Alright, just going to skip the extremely long list of why I haven't updated the story, and skip to other things the. The scene in the last chapter was horrible beyond doubt, and I'm sorry for that next time I'll do better, and the next thing is that I have a life and it get's really busy.

Anyway enjoy the chapter

Chapter Fifteen:

The (not exactly) End

'Things just got worser.' Amy thought as she continued to stare at herself in the mirror.

She didn't really recognize herself anymore. She went from being a twelve year old that would chase her crush, and aid in saving the world to a twenty year old who had a cheating ex, and another guy who she was confused about. Going from thinking she would have one guy to having two guys, that love her more or less.

Back to the current problem. Claire was something she didn't want to think about the moment, but Rouge had come to update her on the daily things that she does, and how Shadow is with her. So far from what she was hearing was Shadow looked uncofortable with her, and was more like she was doing everything possible to keep his attention.

"Not exactly what I wanted to hear at the moment Rouge." Amy said with small hint of hatred.

Before Rouge could respond, another small beep was heard from her phone. Another call.

"Hang on Rouge, I have another call." Amy said before she switched, and along came another voice.

"You dating another guy?" Blaze's voice.

Amy felt a headache coming on.

"Yea...?" She wasn't sure if it was classified as dating if he disappeared after being caught by Shadow.

In which she had to worry about Shadow. He hadn't woken up after that little hit she gave him.

"What do you mean by 'yea'?" Blaze questioned.

"Well, it's just that I don't know if you could classify- hang on, how did you know that I was with someone else?"

After a long silence she then got the picture. The only person to see them was Shadow and he hadn't made a single peep from downstairs.

"Blaze, I'll call you back." She said before dropping her phone on the floor, and forgetting about Rouge who she put on hold.

Running downstairs, nearly tripping over her baggy pajama bottoms and then looked around for Shadow. Her front door was still closed, but the couch where Shadow was supposed to be was unoccupied. But her head was screaming at her all these question she was going to ask when he finaly came too.

What was he doing in her house in the first place? Had he ever heard of knocking? Hurts like a bitch when someone else is with the one you love huh? Are you jealous? Why did you even come? To rub salt in the wound? Why did you do it in the first place? What does she have that I don't? Was I to annoying?

Now that she thought about it, her shower was still on from last night. Racing upstairs, and then turning the water off before her water bill could go any higher that it probably already was. Now that she thought about it, what did happen last night?

Last night it was blur, but she still felt happy on some sort of level, and she felt like she didn't really care what happened to Shadow and Claire. She could only see Mephiles which was strange due to the fact that she didn't know him all that well. He was the perfect stranger.

"Asshole." Amy muttered after summing it up after he had one quick session, and then left.

No use in taking a shower since she already wasted enough water, and had done what she had least hoped for. Lose her purity, in least worry she lost it to a complete stranger, and she had a mysterious bond with him.

Head towards her room, and then looked around. Picture frames, a dark oak dresser, and a closet with various clothes. Her red dressed were given away, or just thrown out if they had large gaping holes in them.

"I feel like my head is going to explode." Amy said to herself before she finally flopped back on her bed, and then was about to fall asleep before she heard a very loud thump.

Her ears perked up, and then looked at her doorway. Shadow was standing there rubbing his forehead. Their eyes looked at each other for a moment before Amy looked at the corner of her room, and then looked back at Shadow only too see that he was slowly coming towards her.

'What are you waiting for? Punch him. Yell. Scream. Cry. Anything just don't look at his red eyes, and wonder how could you stay mad at him! Stop wondering why you love him even though you're supposed to hate with all your heart for making you go through pain.' Her mind said a mouthful, and was making sure that she was still holding the little Claire accident over his head.

"Hey." Amy's mind was blocked out as she greeted him quietly.

Shadow groaned, and then made his way over towards the other side of the bed. He looked at her room. Her repairs to what she thought was created by her, and Mephiles' actions last night wasn't the best, but atleast it looked like it was just due to the fact she forgot to clean up her bedroom.

Shadow then noticed the small little love bites, and dark marks on her neck. He wanted to grab her, but only looked back down, and then sighed. Was it really this messed up because he wanted something?

'Messed up? That doesn't really define what you put her through. She loved you, and wanted you to happy, but no. You wanted a blond-y over a girl who loved you more than anyone ever could.' His inner thoughts shouted at him.

'I know I messed up, but what can you define it as?' He questioned.

'Just a big screw up topped with a hot ex girlfriend, and a rebound guy as the cherry.'

"Shadow." Amy finally broke the silence.

He looked over at her, and then sighed. No way of getting out of this the way Amy was sounding she wanted answers. That was good because he wasn't going to leave. He was planning to come over earlier in the week, but it was hard since you had a clng-y hedgehog hugging you every second.

