"Fire Lord Zuko, we need a solution."

The young Fire Lord sat atop his dais, his eyes closed as a very distressed sigh escaped his lips. Opening his eyes and gazing among his Council, Zuko knew that they needed him. He knew that the Fire Nation needed him.

"What other information do we have on these rebels?" Zuko's voice carried over the wall of flames.

One of the Councilman rose to his feet, Zuko's good eye shifting over to him. Councilman Bandon. He cleared his throat, waiting for approval from the Fire Lord before speaking. Zuko huffed, rolling his eyes slightly. He was still weary of the old traditions that carried on past his father's defeat. Ever since Zuko became Fire Lord, he became more open, wanting to create a connection with his peers.

"Speak, Councilman Bandon," Zuko snapped. Maybe a little harsher than he had intended.

"Uh, yes, Fire Lord Zuko. Our troops in the Colonies have reported that these uprisings have been growing more and more violent. One of the acting governors was just assassinated a few days ago. We have reason to believe that these rebels will soon be moving towards the Fire Nation Capital."

"Have they given a reason for this rebellion? It's been five years since my fath-… Ozai was defeated by Avatar Aang," Zuko said, hoping no one would catch his slip up.

"As of now, we are unsure to what has incited this revolt. But it will be brought down as soon as possible."

Zuko gave a nod, his eyes locked on Bandon as he sat down amongst the other Councilmen. Another sigh left Zuko's lips. He needed guidance. He needed something. In the five years since the end of the Great War, Fire Lord Zuko has helped to begin to repair the image of the Fire Nation. Ba Sing Se and Omashu have both been returned to the Earth Kingdom. He had opened trade routes with King Bumi and King Kuei, thanks to Toph. Even a new bond was being formed with the Water Tribes, the Southern Tribe being easier than the Northern Tribe. He had to thank Katara and Sokka for that. But none of this would be possible without Aang's help, him being the Avatar and everyone trusting him.

"Fire Lord Zuko, if I may?"

The Fire Lord looked up at the voice of another Councilman, Jee. Ever since Zhao's defeat at the North Pole, Zuko had remained in contact with Jee through Iroh. When Zuko had been crowned Fire Lord, Jee was one of the first people he had brought into his Council.

"What is it?" Zuko prompted.

"As these are colonies reside in the Earth Kingdom, would it not be wise to maybe enlist the help of the Kyoshi Warriors? As they are all non-benders, and serve no kingdom, no one would see them as a threat, and they could provide some help with our troops," Jee explained.

"That is a good idea, Councilman Jee. As I personally known the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, Suki, it could work. I would have to write to Ambassador Sokka. He would be itching to fight," Zuko muttered as a small smirk on his face as the memories came into his head. "It shall be done. Now, meeting adjourned. I have tea and a Pai Sho game schedule with General Iroh soon."

The Council rose, making the Fire Nation symbol and bowing to Fire Lord Zuko. With a wave of his hand, the flames died, Zuko making his way down the dais and marching between his Council. He breezed through the curtain door, walking out of what he called his personal Hell. It was a lot different than what he had originally thought. The idea of a simple job being Fire Lord made his scoff. Stupid childish dreams. That was five years ago. He wasn't expecting the rebuilding process to be this complex. To be this tiresome.

The Royal Garden was the only place Zuko could find peace. But even now, peace wasn't here to be found. He sat across from his uncle, a small cup of Ginseng tea in one hand, his eyes focused on the Pai Sho game in front of him. Sometimes Zuko forgot to play, as if he ever knew how to play to being with. Zuko would only do this to amuse his uncle, who wasn't dumb enough to notice that Zuko was hardly trying at this point.

"Is something bothering you, my nephew?" Iroh spoke with a calming tone.

Iroh was one of the few people who didn't address him by his formal title.

"These revolts in the colonies are getting worse. One of the acting governors was killed. Councilman Bandon believes the rebels might be making their way here soon," Zuko replied, taking a sip of the hot leaf juice.

"Hmm, that is quite troubling indeed," Iroh's voice stayed calm as he sipped his tea.

"Why is this so hard? Sozin, Azulon and even my own father made this seem so easy," Zuko snapped, slamming his hand on the Pai Sho table, scattering the pieces.

"You forget, Fire Lord Zuko, your ancestors were full of hate. They sought out to destroy. To kill. You are undoing over a hundred years of damage. Did you really expect this to be a simple task?" Iroh raised his voice slightly, trying to put some sense in his nephew. Zuko knew that his uncle was serious when he would pronounce his entire name. It gave him shivers.

"I know that, uncle," Zuko said with a sigh. "But I'm starting to feel like I don't know anymore. It's like chasing the Avata-… Aang all over again."

Iroh nodded, his eyes focused on his nephew. For too long, Iroh had tried to keep Zuko out of the darkness that was his brother's shadow. He wanted Zuko to see that he had his own destiny. And even now, with Ozai and Azula both trapped in the Fire Nation Prison, their dark shadows still loomed over the young Fire Lord.

"Do you think these rebels have ties to Ozai and Azula?" Zuko whispered, his eyes staring into his lap.

"I cannot say, nephew. Perhaps they do, or perhaps they are simply victims of my brother's reign, and simply want some sort of retribution."

"You can still call him your brother, after all this time?" Zuko shifted his eyes towards Iroh.

"Despite all of his wicked things, Ozai is still family. Azula is still family. As crazy as they are, they are both family. They are your family."

Zuko let out a very audible sigh, running a hand through his shaggy hair. He waited wearing it in a top knot all the time. He kept it tamed, leaving it the same length as he did when traveling with Katara and everyone else. It reminded of him of the good times. The only good times he had away from home.

"There you two are."

Both firebenders turned at the sound of the sweet voice. Iroh smiled broadly, while Zuko had a look that was a smile mixed with a smirk. Before them stood a young woman, her skin a dark mocha color. Her hair was still tied the same way all those years during her travels across the world. In her arms, was a small baby, a patch of brown hair over her tan skin. Bright golden eyes stared up from Zuko's golden eyes to the aqua blue eyes of the mother.

"It's nice to see you, Fire Lady Katara," Iroh beamed.