Chapter 2: What a surprise

Isabella Cullen

Bella pressed the brakes down in front of the Cullen mansion, not even bothering to cut off the engine as she dashed into the house. The family was already sitting in the living minding their own business when she walked through the door. She took this to her advantage and got straight to the point when she walked into the room.

"Did we have any visitors while we were gone, Carlisle?"

Carlisle's brow furrowed as he thought about it. No one has been in Forks since the kids went on vacation. "No. I don't think so. Why?"

"Charlie talked to some people and I have no idea what is going on." Edward was at Bella's side in a second and so was their daughter, Renesmee. Her bronze curls bouncing on her shoulders.

"It's going to be okay, Mom." Renesmee smiled at her mother. Bella couldn't help but smile back. Her daughter always put a smile on her face, no matter what.

"But what does that mean? Who exactly did Charlie talk to?" Esme asked. "Should we be worried?"

"So, there are vampires in town and we don't even know where in town?" Seth's deep voice spoke from beside Esme.

Seth Clearwater has grown a lot the past few years. He wasn't Jacob's follower anymore. He was still in the pack, but he had grown a little bit taller and his muscles were defined. Seems as if he had hit puberty and it hit his voice box. Even Jacob's voice wasn't like that. Girls all around Forks went to La Push just to see Seth. He was a stud you could say. His dark hair was cropped short and it fit his face structure perfectly.

Seth just wasn't around the Cullen's because he had too like Quil and Embry. He actually liked them. Ever since he fought with Edward during the newborn army he couldn't help but have respect for them. The rest of the pack thinks he is crazy. He just explains to them that they haven't hung around the Cullen's as much as he has so they wouldn't really understand.

His sister and his mother defiantly don't understand and warn him almost every single day to be careful. The vampires may turn on him at a moment's time. Seth just rolls his eyes and laughs. He knows the Cullen's. They are his friends.

Alice's gold eyes focused back on the present as everyone looked at her. "I couldn't see anything because I don't know who we are looking for. No one that we know has made the decision to come to Forks." Everyone looked at Edward and he nodded in agreement with his sister. "We must not know them."

"Well, we can't really do anything about it." Carlisle sighed. He wanted to do something about it. "I mean, we could watch out for any vampire activity but we can't really act on it now."

"If we do something about it we will be running around blind." Jasper chimed in from his spot beside his wife.

"Should I warn the pack anyways?" Jacob asked from his spot on the floor.

"No." Alice and Edward spoke at the same time.

"If Charlie spoke to these vampires he knows. He will be getting closer and closer to us." Bella looked at Carlisle, as if trying to tell him something. Carlisle seemed to understand because he nodded his head.

Bella wanted nothing more than to keep her father in the dark. She couldn't risk his safety or having him become a vampire. The Volturi were only nice because they want what Carlisle has. Charlie has nothing to offer. They will most likely kill him on the spot. The wolf pack won't be able to protect him and neither would she. He is in danger every single day that she is around.

"Charlie will not be in danger Bella, we promise."

"But he is in danger every single day that I see him!" Bella growled.

The family already understood her views on leaving Forks for good. She already knew how it felt when Edward left so Jacob would just have to come with them for Renesmee's sake. It's going to be up to Seth on whether he stays or goes. But Bella wanted to leave Forks for good. The more she stayed the more her loved ones were in danger.

"We already talked about this Bella." Edward sighed. They always had this argument. It wasn't around their daughter of course, but it was the biggest and dirtiest argument they have had since they got married. "We can't leave yet."

"But why? Just give me a reason and I'll shut up." Bella whined.

"You don't want to just get up and abruptly leave, do you?" Alice asked her. "Charlie would want to know where you are going. If you are safe and are you being taken care of. You might as well put him at ease now and then leave."

"I know that I am going wherever Nessie goes." Jacob announced.

Seth sighed.

"We're just going to put that conversation to the side. We have more important things to worry about." Jasper shook his head. He could feel the undeceive and sad feelings rolling off of Seth.

"Alright, so, we just let it hang there then." Esme whispered softly. Esme hated the idea of anyone in her family being harmed.

"We will just have to wait and see." Carlisle wrapped a supportive arm around his wife, squeezing gently.

