It was over.
Peace had finally come down over the Fire Nation. As Zuko beat down Jet, Sokka led the rest of Zuko's army against the rebels. With The Blue Spirit and Koza defeated, there was no command over the rebels. The rebels slowly surrendered as Zuko came and presented the demon mask. With Katara on his side, this new war had ended before he began.
"So, what are we going to do with Jet?" Aang asked.
The group sat in the Council Room. Zuko and Katara had explained everything that had happened; how Bandon was a traitor to the Fire Lord, how Jet was the one behind The Blue Spirit. There was shock among the others. If it wasn't for the Royal Guard dragging Jet to the prison, they wouldn't have believed it. Their friend for years had tried to kill many of them. Now was the subject on what to do with Jet and the rest of the rebels.
"He should be executed for his crimes!" One of the Councilman yelled.
"That would be barbaric and go against things we have tried to change!"
Everyone was surprised to see that it was Katara who yelled back at the Councilman. He had opened his mouth to speak back, but Zuko gave one of his meanest glares; almost resembling that of Ozai's. The Councilman turned his head down, hiding his words away.
"Fire Lady Katara is right," Zuko spoke in a regal tone. "If we execute him, we become no better than he is; no better than Ozai was. We have to show that we are a better nation. Not just for our own sakes, but for the entire world. If we truly wish to rebuild, this is the first step."
"But Fire Lord Zuko, he threatened the Fire Lady and tried to take your life," Another Councilman spoke up.
"So did my sister," Zuko snapped. "But what did we do? We imprisoned her for life, along with my father. We are better than a bunch of barbarians swinging our swords wildly."
"Well, we have to do something," Sokka piped in from Zuko's right.
"We execute him," Zuko said.
"But you just said we won't do that," Aang hollered.
"Not Jet," The Fire Lord snapped. "We burn the mask and the swords. We let the people know that The Blue Spirit is gone. We bring back the peace that he took away from us."
"I agree," Katara said, rocking baby Kysa in her arms.
"That's a pretty smart idea, hotpants," Toph snickered, slowly becoming her usual self.
Zuko turned towards his Council, raising his eyebrow. The Councilmen looked around at one another, murmuring to each other. One stood up, a regal smile on his face. "We believe this to be an excellent idea, Fire Lord Zuko."
The Courtyard was full once more. It was a scene that mimicked the same one five years ago when Zuko was crowned Fire Lord. All the people in Zuko's little army were present. Fire Nation citizens stood in the front. There was a certain electricity in the air as the Fire Sages began to walk out. They carried the large slab where the blue mask sat with the black robes and dual dao swords.
One by one, Zuko led everyone out. Katara was next to him with Kysa in her arms. Aang and Toph were next, dressed in their formal robes. Sokka and Suki came next with Ty Lee standing next to them as well. They all circled the mask of The Blue Spirit; Zuko cleared his throat as he stepped forward towards his people.
"My fellow citizens," Zuko spoke. "I know that these last few months have been a strain on our lives. We lost loved ones, but gained new allies. We faced an evil that pushed us to a new war. But we prevailed. And I speak to not just Fire Nation citizens, but those of the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes that assisted us. Our unity was proven in this war. We have shown that we can exist in harmony, and an era of peace is the true way to live."
Zuko turned towards the mask. He raised his hand, the flame flickering orange for a second before it sparked into a beautiful blue. There was a gasp amongst the people as Zuko raised the blue fire into the air. It shined beautifully as the sun shined in the background. The blue of the flame matched Katara's eyes perfectly.
"I am your Fire Lord, and I will always protect you."
He shot the flame out, and the mask caught on fire. The blue flame dulled back to the orange as the robes burned, the swords melted, and the mask deformed into nothing.
And the people cheered.
They erupted into applause as Katara took Zuko's hand. Golden eyes met aqua blue eyes. He leaned down, kissing her softly.
Peace had finally been found over the Fire Nation.
"I'm so glad this is over," Katara's voice sang.
The festivities were over. Darkness came over the Capital as its citizens returned home. Everyone had gone their separate ways. Aang and Toph set out to the Earth Kingdom; the Avatar had the idea of building a new city where everyone could co-exist. Aang said he would call it Republic City. Ty Lee, Sokka, and Suki all returned to Kyoshi Island where Sokka would be made Chief for his bravery during the war.
"I'm just glad you're okay," Zuko whispered as he took his wife into his arms.
"Kysa is asleep and the maidservants said they would keep watch over her," Katara said, her voice sultry.
The Fire Lord leaned back, taking in the sly smirk that rested on the Fire Lady's face. He let his own smirk grow on his lips.
"We finally do have our alone time," Zuko snickered.
He led her to the bed, lying her down carefully. His lips trailed kisses along her neck before their lips finally met. Their bodies melted against each other as they slipped away into the passions of their love.
And as they shared in their passions, all the torches in their room burned a bright blue.