The days are long. Today feels like an endless fog. I walk into work with my usual grim look. There really isn't much to smile about now. Not since my wife single handedly destroyed my life. Work. Work makes it easier. I walk into the building knowing that it is the only thing that holds me from the brink of destruction.

"Good Morning Mr. Grey," says Sally my lower level secretary as she flashes her please-take-me-now smile at me. I can't help but smirk. This twisted little blonde child doesn't want me; not after all the damage that has been done. But still... it is fun to play.

Taking a step too close I look her deep in the eyes and whisper good morning. Then once I am sure she has lost all breath in her body, I turn abruptly and walk into the elevator. Pshh please. My wife and I may not being seeing much of each other but I wouldn't risk losing her to this cheap thrill.

Anastasia and I argued this morning -like every other morning. She hasn't been seeing the therapist or attending her meetings. And she has the nerve to be angry at me for telling Taylor to follow her and insure she makes it there. I can't keep doing this; coming home to find various liquor bottles on the floor, my wife nowhere to be found. Our room is always thrashed and the new maid is too frightened to come outside of her room. Taylor moved our last beloved maid out months ago, claiming that in one Ana's drunken stupors she had gotten violent. We moved out of the house and back into the penthouse in hopes that it would ease her pain but it has done very little.

Sometimes I am so torn between anger and guilt that I don't know which to feel. Ana says I am cold to her, and she is right. I can't, though I try, muster anything else. She has taken away my time to mourn by throwing herself into this downward spiral. Nothing has been or ever will be the same.

The sunshine is dull and the rain clouds are smothering. Music is annoying and laughter is painful. My only joy anymore is waking up every morning, putting on my suit and coming to work; so that I can fight to feed and nurture other people's children instead of my own.

After reaching the top floor I walk straight past the main desk into my office.

"Oh! Mr. Grey," fumbles Anita. I stop abruptly, sigh and turn to face her. "Umm." She says picking up on my peeved demeanor. "There are a few young ladies here up for your head secretary position." Head secretary? What is this nonsense? I frown. Suddenly her frigid expression is replaced with irritation. "I'm leaving Mr. Grey. I told you last month that I would be leaving at the end of this week and I would set up interviews of replacements for you."

"I am a very busy man Ms. Adams. I do not pretend to know or even care about the doings of my staff." I snap, in truth a little embarrassed that I forgot. Her face immediately drops and there is hurt behind her eyes. She is like a puppy that has been reprimanded. I can practically see the tail between her legs. For Christ sake woman you are grown. Take it like an adult.

"Fine. Send them in as they arrive..." I trail as I walk briskly into my office, fighting the urge to scoff; when suddenly I am curious. "Anita, why are you leaving?" I say loud enough so she can hear me in the lobby as I take a seat across the vast office space and into my desk.

Slight hesitation.

"I'm pregnant sir." My heart drops. "My husband and I are expecting our first child." Thank God she cannot see the twisted expression on my face. I suddenly feel bad for being so rude to her.

"Congratulations." My voice is barely above a whisper. I look out the window towards the angry clouds and sit in silence; wishing for the first time that I could see the sky and perhaps catch a glimpse of the heavens above.

My mood: murderous. The lunch meeting I had with the investors went horribly. No one wants to spend money to help others. No indeed, they are far more concerned with the growth of their bank accounts than the growth and development of a school to teach suffering children, a sanitation system that could save millions of lives, and perhaps with time a growth of a small nation. No not for these fat cats. We will just have to develop another way.

It is around 2 p.m. when I get a buzz on my in office intercom.

"Mr. Grey?" Anita's voice peeps over the intercom. I push the button on my office phone to speak.

"Yes. Ms. Adams," failing miserably to hide my disgruntled tone.

"The candidates for head secretary are all here and waiting in the lobby. Shall I send in the first one?" She says is a defeated, quiet voice. I have frightened her and probably the applicants sitting next to her. Taking a calming breath I respond with the sweetest voice I can muster '

"Yes please. Thank you." Fail -still sounding pissed.!

Uhhh! Frustrated, I gargle a groan, and lean back in my chair as I cover my face with my hands.

"Hmm they told me the boss here was a real animal but I didn't think they were being serious." I can hear the smirk on her face before I even have a chance to see it. What a brave soul. Every cell on my body has become inflamed and it isn't because I'm horny. Taking my hands off of my face and leaning forward in my chair I am preparing to tear this girl to pieces. Where could this confidence come from? And then I see her, my eyes drawn immediately to her perfect plump lips where the smirk lies.

