AU. In an universe when Vampires and Werewolves exist. Kuroko no Basuke will always belong to its owner(s).




"H-He's a monster-!"

"Don't come near him!"

"Please don't eat us!"




"...I just...want talk to..."






"...Can you hear me?"

"Yes, I can hear you. I'm still within the [range]."

For normal humans, the woman seemed mad that she was talking alone. Truthfully, she was replying to the voice inside her [mind]. For that reason, she chose to [communicate] with [him] inside a room of a hostel.

"Good. Have you came in contact with [him]?"

"No. In fact, I don't even have [any clue] of his whereabouts these past twenty years." The woman sighed as she leaned on the wall. She sipped a bit of her sherry before she replied to no one. "I hate this. It seems like those Watchers are on the loose. The smells are everywhere!"

"...Is there any indication of him being hostage by them?"

The tone of the person indicated worry. The woman sighed, they were getting nowhere by this. "No, but I do hear a baseless gossip spread by the blood-sucker."

"The vampires." The voice replied. "There's nothing good involving them. If only I'm [stronger], he wouldn't-"

"Don't say nonsense!" The woman's tone increased. "It's all thanks to you that today as it is now!" The woman suddenly lowered her voice after hearing his coughs. "...The last information I got, there was a rumor that [he] went in clash with [the infamous Ace] two months ago. Yet, there is no proof about that."

"...I see. If there's any new information, please don't hesitate to tell me."


"Is that the feeling of a sibling?" Alexandra Garcia poured her sherry to the apple in front of her. "I guess I should start moving again..." She looked at the night sceneries inside her rich hostel.




"...Where are you, [Taiga]?"








A young man around his early twenty spoke cheerfully. He, like everyone who were surrounding him, wore white loose shirt and jeans. Except the a six years old boy who preferred jeans jumpsuit and a knitted hat.

"Let's harvest some potatoes today!" Kise Ryouta, under the heated day, beamed brightly. The only one who joined his cheer was the young woman with ponytail and low whisper of the boy's. Kise pouted and exclaimed, "Everyone!"

"I'm tired."

"We can't!"

"I'm lazy."

"We know!"

"It's a bad day for doing outside activities."

"That's not reasonable!"

Because Kise was still busy persuading his friends, Kuroko tugged the hem of Momoi's shirt. "...Umm, can I ask something?"

"Sure thing!" Momoi patted his head lovingly. "Let me guess! You're confused on why we can go out at the sunlight, right?"

To this, Kuroko nodded.

Before Momoi could answer, a voice came up from the first floor balcony. "It's because of Shintaro's power." The man in mention flinched before walking to their side. He was taking a shelter along with Murasakibara at the grand floor balcony. "This dome barrier makes us invulnerable to the sun. Do you understand the word, Tetsuya?"

"Un, it means we're strong against. Midorima-kun taught me the word a week ago." Kuroko replied meekly, a bit enthustiatic for seeing all vampires from the group now bathed in sunlight. "...What are we going today?"

"It's called potato harvesting with the group of bear!" Kise agreed casually. Kuroko's expression was turning plain.

Aomine smacked Kise's head in dismay. "You make us sounds like pervert, idiot! And why are you awfully noisy today!?"

"Hey, where's that werewolf?" Murasakibara narrowed his head as he munched some potato chips. "I envy him, I want to pass this activity too! Aka-chin, I hate sun!"

"Learn not to." With an instant, Akashi had gone from balcony to his side. Folding his hands, Akashi sighed. "That person has just gone to fetch some woods. Don't worry, he will join this activity too."

"Seriously?" Aomine hissed in annoyance. "Jeez, if I could go, I'd rather collect some woods than going to harvest these silly potatoes..."

"Stop complaining and do your job." Akashi raised his eyebrow, making Aomine and Murasakibara grunted in response. Akashi turned his face to Midorima. "You've been awfully quiet. Is something wrong?"

"Look, Akashi!" Midorima finally let out his protests. "I really can't go outside today! The Oha-Asa this morning said-!"

"Oh, so you now prefer some TV shows than executing my order." Akashi seemed like shrugging it off, but he actually didn't. At least, Kuroko felt the tension too. "If you don't want to, then it's alright. But no bloods for 3 years. Not a single sip."

