Ice King sighed.

"Your right Gunter, even though I hate to admit it, no one would come to a party I host. Not even Finn and Jake."

Suddenly the Ice Kings eyes grew very bright.

"Unless… of course!" The Ice King grinned earnestly.

"Whack?" Gunter asked.

"It's the perfect plan Gunter. By the end of tomorrow I will have had the best birthday ever."

The Ice King jumped for joy before running from the room. Gunter shrugged and began to drink from a potion goblet labeled "Gunter, DO NOT TOUCH!".