She is wearing a long formfitting floral dress that goes a few inches past her knees. The neck is high and a small off-white blazer covers her petite shoulders and tiny waste. This girl is God's gift to man. She is small but her hips are wide and her ass... well it's perfect, something right out of a music video. Her dress though tight around her body shows very little skin and brings a whole new meaning to "sexy but business appropriate." She is dark for the Seattle state; and clearly biracial. Her skin reminds me of Anastasia after a week at the beach. Her hair is long hair is jet black and flowing in loose tendrils around her. Her eyes are dark nearly onyx and void of all emotion. The oval shape of her face compliments her mousey features. She is totally and completely not my type of woman. But she is the type of woman a politician would jump through hoops for. This woman is no good. Bad deal. She could sleep with half the office in a matter of days. Hmmm. No she won't do.

"Please take a seat." I say with a nonchalant, unflustered tone. I want her to know that her beauty, which I'm sure she uses to victimize many a man has no effect on me.

Her lips twitch into a dazzling smile but her eyes cut, guarded.

"Your name?" I say picking up her file refusing to look her in the eyes.

"Scarlett Eaton"

"It says here you worked in Senator Chambers district office in Los Angeles... Politician. Called it." I smirk.

"Excuse me?" She says tilting her head to one side with a voice of honest curiosity. I set down the file and go in for the kill.

"As soon as you stepped foot in this office I could tell that you were the type of woman that gets what she wants and where she wants by any means necessary. It says here that you are 23, yet you expect me to believe you managed to get a position as high as Publicity Director in a California State Senator's office by your SAT scores. Huh. You think six inch heels and a fine ass will get you anywhere in life. Well, I'm here to burst your bubble darling. Thank you for your time but I'll take my chances with someone less distracting," I say now openly admiring her beauty, letting my gaze wonder to her breasts and down her thighs. "And more qualified."

Her face goes through 4 phases: surprise, hurt, anger and then... determination. She stands up, straightens out her dress and walks toward my desk. This entire encounter is rather amusing though I am surprised she's mustered up the courage not to cry. I lean back in my chair and pick up my pen anticipating a scene. She comes closer and leans over my desk and with one finger inches me closer. I frown. After all that I have said is she really trying to seduce me? But what the hell why not humorous the dumb braid. I put my face only inches from her and try my best to look sexy. Two can play that game. Then to my complete and utter surprise she grabs my tie and brings her lips only centimeters from mine.

Now I'm turned on.

She tightens her small hands on my tie making it a little difficult to breather and then in a deep husky voice

"If you would have taken another look in that file of yours you would have seen that I graduated high school at 16. This fine ass of mine worked hard through four years at Berkeley and busted a political science degree at the top of my class by the time I was 20. Then alone and with student loan debt up to my neck I got a job at the Pasadena courthouse where I spent a year getting coffee and highlighting bullshit lines in bullshit court files of bullshit cases. Then by the grace of God, Allah, Manifest Destiny whatever you choose to call it; I got a job as a lobbyist for the Senator. It took him six months to realize he had a genius in his midst. I was soon bumped up to a higher position, a higher position and finally a member of his campaign team. My work is great. No marvelous." Her fingers tighten. "And yes the Senator did want to fuck me which is why I QUIT!" She hisses releasing me and heading for the door.

Stunned, speechless and hard as fuck. I am only beginning to catch my breath as she whirls around and continues

"You know that meeting today with your Clean Care investors could have gone better. Let me offer you a bit of advice." Her gaze is piercing as she takes a few steps forward. "Never mention the good you are doing for others while you are in the presence of conservatives or the upper 1%"

And with that she is gone. I sit for a good 15 minutes and desperately tried to calm my temper as well as... other things. I was livid that she touched me so inappropriately as well as invaded my personal space. She has no idea who she is fucking with.

And then suddenly much to my surprise I laugh, for the first time in a while. I laugh at my sour temper. I laugh at her haughty words and I laugh at the spectacle that was just in front of me. The laughter feels good. Cleansing. My mood has shifted and I feel giddy.

"Ms. Adams. Send the others home." I say through the office intercom system.

"Are you sure sir?!" She responds, incredulous.

"Yes." I say unable to suppress more laughter. "We found our girl."