Jenna Alexander

The day after Aurora's arrival

Jenna Alexander sat in her backyard as she watched Lilly play with Aurora. Every now and then she would anxiously get up because she thought that the baby was hurt. She was after all, as far as she knew, a newborn. But Aurora doesn't seem like an ordinary newborn. She is already starting to grow teeth and mumble stuff.

She isn't normal.

Those words the women spoke still echoed throughout her head. Jenna was now starting to see that she wasn't normal, but she couldn't put her finger on what was exactly wrong. She had to admit she was scared and didn't want anything to happen to the little girl. The couple did say that she was in danger and needed to be protected. But what did she need to be protected from? That's all Jenna wanted to know.

"Mom, what did the people say?" Lilly asked, recalling earlier that her mother had spoken to child services on the phone.

"They will be here tomorrow." Jenna took a now sleeping Aurora from Lilly's arms and started walking into the house.

"Mom?" Lilly asked as she sat down at the kitchen stool that stood in front of the kitchen island. "Why does she just fall asleep like that?"

Jenna looked at the sleeping baby in her arms and shrugged. "I don't know."

"One minute I am playing with her, then the next she is asleep."

Jenna stared at the baby and then at her eldest daughter.

"What if she is special?" Even though it wasn't needed, Lilly felt that she had to whisper.

Jenna's eyes blazed with anger as she stared at Lilly. "Don't you ever say that again!"


"I don't want to hear it. Go to your room." Aurora started crying and Jenna continued to glare at her daughter. "Now look what you've done. She is awake."

Lilly stared at her mother one more time before stomping away to her room.

Lillian Alexander

Lilly sat on the edge of her bed with confusion. Her mother's mood changed just that quickly. Was she pregnant herself? Lilly was scared to ask because she heard that a person is never supposed to ask the two obvious questions. The first one being if someone is on their period; never ask a girl that. The second is to never ask a girl if they are pregnant. It's just saying that you think they are fat or something.

Lilly scooted all the way back until her back was touching her white headboard. She could clearly remember the night that the beautiful couple brought them Aurora. The name was really hard to pronounce and the way the lady said it made it sound like music. Even if the incident happened a night ago, Lilly couldn't really help but tell her friend George. He couldn't believe it either. Lilly's parents specifically told her not to tell anyone, but she just couldn't resist.

Lilly wanted to tell everybody. She wanted to be the main attraction at school and not Kayla Matthews. She heard that the dark hair is where it is at. She instinctively reached up and touched her brown hair. She had dark hair, sort of. Aurora had dark hair, but she could see that Aurora clearly took after her father with having black hair.

She probably had her mother's eyes, but they were covered so she couldn't know for sure. The red hair was really gorgeous with her skin color and it made her stand out. When she was walking away the woman looked like she was a walking fire. The man, Hayden was his name, had a fluent walk. Lilly bet that it took a toll off of her brother's self-esteem.

Lilly had never seen such beautiful people in her life. Sure, she heard about the doctor that worked at Forks General Hospital but she had never seen him in person. Only from what her mother has told her. These people were really out there. Lilly actually thought, while she was hidden behind Tristan, that she could take Hayden away from Madison. She would show him off at school and show Kayla who had the better looking boyfriend. But she doubts that the man would leave his beautiful, sexy, exotic girlfriend just to go out with a seventeen year old junior.

Then a thought came to her; how old are these people? The guy didn't any look older than twenty and the girl didn't look any older than eighteen and they already have a child. Maybe their parents didn't approve of them having a baby, Lilly thought to herself. Maybe they will come back and get their child once everything goes back to normal.

Some part of her wished that they wouldn't come back. The other part wished they would come back. But she didn't know why she thought that. She just wanted them to.

Jenna Alexander

Jenna's arms felt empty. She didn't feel right without a baby girl in her arms, so while at work she spent most of her time down in the maternity ward. But some of the nurses complained that she wasn't doing her job. Her job was to sit at the front desk and check people in and out. She felt better if she was downstairs where all the babies were. But to her these babies had nothing on Aurora.

Jenna thought about her obsession over this child. The child wasn't even hers, but every time she was around Aurora something about her just glowed. Every moment she spent with Aurora, she just wanted to spend more time with her. She didn't feel strange nor did she feel she was doing anything bad. She felt happy for once. She felt as if it was Lilly and Tristan that were babies. But still, they were nothing compared to Aurora.