"3 years!? It's against the human rights!" Midorima protested again, but finally he decided to pipe down after hearing Momoi's remark 'but we're not human'. "Tsk, then only for 3 hours!"

"Six. No more, no less." Giving him his slight smile, he ordered the rest. "Let's harvest some."







"Damn, why should I collect some fickle woods!?" Kagami Taiga kicked one of the tree carelessly hard.




"That damn red head should not order me around like this!"




"Why did I have a [blood pact] with him in the first place, anyway!?"


"Wait, I forgot Kuroko!" Kagami exclaimed to no one. "I should go back now before that damn blonde goes near him!" He added frustatedly, "...Oh, and that bastard Aomine!"


"What the hell with that sound!" Kagami turned behind, but saw no one. "Is it my imagination? Yeah, sure does." Kagami nodded to himself, "After all, there's no-"


"...What!" Kagami raised his eyes to the empty forest. "I swear if there's a-"

The tree which had been kicked before had suddenly lost its balance with the Mother Earth and fell to his direction.









"W-What is it!? Earthquake?" Aomine suddenly alarmed. "That sounds pretty near... Should I chec- Oh wait, damn, the sun's still there!"

"What should we do, then?" Kise looked panic, "What if there's a landslide? Oh, or a bear! Should we evacuate from here now?"

"No need." Midorima leaned to his shovel with a loud sigh. "How many times do I have to tell you that my barrier isn't something you should worry of!"

"Is it really alright, Akashi-kun?" Kuroko tipped the hem of his jumpsuit with his dirty hands.

"It's alright, Tetsuya." Akashi smiled slightly as he crouched down to his eyelevel, "Though I pretty much or less know what happened."

Momoi added cheerfully. "Maybe it came from a wild tiger who apparently knocked down something!"

Murasakibara just hummed in reply.




Thankfully, Kagami didn't get hit. He glanced at the down knocked tree. He hissed in annoyance; if it left just like that, those Watchers would probably suspect that their group was near but if he destroyed it, it became too much hassle. In addition to that, the firewoods he supposed to be collected had been ruined, thanks to this big tree.

Suddenly he had an idea. A very bad idea.




"Akashi, can I ask something?" Aomine asked as he digged the soil carefully and slowly.

"If your question is about when will this activity end or asking about a break, then, I suggest you to shut your mouth." Akashi turned to see him as he brought the potato out as he continued. "But feel free to ask me if it's neither of them." One could tell the tension, indeed.

After a moment of deafening silence, Aomine asked. "Why are we even doing this?"

"Explain it, Shintaro."

"You can do it yourself." Midorima sighed, but he explained anyway. His gloves were very dirty, thankfully he had them on; otherwise the bandages would get dirty. "By doing these activities, he believed that we can control the powers, even it's a bit sil-"

"By the way, Aka-chin said not to give Mido-chin bloods for two consecutive weeks." Murasakibara childishly said as he overheard the whisper of their leader. "I wonder how it feels like..."

"Please don't speak like that easily, Murasakicchi..." Kise sweatdropped at the giant. "...So it's kind of activity training, eh, Akashicchi? That's why Aominecchi's potatoes are all poorly harvested..."

"He really doesn't have a taste." Momoi cringed after taking a look at the basket with Kuroko. "Look, poor Potato-san!" Momoi gently placed them on Kuroko's hands. "You shouldn't treat anything like that, okay?" Kuroko nodded sadly.

"Don't be sad, it has gone to Heaven already." Murasakibara gave a solemn look for once. "But really, do you really have to be that bad with Pota-chin?"

"Poor Potato-san..." Kuroko murmured blankly, getting the attention. "At least Heaven won't pull you like these. Only Aomine-kun does."


"Aomine-kun, it's burning!" Momoi exclaimed at the potato on his hand, "Don't get mad at something so trivial!"

"Here goes!" Kise sprayed the water to his burning hand with water hose which, unfortunately, got to Aomine's white t-shirt as well. "...Oops, hehe."


Aomine ran after the blonde who were shouting some words of apologizing. Since they were running all over the place in a flash, in the end, the blonde got caught easily and somehow they ended on the pool of muds. Being a clean person, Midorima scolded them and told them to open their muddy t-shirts; only to reveal the armless white shirts beneath their shirts.

