Another one of the three Dick/Tim stories. This one also inspired by Heartslogos from tumblr.

I hope ya'll like it. :D

Once upon a time, Dick remembers Tim being all bony arms and knobby knees. Skinny colt-legs and bones sticking out every-which way like a walking porcupine.

But now- as Tim casually sheds his clothes- Dick can't help but think woah.

He sees nothing of that skinny kid in this man before him. No, not with the sinuous muscle underneath skin, the lean and powerful stretch of thighs, and the curve of his calf and the bend of his knee.

Like a walking dream.

Dick was not going to let this moment pass. He throws down the blanket he was using and rushes toward Tim. Tim lets out of soft giggle as Dick unexpectedly lifts him and gently slams him on his bed.

Still smiling, Tim rolls his eyes, "What are you doing -" Tim's sentence transforms into a moan as Dick bites and kisses his bare neck.

"You look so beautiful that I couldn't resist." Dick sucks on Tim's flesh, his skin still damp from his recent shower. "You're like the ugly duckling."

Tim laughs, he puts his hands on Dick's bare chest and pushes him off, "If you want to make love to someone, I recommend you don't call them an ugly duckling." he sits up, and runs his hand through his wet hair. "It ruins the mood."

"But you are." Dick embraces Tim tightly before he can make it off the bed, "I remember when I first met you and you were this tiny little stalker -"

"Dick, shut up." Tim teases Dick by kissing him on the lips to silence him, "I've got to go change clothes, we can play around later."

Dick whines in protest, "But Tim -"

Tim shakes his head, tiny droplets of water sprinkle over his pale skinned shoulders, "Are you saying that I'm not going to be beautiful later?" he gives Dick another kiss, this time on the tip of his nose.

Red Robin stands at the edge of the building, his eyes shift from the quiet streets below to the glimmering stars. It was clear night. The wind is sweet against his soft face, its playful fingers stroking his cheeks. He spreads his arms open, he can feel the air catch in his wings. He is about to jump off the building and soar.

Suddenly, Nightwing steps behind him, he mocks jokingly , "You really are the ugly duckling that became a swan."

Tim rolls his eyes, and steps around, "Seriously, Nightwing?"

Nigtwing wraps his arm around Red Robin's back, and pulls him into his chest. He lays a kiss on his forehead, "Be safe, I'll see you at the cave tonight."

Back at the cave Dick discretely watches as Tim undresses out of his uniform and into more comfortable clothes. However, nothing is to discreet to Tim, who catches him just as he's about to step out of the lower half of his costume.

"Dick, are you just going to stare at me every time I change clothes?"

"Yeah." Dick throws on his shirt, and waits for Tim to finish so the pair could go up to one of their rooms.

"You have an erection." Tim states, his eyes spot the rise in Dick's pants "You should hide that before -"

"Grayson!" Damian stomps his way into the changing area.

Dick grabs a towel and holds it up to his penis. He hopes his man parts soften up soon, and it should since Damian is here.

"Yeah?" Dick asks, he tries his best to ignore Tim who is half naked and gorgeous. "Wh-what's wrong Damian?"

"I want you to be Batman again!" Damian rants. "Father doesn't let me do anything!"
Tim smirks to himself and with a playful wave to his lover, he sneaks out and leaves Dick to counsel Damian. Instead of going to his room, he goes to Dick's.

Tim knows Dick has been having a rough day. He takes off all his clothes, lays on the bed, and waits.

More Notes: I originally had planned this to be a more graphic and sexual fic, but then it went somewhere else. :P I have no idea what I'm doing. XD