She started writing down notes on her notepad. She wrote down things to buy and how she was going to afford them. Not that this nursing job didn't pay a lot, but since there is a new mouth to feed (when she does eat) Jenna feels as if she should comply with that rule. She thought about moving her and John into the den so that Aurora could have their bedroom. All of the rooms are the same size, except for the den. It would be good for them to have the biggest bedroom because they hardly had room in their own bedroom.

Jenna smiled an earsplitting grin as if she had found the cure to cancer.

"Hello?" Jenna's heart stopped beating for a second. She was still looking down at her crappy handwriting. She didn't want to look up. She was afraid that it might be that couple again, coming back to get their baby. "Excuse me?"

Jenna slowly looked up, her heart beating faster, but soon slowed down when she realized it wasn't the couple. The girl looked no older than seventeen with her shoulder length bronze hair. It hung in curls and it fit her face perfectly. Her pale skin had some blush on her cheeks and her warm brown eyes were staring at Jenna expectantly. The guy standing next to her was twice her size, maybe even three times her size. He had golden brown skin with dark hair that was cropped short. His dark eyes were being covered by his eyebrows as he stared at Jenna. He looked very uncomfortable from Jenna's perspective.

"How can I help you today?" Jenna slyly pushed aside her list and smiled at the children in front of her.

"I'm here to see my gr—father." Jenna didn't miss that mistake as she narrowed her eyes at the girl.

"Who might you be?"

"I'm Carlie Cullen, his daughter." Jenna's heart sped up again as if someone had just pressed the gas on her engine.

Her name sounded so much like Carlisle's. He didn't look a thing like her, but she remembers that Carlisle once told the hospital that he had adopted some kids. Jenna thought that he and his wife are very fortunate, but stupid. She didn't voice her feelings out loud though. Carlisle was, after all, her boss.

Carlisle was the handsome lead doctor every nurse and patient was pining after. They all thought he was single until he wife brought him his lunch that he had forgotten at home. Jenna just thought that she wanted to claim her territory before anyone tried to make a move on him.

He had light blonde hair and good body structure. He was funny and witty and knew absolute everything. Well, that was according to the nurses around the hospital. Jenna has never talked to him. Actually, she never tried because she can't think of anything to say to him. She probably couldn't even form a sentence around him.

Besides, Jenna Alexander was married. She only saw her husband. But she couldn't help but think back to the other day where she wished the man that was standing at her door was her husband. At that moment she wanted to take the redhead's place as his wife. She could think of a million things to do to him.

"Oh, um," Jenna realized that Carlisle's daughter was still standing in front of her. She looked calm and the guy behind her looked impatient. "Go right ahead."

Jenna saw the guy follow closely behind the girl and she cleared her throat.

"And where are you going?" Jenna asked. "Are you family?"

"I'm her boyfriend." Looked like he wanted to say more, but he just snapped his mouth closed and continued to follow Carlie.

Jenna looked after them until they disappeared onto the elevator. Maybe I should warn Dr. Cullen. The phone rang twice and someone finally answered. Another musical spoke to Jenna.

"Yes?" Jenna's heart skipped a beat.

"Y-you daughter and h-her boyfriend are on their way, sir." Jenna stumbled over her words. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

"No. No, it's okay. They are fine. In fact, here they are right now. Thank you Jenna."

Carlisle had hung up the phone before Jenna could even say anything. The only thing that she was thinking inside her head was that Dr. Cullen knew her name. That's the only thing she seemed excited about. She hasn't even talked to him and he seems to know her name. She wanted to call him back and ask how he knew her name but knew that was probably the wrong thing to do.

She went back to her list with a smile on her face.

Carlisle Cullen

Renesmee and Jacob walked into Carlisle's office with the faces of people who did something they weren't supposed to do. Jacob looked like he wanted to grin, but when he thought about it his grin faltered into a huge scowl. Renesmee's hands were behind her back and she was looking down, her hair hiding her face.

"What can I do for you two?" Carlisle folded his hands on top of the desk. He started to think of ways that he could block his thoughts from his mind-reading son, because he had a feeling this was one of those meetings.