Akashi cleared his throat as he clapped his hand together. "Anyway, back to your place! We still have lots to harvest now!"


"Oh," Akashi added with his upmost smirk, "And I hope you'll treat other Potato-san(s) with utmost care, Daiki."


"No blood for you too?"

"Touche. Fine!"




Because of their big garden, they decided to split into 2 groups; which exactly why Kuroko was with Murasakibara, Kise, and Akashi. Since the giant harvested the potatoes lazily, the leader scolded him. However, the lazy Murasakibara was the exact contrast of the cheerful Kise who had been humming songs Kuroko didn't understand. Sensing that he was being watched, Kise gestured with his gloved hand to go there. Kuroko, having nothing to do since his job done, approached him.

"You're really full of energy today, Kise-kun." Kuroko claimed as he tightened his hat.

Kise turned to him with a mischievous smile, "Am I?"


"It's just that it's been a while since I could enjoy the sun again!" Kise beamed, Kuroko just realized that his smile almost on par with the sun behind him. "I'm glad I chose to join with Akashicchi back then." He looked at the sky sadly, "...If I didn't, I think I'll be somewhere around this world killing people." Kuroko knew this expression; it was the same as Kagami's when he smelled a werewolf nearby on their pursuit two months before. Kise added quickly, "And to do it with everyone I treasure the most!" He glanced at the boy, "Of course Kurokocchi and Kagamicchi include in that category too!"

"...Thank you."


A loud shout came from the other side of the garden. Momoi was trying her best to calm Midorima. Aomine grinned in reply. Murasakibara was still busy with plucking the potatoes. Worried about his protector, Kuroko decided to see him at the direction where they had their eyes on.


Suddenly, the barrier trembled pretty hard. It was like a pair of chopsticks forced to enter the pudding. It was hitting the green-dome barrier again, making the people inside it lost balance.


"You know what to do, Shintaro." Akashi kept his cool even though he was almost slumped down after the tremor. Thankfully the Earth-Controller, Murasakibara caught him before landed. "Hurry, before it strikes again."

With a long sigh, Midorima replied. "I [accept] the tree log which is brought by Kagami Taiga; it can [enter] my barrier!" He cursed not too long, "Damn werewolf!"

When the big tree forced to enter the green dome again, Kuroko was ready to have tremor again. Instead, the log easily perceived inside. It was as if passing some transparent light. And Kagami was the one who brought them inside. Unlike the log, he easily entered without any difficulties.

"So." Akashi demanded with an eerie smile. "Do you really know what are you doing, Dog?"

Kagami gulped in reply; it was a rare chance to see him in a pinch like this, Kuroko was amused. "...The tree just fell on its own! It hit the firewoods I had been collected! So I- Yeah. You can do the maths."

"Fell on its own...?" Momoi giggled in return. Kagami hissed in annoyance. To his credit, Aomine snickered and Kise held a laugh. Kagami then glanced at Murasakibara to keep quiet, but it seemed he didn't notice.

Murasakibara tilted his head lazily. "But you know, Aka-chin, I felt a great force that attacked the tree just before it fell down."

"Damn you!"

"Seriously, werewolf!" Midorima shouted. "Do you know how much trouble you make!?" Another sigh escaped his lips. "The tree itself considers bigger than most of the trees. When it fell down not too long ago, the tremor was too loud! Not only that, I have to accept it inside! If the Watchers see-"

"Shintaro." Akashi cut him as he saw the boy fret. He went next to the boy; twenty miliseconds faster than the shape-shifter man. "After all, I have Atsushi to fix them. The tree will still be there, unharmed. The heavy footsteps are all erased."

"So, can I skip this activity?" Murasakibara raised his hand.

Akashi narrowed his eyebrows. "Until 3 o'clock, Atsushi. For you too, Shintaro." He smirked to Kagami, "Sharp four for you, Taiga."




"Can I ask a question?" Kagami took the potato out from the soil. He retorted angrily when Midorima stared at him increduosly, "I swear it has nothing to do with your barrier!"

Akashi replied lightly, "I suppose an intermezo would be alright. You may ask, then."

