Hello People! I'm so excited to write this Fax story. Though there will be many cliché's but I can't think of non cliché stuff right now! So sorry if you don't like all the cliché's.

Fang: You just said 'cliché' a total of 3 times.

Me: Your point?

Fang: I thought you hated cliché's

Me: Can't they're fun, yet at times annoying….

Fang: Why are you so complicated?

Me: Because I have to live with you. Well before this gets ugly here's the story!


It's three weeks before Christmas and everyone is driving me INSANE! Let's see what everyone wants from me or wants to do:

Angel: Christmas Shopping

Nudge: Decorate/Shop

Gasman: Make Bombs

Iggy: Me(don't ask)

Fang: ...

Hmm I think Fang is the only want that doesn't want anything. But I do need to go get presents for everyone, and myself. What?! A girl can't get herself something for Christmas!

"Guys, go get shoes and coats on we're going shopping" I mumbled walking into the living room. I got 3 cheers Ella (when'd she get here?) Angel, and Nudge, I got 2 sighs and a boat load of cussing from Iggy which earned him a slap upside the head from yours truly.

Five minutes later everyone had coats and shoes on –had to throw a shoe at Iggy then get it back somehow- we were on our way to the mall. Fang flew over silently to me and no one said anything. I enjoyed the silence while it lasted.

"So why are you going to the mall without a fight?" Fang asked looking over at me

"I don't know I guess I just wanted those three to shut up, and when did Ella get here?" I said pointing at Angel and Nudge and Ella being carried by Iggy

"Ah, and Ella showed up while you were in the kitchen."

"Oh" Cue more silence

I was enjoying the silence just thinking about what to get everyone when I heard an explosion and got thrown into Fang's chest. I looked around and immediately saw nothing but a cloud of smoke and two pyro bird kids high-five. They were SO dead! I started to fly over to them when someone grabbed my and spun me around. I was staring straight into Fang's beautiful and amazing eye's. Wait Maximum Ride is not soft and mushy please regard the beautiful and amazing part.

"Don't do something you're gonna regret." Fang was staring at me when he said this then I noticed how close we were so I backed up a little.

"I won't" With that and spun around and about punch Iggy when something hit me in the head hard. And then I blacked out.


I saw Max start to plummet to the ground so I tuck my wings in and soared down to catch her. When I caught her, her eyes fluttered open.

"What happened?" I was really concerned considering no one was around other than us for her to get hit.

"I got hit in the head by something." Max started looking around for the nonexistent fight going on

"No you couldn't have no one's around."

"Are you sure?"

"Yah" Max jumped out of my arms and started flying towards the mall, everyone followed me behind Iggy and Gazzy smacking both of them upside the head for setting off that bomb.


Me: There you go chapter one of "A Christmas Called Fax"! Hope you liked it!

Fang: You do that to much

Me: Yah I do

Fang: SHE ADMITTED IT! *punches air*

Me: Okay then… well if you want to review tell me how I did 3 I don't know why there's a heart but there is so deal with it.