My Darling Emma,

As I write this you are tucked up safe and warm in my womb, where I know where you are. As I write I am eight months pregnant and my heart grows heavier with each passing day as someday very soon you, your papa and I are going to be ripped from each-others' arms.

Where ever you are now in the big wide world I hope you don't look on your papa and I with anger my little princess. Since the day we found out about you we have loved you and while I cannot speak for your father my precious little one it breaks my heart to know that I will not be able to watch you grow up into the strong and beautiful woman I know that you are.

There will come a day that you will come back into our lives, to save us all from my step-mother's tyranny. I pray that the bond that connects you to your papa and me will transcend the curse upon us; that somehow I will know who you really are before you save us.

Never doubt that you are loved, the blanket I made for you is far less than I would choose to give you; had I my way you would grow up here in the palace where, if not for your step grandmother, you would have been raised as the princess that you are.

I must end now as your papa is awakening and I would rather he not know my fear that you will be born before the portal which would save us both is completed.

Where ever you are my darling, know that I love you.

I remain, forever

Your mother (Snow White)