"What will you do with these potatoes? I know you [don't eat] foods... Well, except that rare case of a vampire." He gestured to Murasakibara who was a mile from them.

"Well, you both can eat that. Kagamin and Tetsu-kun, I mean." Momoi answered as she fanned herself from the side. "It's really hot, this summer."

"You can wear this hat, Momoi-san." Kuroko gave him his hat which replied by a hug.

Kagami frowned at the thought as he took Kuroko away from the pouted girl, "You mean, we're going to eat all of these?"

Midorima rolled his eyes, "You can share them to villagers nearby. But do it without them knowing, of course."

"Aah, if only we can eat some." Murasakibara grumbled, "Your cooks are delicious, Kaga-chin." He continued after a short pause, "Eh, it supposed to be seemed delicious since I haven't try them, right?"

"Anything's fine though, Murasakibara. No one cares the other way." Aomine scoffed lightly, earning a glare from the reddish brown haired young man. "Meh, I hope the looks don't differ with the actual taste."

"In a matter of time, this barrier would be complete." Midorima stated as their looks brightened.

Akashi smirked a little, "Until that, be patient."

"But then, we can stay here with everyone as much as we like!" Kise looked anything but happier by this, "I'm eager to eat your cooks, Kagamicchi! I can't wait!"

"Really." Kagami glanced at Kuroko before he let out a sigh, "When everyone is having a war outside, you're all here doing nothing?"

"Oh shut up. We're fine like this." Aomine grumbled as he ruffled Kuroko's hairs, "It's not like we want this power, even it's handy at times."

"Don't say it like that. It's not too bad!" Aomine frowned hearing Momoi's rebuttal. "And Kagamin," She gave him a weird look, "What's wrong with that?"

"Momocchi, everyone has different opinions." Kise warned her not to pry too much to her curiosity which replied with a pout.

Midorima murmured, "And this barrier is still no good. I still have to master this thing before it's completely perfect."

"No good?" Kuroko frowned at the thought, "I think it's amazing, Midorima-kun. Story about vampires can stand the sun like normal humans is unbelievable."

"Umm, why is it again that made us scared of sun?" Murasakibara asked nonchalantly.

Hearing this, Akashi asked the boy. "Tetsuya, do you know why vampires hate sun?"

Kuroko looked at the vampires one by one, "...Umm, because of the lights?"

"How about you, Taiga?"

The werewolf said uncertainly after glancing at the Ace who shrugged, "Err, I don't know."

Akashi narrowed his eyes as Kagami gulped uneasily, "While ignorance is a bliss, a person without a thirst of knowledge can be fatal." He turned to others, "So any of you don't know either?"

Momoi nodded uncertainly, Aomine scratched his cheek, Murasakibara tilted his head, Kise laughed awkwardly, and Midorima frowned seeing their reactions.

"All of you needs to be educated, period." Midorima ordered them, "Every day at 12 AM sharp with Kuroko." The others groaned in reply and he turned to Kagami, "And that is also applied to you."

"Hell no!" Aomine hissed in annoyance. "It's too damn early, Midorima! Be rational!"

"I can't wake that early," Murasakibara frowned as he turned to the red haired leader. "Aka-chin~"

"That means you should join too, Atsushi." Akashi smirked hearing this before he patted the tallest Second, "...The reason why we're vulnerable to the sun is because of a curse."


"Yes, a curse." Akashi continued with a slight, rare smile. "It's a long story."

"...Can you tell us about it?"

Hearing the question from Kuroko, Midorima frowned. He stared Akashi with narrow eyes, as if trying to stop him from talking more. The others were merely watching these exchanges, even though few of them might already knew what was going on.

"No," Akashi shook his head but he added after a short pause, "But you may hear the rest of the story from Shintaro, Tetsuya." When Midorima had his eyes narrowed, Akashi just let out his usual smirk. "As he's willing to explain the long forgotten tale."

"I don't mind," Midorima replied shortly. "Are we done yet?"

Everyone turned at Akashi who smirked seeing their eyes. "Yes, let's go back in."







"Haa, finally!" Momoi sat on the chair at the dining room, stretching her untired hands. At the grand floor of their mansion, the dining room and the living room conjuncted together without walls. She added with a grunt, a habit she took from her tanned friend. "I'm really tired today."