"I need to talk to you. This stays between us." Renesmee whispered as she sat down in the chair opposite of Carlisle. Jacob sat next to her and leaned on the desk.

"What about—"

"Alice?" Jacob finished his sentence. "She can't see you. Remember?"

Oh yeah, that's right. "So what is it?"

"Jacob and I had sex the other night and if my dad finds out he is going to kill Jacob and maybe even kill me." Renesmee's words mushed together so much that even Carlisle had a hard time understanding it.

Carlisle stared at Renesmee with wide eyes and then his eyes narrowed as they stared at Jacob. "Don't get your fangs in a twist. Okay?"

Carlisle sighed. He didn't want to get angry. He didn't need that at the moment. "I'm not. I am going to keep an open mind about this."

Renesmee nodded looking a little bit relieved. "Thanks, Carlisle."

Carlisle nodded and looked directly at Jacob. "Did you guys use protection?"

Jacob shifted in his seat. Carlisle could tell he really didn't feel comfortable talking about his sexual life with his future 'father-in-law'. "Of course we did. I talked to Emmett about it too, so it was all good."

Renesmee almost choked and Carlisle laughed so loud that he had to cover his mouth. "You told Emmett?"

"You told Emmett?" Renesmee yelled, turning around to face her boyfriend. "Out of all people you told Emmett?"

"He was the first person around." Jacob shrugged, like it wasn't a big thing. "Billy hasn't had sex in forever, Leah obviously doesn't get laid. Seth is still a virgin…"

"What about Sam and the rest of the pack?" Carlisle asked, trying to contain his laughter.

"Are you kidding me?" Jacob sat up a little bit straighter. "They have been expecting me to score. I mean…"

Renesmee looked absolutely livid. Her fangs weren't as long as a regular vampire's but they were still pretty sharp. She stared at Jacob with a deadly gaze. Jacob sunk down in his seat, trying not to make eye contact with Renesmee.

"I'm just kidding, babe." Jacob gulped and stared at his girlfriend. Her gaze softened just a bit but her fangs were still out.

"You better be." Carlisle could just picture her thinking that Jacob was going to be sleeping on the couch for a while. . He had to hold back another wave of laughter.

"But seriously, I couldn't really ask them. It's hard enough that Emily and Sam are more intimate and Embry and Kim are all gooey. Especially Paul and my sister, you should see them!"

"Okay, I understand your point. But why are you telling me?" Carlisle looked at his niece.

"My Dad is really close to finding out. I want to tell him at the right time." Renesmee sighed, her fangs going back into her mouth. "I just need to know when."

"Err," Carlisle thought about it for a second. "Tell him after everything is over. I'm sure he has enough to worry about other than you two having sexual intercourse." He sighed. "And when you do tell him make sure Bella is around. You know how reassuring she is to him."

Renesmee made a face and Jacob pretended to gag. Carlisle just shrugged his shoulders. He has seen worse.

"Is there anything new with the vampires?" Carlisle asked Jacob after some silence.

He shook his head. "No. Not really. We haven't picked up a trail."

"I think we should take that as a good thing." Renesmee spoke up, sitting a little bit straighter. "I mean, no sign of vampires is a good thing."

Carlisle and Jacob looked at each other and nodded. Carlisle said, "I guess you are right."

"I know I am." Renesmee crossed her arms over her chest.

"What I don't understand is how they can cross over your territory and most likely ours and not leave a trail?" Jacob wondered out loud.

"They might have taken a car. Make sure you and your pack start from roads and go into the forest from there." Carlisle's eyebrows furrowed as he took what Jacob said into consideration.

"Wouldn't they be thirsty too? I think we should look into the missing person's reports. I can go to work with Charlie and see what I can find." Renesmee told them.

"No." Carlisle said. "We don't want to involve Charlie any more than necessary. I think there is more to the story than what we are hearing."

"But if there isn't any vampire activity now, we should take that as a good thing." said Jacob.

"Well, we have to go Carlisle. The Reservation is having a party and I want to be there."

Renesmee stood up to leave as Jacob smiled and waved at Carlisle, closing the door behind him. Carlisle sat back in his chair and sighed. No vampires are a good thing. Okay, got it.