"Yes." He finally asked.

He heard a slight ring in his ears when he looked at her. Jade eyes was looking into ruby eyes. It wasn't long before she finally asked.

"What are you doing here?" She asked sounding innocent enough that it was miracle he could withstand the look he gave her.

"I-I came here to say that I'm sorry." He stumbled slightly over his words.

She could only do this to him. Those eyes reminded of the human girl, and the way she would seem to be so... he didn't even have to explain it. Because for once the ultimate life form didn't have a word for her.

"And I came to ask you if you want to... run-"

"Away with you?" Amy finished the sentence for him.

He looked at her. Her eyebrow was arched.

They looked down. Shadow cleared his throat, and Amy gripped her pink heart pillow. Amy then took a deep breath in and out.

"I don't want to ruin somebody else's life." Amy explained before she was brave enough to look back up at him.

His gaze was still on the ground, and was feeling slightly disappointed at the fact she didn't want to runaway with him, but then again her entire life was here, and if he forced her to come with her. He would be selfish, and end up being the true bad guy.

"I see." He said as he was about to make himself comfortable on her bed.

Looking back at Amy who was about to lie down next to him. He had the strongest urge to get rid of the love bites on her neck, but he wasn't with her.

"Shadow?" Amy muttered before she was about to do something.

"Hm?" He peaked over at her.

The next thing he felt was her lips gently brush against his. His red orbs widened when she kissed him. He had the right to throw her off of him, but he couldn't really bring himself into doing that since he loved her too much to keep hurting her, and since Claire wasn't here to see anything, or to shout at him. He could pretty much be with Amy, and be happy, again.

When she broke the kiss she rested her head on his chest.

"Your heartbeat." Amy said quietly. "I never noticed before, but it sound strange." She said before she began purring.

While Shadow still felt awkward. He didn't really feel like a cheater when he was lying in a bed with Amy, but he felt a pang of guilt because his pregnant girlfriend was probably wondering where he was, but he already put Amy through so much already that he didn't want to leave, not yet anyway.

They didn't fall asleep it was only a small cuddle session, and with a few small intimate gropes from Shadow, and small pecks in some places. Slipping off one of her straps Shadow was able to see her bare chest. Giving each other another heated kiss before the both of them didn't notice how far off to the side they both were. When Shadow tried to pull Amy closer, the two of them fell from the bed to the hard wooden dark oak floor.

Both looked at each other before the two had something to laugh about to each other.

"That was a very stupid move Shady." Amy used his nickname.

"That was a very bad mistake." Shadow said as he smirked and tackled Amy.

Giving her a tickle fight that made her throat hurt a little from laughing. It was almost like nothing had happened between them, and that they were happy again.

'Hm... so thats' her?' Mephiles thought as he watched a familiar blonde hedgehog walk down the street.

'Can't really say anything except for wondering what kind of power she has for clouding the Ultimate Lifeform's thoughts, and 'some what' sharp mind.' Mephiles said as he teleported to a different part of the city.

'I could be doing them a favor by doing this, but then again...' He thought as he looked in the direction of Amy Rose's home.

He could tell Shadow was still there, and if he were to return. It wasn't going to be pretty due to the fact he caught them at a precious time, and he had the nerve to send him a glare like the girl belonged to him...

'Maybe she does... or did belong to him, but she wanted something better.' Mephiles joked while walking casually down the sidewalk.

'But, then again. He seems like he knows what he wants...' He smirked and then focused his attention on the dark blonde hedgehog again. 'The only problem is, is that he wants what I want.'

Walking towards Claire, and then easily luring her into a trap. It would be easy since he resembled Shadow, and she would follow Shadow to oblivion and back if it came to that.

"So I hear that you're pregnant." He stated, not questioned her.

Claire only smiled at him. "It's our baby Shadowkun." That nickname bothered him to no end.

"Well, first of all I'm Shadow, and second of all I'm going to run a test to confirm that's it not just a sick twisted lie you made up in that mentally challenged head of yours." He said with a sickly-sweet tone.

"Wha-?" She was cut off when she felt a pain in her stomach when he passed her.

"Just make sure to say that you were mugged." Mephiles whispered into her ear.

His eyes lowered, and then sighed. "Just as I thought, there's no one inside you." He said before disppearing, and leaving the hedgehog to crawl out into the open public.

I'm so evil when it comes to Claire aren't I? Anyway ShadAmy moment for you, and a full proof plan to have Claire not be pregnant.

Anyway, review if you hated or loved this chapter.

Anyway for my other story, I may be rewriting because I hate to see that unholy word on there, and everybody seemed to have loved it.

Disclaimer; Characters all belong to Sega

Claire Belongs to her rightful owner.