"Vampires don't-"

"Get tired, yeah." Momoi giggled as Kise pouted in dismay, "Aww, come on Ki-chan! I'm just joking!"

Kise blinked before smiling, "Oh I know you did, Momocchi. It's that-"

"Aka-chin, I sense a great force." Murasakibara frowned as he walked from the living room to the red-haired leader who just arrived from the bathroom, "What do we do?"

Aomine sneered, "Moreover, it was already present inside this barrier. That shape-shifter really can run away from his job." He cocked an eyebrow to Midorima, "You sure you kept the barrier right?"

"Of course!" Midorima glared at the certain tan vampire, "Are you doubting me?"

"...There aren't anyone new present here." Kise held out a nervous breath, "I know this feeling; it's not unfamiliar."

"Don't tell me, [him]-!?" Momoi gasped as she narrowed her eyes sadly, "...Akashi-kun, please help him..."

"Of course." Akashi nodded affirmatively, "But you have to stay here." When his gaze confronted with outspoken protests, he smirked. "All of you." He left no room for anyone to say anything, so the others went quiet. When he disappeared, the Seconds were looking to the stairs he last seen upon.

"...Be careful, Akashi-kun..."





When he arrived at the corridor of their bedrooms, Akashi was greeted by the infamous werewolf. His heterochromia eyes fixed the gaze of the blazing red of Kagami's. While the shape-shifter young man in front of him looked unsure, Akashi looked certain of [something].


Akashi smirked knowingly, as if challenging the young man to continue.

"Don't come in." Kagami pleaded unsurely, " not a sight you...might want to see."

Akashi's eyebrows creased, "That sight is under my care and your protection. It's at times like these we need to be with...him."

"I know! I don't need you to tell me that!" The blazing eyes turned very stern by this, "He doesn't let me see him, not even once at times like these!" Kagami was frustrated, "If he says no, then no. I know that isn't supposed to be like it, but I-"



"Just by saying not at times like these, you're making things complicated." Akashi let out a sigh, "Move."

"But Aka-"


The [pact] that interwined by their bloods activated; with just one word and a gaze of his left eye, Kagami fell down to the floor. Kagami gritted his teeth as he tried to stand but to no avail.

"You stay outside." Akashi firmly stated, "If I don't go back in an hour, protect him from everyone." He walked away from the kneeling Kagami to the dark room, before the door closed tightly.






The light in the room wasn't lit, thus the only source of light came from the moonlight. Today was the first day of full moon phase. It was dim, but with his excellent senses, he could sense that there was a being under the sheets of blanket.

Slowly and gently, Akashi approached the heap of blankets and teared away the blankets one by one. It made no move at all, but he could felt that the pants became louder by each time he teared away the blankets. When there was only one blanket left, his movement was stopped by a small hand that reached out from the under of blankets.

"...Don't..." The owner of the hand pleaded, "...You don't...want to...see...hah..."

"I want to see you." Akashi said simply and sternly, "Isn't that enough?"

The force that restrained his movement was small enough for the vampire so he put away the hands and teared the last blanket away.

"...Are you [Tetsuya]?"

In between tired breathes Kuroko let out, the frail boy answered weakly with a nod.


Under the moonlight, Akashi saw the boy was laying on the bed sickly. Sweats were all over his body as the boy let out another pants from his small mouth. But what made Akashi startled was the fact that Kuroko had gained ears and a tail of werewolf's while maintaining his human form.

Clutching his already drenched clothes, Kuroko felt his face flushed as he said, "...Don't...look..." As he spoke, Akashi noted the canines were longer and seemed sharper than before.

"What happened to you?" Ignoring his plea, Akashi gently swiped his small hand away from his clothes, "I want to help you."

"...You...can't." Kuroko slowly shook his head, "...It's [something]...I'm born with."

"How often does it appear?" Akashi got up from the bed and walked to the dresser in a flash, "I'll get you changed. You'll get sick if you keep using that wet pajama."

"...It's...only when [nights like these]..." Kuroko pointed at the full moon weakly as Akashi sat on the bed again, "...I don't know...what's truly me." He clutched the tip of Akashi's clothes, "...Am I...really a monster?"

