Prince Gumball stared at Fionna and Fire Prince.

"That's why you two can't be together!" He said.

Fionna's face was burnt. Fire Prince barely made it out alive, Fionna was starting to wonder why Cake had even introduced her to Fire Prince in the first place. But it wasn't really introduced in the first place, she had gotten herself into this, and she knew it.

"I'm sorry, PG" She said.

"Don't let something like this happen again" He looked at us then turned away and started to talk to Cake.

"Listen, He's right" Fire Prince said.

"Wha- what do you mean?" Fionna said as she looked into his fiery eyes.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore and you know I can. So now I'd like to stay far away from you. For your own protection and the protection of Aaa." He said.

He could be pretty noble when he wanted to be.

"But, I, I thought that you… liked me." Fionna started to cry.

"I can't even make you feel better by hugging you. Fionna, it's for the best." He started to act fidgety.

"What's wrong?" She started to get suspicious.

"Fine, I just don't want to be with somebody that I can barely even be with. That's it!" He said.

Fionna cried and ran back to Cake.

They talked for a second then Gumball and Fionna got on Cake's back and headed to the treehouse.

"Hey guys?" Prince Gumball asked.

"What is it Gumball?" Cake asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Could you drop me by the Candy Kingdom, I don't want to bother you. Fionna probably wont want me there and I just think it would be better." He said.

Fionna didn't even look at him. She didn't want to look at anything.

"Yes, Gumball." Cake set him down just outside his castle and kept on to the treehouse.


"Fi?"Marshall Lee The Vampire King stared into Fionna's deep blue eyes. "Are you ok?"

He had floated in her bedroom window just seconds before he saw how sad she looked. She was laying on her side with her eyes closed tight. He could tell that she had been crying, and he shouldn't have woken her up, but he had to find out what was wrong. He had to help her.

"No, I'm not." She said.

Marshall had never seen her so sad.

"Tell me what happened, Bunny." He loved calling her Bunny. She usually said something, but not today.

"I don't want to talk about it. " Fionna said.

"Then let's play a game." He said.

"I'm not in the mood, Marsh." Fionna rolled over to her other side so that she didn't have to look at Marshall lee.

"Good. I'll explain the rules." He sat down on the bed and sighed. "If I guess why you're crying in four guesses then I win and you have to tell me EXACTLY what happened. If I don't win then I will go home and let you tell me when you tell me. But either way I get to know."

"But what if I don't want to tell you?" Fionna asked.

"Bunny, you tell me everything. Literally. Last week you told me how you stubbed your toe on the bed in the dark." Marshall stated matter-of-factly.

"Ok, Marsh, I'll play the game."

"Is it about Bubba?"


"Did Cake or GMO do anything?"


"Was it me?"


"Oh… That fire boy, huh?"

There wasn't any answer. Just sobs from Fionna.

"Oh, Bunny." Marshall scooted next to Fionna and put a hand on her shoulder.

She sat up and hugged him.

"You still want me to tell you?" She said.

"You don't have to if you can't" Marshall grabbed her bunny hat and shoved it onto his head.

"No, I promised" Fionna said. She was always heroic, even when she was upset.

"So Cake told me that Gumball was jealous of me and Fire Prince so I didn't listen to him when he told me I can't be with him. But… something happened. And now he told me he didn't want to risk it. And I can't" She lost it and started crying again.

"Fionna, I'm so sorry. I hope Everything turns out ok. I… I really care about you" He said.

Stupid. He thought. I shouldn't have said it like that.

"I know, Marsh, but I just don't know what to do" She said.

"I could beat him up for you" He laughed.

"I would love if you did that, and give me back my hat too." She reached for it but he floated away.

He laughed at her. "See, I knew I could make you feel better!"

Cake walked in right as Marshall was floating near the door.

"Marshall Lee! Get out of here you dirty, filthy vampire!" Cake yelled. She was still afraid of him.

"Alright Cake, I'll leave. Just wanted to cheer my Bunny up, that's it." He put the bunny hat on Fionna's head as he floated out the window he came in from.

"Why was HE here?" Cake got all defensive.

"He was just cheering me up, and I thought you didn't mind him anymore." Fionna said as she got out of bed and walked over to Cake.

"I only mind him when he's messing with my girl." Cake smiled.