A/N: This is a story that I actually wrote awhile ago (before I knew as much about MLP:FiM as I do now), and it's been up on dA (on my editor natsumeshapeshifter's account) for a few months now. But I wanted to upload it here, in the hopes that more people would see it.
There isn't any gore in this chapter, but you can be sure that it's coming up.
"Why do you think Princess Celestia wants you to go to the palace, Twilight? Huh? What do you think?" Pinkie Pie asked, bouncing around the library.
"I have no idea, but-Pinkie! What are you doing?" Twilight Sparkle snapped, looking up from the book on packing that she was reading. This was a mistake. She should have known better than to open the door, especially when she heard that trademark giggle coming from the other side.
"Huh?" The pink filly spun around, a maniacal grin fixed to her face, as usual. Her fluffy tail collided with a stack of books, sending them crashing to the ground and causing Spike to jump. Pinkie glanced at the mess she had made and giggled. "Oops, sorry, Twilight. Here, I can clean that up! I even have a song. I sing it whenever I have to clean up at Sugarcube Corner, it goes like this-"
"No, Pinkie, that's okay," Twilight sighed, walking over to the books and levitating them back into a neat stack. "I've got it."
"Oh, you do! Hey, you know what this reminds me of? It reminds me of when I was making cupcakes! Oh, no, wait, that was another time. The time that I'm thinking of was when..."
Twilight squeezed her eyes shut and wished that she could do the same for her ears. As Pinkie prattled on, she levitated several books down from the shelves and glanced at the titles. Well, she certainly couldn't go without "A Complete History of Equestria." Or "Into the Horn: A Journey Into Unicorn Magic."
"What do you think, Twilight?"
"What?" the violet unicorn asked, putting the books in her already-bulging bag. She looked up and nearly jumped back; Pinkie had appeared directly in front of her.
"I asked you what you thought about a going-away party." The other pony's sky-blue eyes were filled with their usual exuberance, but at the moment, there was something sobering in the depths. Maybe it was finally beginning to sink in that Twilight was leaving.
"I don't think there's enough time, Pinkie," she replied, backing away. "I mean, I'm leaving any moment now. And no one's around..."
That was the only reason she had agreed to let Pinkie help her pack. Applejack couldn't leave the farm; she was doing the work of two ponies, since Big Mac had been summoned to Canterlot with a vague message about a contest that he had won. Rainbow Dash was off in some distant corner of Equestria with a slew of other pegasi, battling a rogue hurricane. It was mating season for the rabbits, so Fluttershy was preoccupied with matchmaking. And Rarity had gone to Manehattan for a fashion show that she was participating in.
And now Twilight was leaving for Canterlot. No wonder Pinkie had come knocking on her door.
She was filled with a sudden rush of sympathy for her friend as her fluffy mane drooped and she whispered, "Oh." She put one of her front legs around Pinkie's shoulders and gently tapped her forelock with her horn.
"I'm sure Celestia just wants help with the southern sea tribes," Twilight said with a shrug. "They've been causing some trouble lately, but it shouldn't take too long. Tell you what. When I get back, you can throw me a welcome-home party! How does that sound?"
Pinkie let out a squeal and threw her front legs around the unicorn, almost knocking her to the ground. Her neon curls dwarfed Twilight's smooth navy bob
"That sounds fan-absolu-awe-tastic-some! I can't wait!"
I'm sure you can't, Twilight thought as she extricated herself from the embrace with a nervous smile. She loved Pinkie Pie, but sometimes, she could be a bit...overwhelming.
"Hey, Twilight, our ride's here," Spike called from his perch in the window, which he had retreated to in order to escape the storm of unintentional havoc that always surrounded the earth pony. "We'd better go, you don't want to keep the Princess waiting."
"Already?" Twilight asked. "That was quick. Here, can you take my bag out to the chariot? I want to make sure all the windows are closed."
She levitated the bag, filled mostly with books and partially with mementos from her friends, over to Spike's general location and let it drop. Without noticing his fearful expression as he realized just how large the bag falling towards him was, she rushed over to one of the windows and tapped it with her hoof. To her satisfaction, it stayed closed. What a disaster it would be if rain got into the library...
"Pinkie, would you mind checking the back door?" Twilight called. Pinkie glanced up from laughing at Spike, who had been practically flattened by the book-bag, and saluted with a wide grin.
"Sure thing, Twi!" She rushed off.
"Don't call me Twi-Spike! Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine," the small dragon wheezed, struggling to his feet. "You'd better go keep an eye on Pinkie."
"You're right." She glanced out the window, to the chariot. If she wasn't mistaken, it was the same one that had brought her to Ponyville...
An ache settled deep into her chest, and Twilight gave a shaky sigh. She didn't want to leave. She loved Princess Celestia, and Canterlot was where she had grown up, but...this was her home now, wasn't it? After all, she had friends here...a job...a reputation...a life...
Maybe Celestia can handle it without me, the unicorn thought, saddened at the thought that she wouldn't get to see her mentor but knowing that she was doing the right thing. With the premature homesickness lifting from her heart, she walked out to tell the pegasi hitched to the chariot that she couldn't leave. But her hooves suddenly seemed frozen in place.
A massive crash had come from the back of the library.
Accompanied by the terrified shrieks of Pinkie Pie.