"No, you don't." Akashi said surely as he patted the boy's head. The ears fell down as the tail swayed. Akashi could only muster a small smile, Kuroko looked like a harmless cub. "By the looks of it, you know why they appears."


Akashi paused for a while, "...And it's connected to your parents."


"A [half-vampire] and [half-werewolf]." Akashi muttered under his breath which replied by a shameful nod from the boy. "To think that one like you exist."

"...My existence is...a sin." Kuroko clutched his hands together, "I shouldn't have born. That way, no one shall ever hurt. Kagami-kun, those vampires, and also [the villagers]..."

"If he's hurt, it's not your fault." Akashi said sternly, "It's his fault for being too weak to protect you." Akashi touched his red cheek which made him saw his bluish eyes, "Tell me about those villagers."

"...Once, I lived in a village deep inside the forest...of Mount Tate." Kuroko continued as he closed his eyes, "...I was taken care by an old couple. Even then, I...was different...from other children." Akashi saw a small smile graced his lips, "...Somehow, I had a human...friend despite the circumstances..."

'Hey, what are you doing here all alone?'


'Aww, come on! Let's play something!'

'...You're...from the outskirt...'

'Yeah! The name's Ogiwara.'

'...My name is...'

"...But in the village.. there was...a strange annual ritual... They offer...a human boy to the village's deity..." When Kuroko opened his eyes, Akashi could only saw horror there. "...My chosen to be sacrificed next... So I appointed be sacrificed..."

'What are you doing!'

'Ssh! It'll be bad if they found you here!'

'That's why I ask-!'

'You have to leave this village!'

'But then, you-!'

'...It's okay.'


'...It's because you're the first...and the last ever befriended me.'


"...But you are not a human..." Akashi's voice trailed off as his hand patted the boy's head. "...In the end, the ritual-"

"Failed." Kuroko nodded weakly, "...The village's mad, so everyone...was killed... But that was also...a lie."

"There's no such a thing called a deity." Akashi raised a concern, "Humans always made up things for beyond comprehensible actions they committed."

Kuroko let out a deep sigh, "That was the first time...I realized what's wrong... On why...every single moonlight nights I passed on that village...I lost my memories...all of sudden."

Akashi gently cupped his wet cheek, "...For the deity was you."

"...Yes." Kuroko continued sadly, "But then, I couldn't...control my thirst so I- I killed...every villagers...and people who didn't listen." He pleaded weakly, "...Akashi-kun, tell me... Why am I like this?"

"...In every [full moon phase], the bloods inside your veins [conflict] each other." Akashi brought his face closer as he realized how pale the boy was this whole time, "Your werewolf and vampire sides emerge to surface, making you tired all of sudden and these," Akashi touched the ears and grabbed the tail which made the boy shuddered, "appears."

"...How...can I make it stop?"

"Someone should take your bloods away." Akashi smirked as their faces closed in an inch.


"Don't scream."








"Akashi!" Kagami who was sitting down on the floor on a while ago stood up when he found the door was opened. However, when he realized that Akashi's once white shirt was tainted in scarlet bloods on the collar. "...You-!"

"Stop, Kagami-kun!"

"...Kuroko!" Kagami loosened up his hands from Akashi's shirt and went to the boy who looked indifferent from usual. "What happened? Are you hurt somewhere?"

"I'm alright." Kuroko affirmed with a transparent smile, "Release your hand, Kagami-kun."

"...Ah! Sorry!"

"Sorry is just not enough, Dog." Akashi narrowed his eyes sternly as Kagami winced, "I want to punish you, but first clean up your mess first." Akashi turned up to see the hallway was, in fact, very messy courtesy to frustated someone. "Collect some woods again tomorrow."


"If everything's okay, may I sleep now?" Kuroko yawned tiredly, "Tomorrow I still have to study with Midorima-kun."

"Sleep well, Tetsuya."

"Alright. If something happens-"

"Call you." Kuroko mustered a small smile, "I know. Good night."




When Akashi arrived at the living room, there was only Murasakibara watching TV. The others weren't there anymore, as Akashi noted, it was already night to begin with. Probably the others went to their rooms, trying to sleep as they had an appointment to study with Midorima not too long ago.


"Atsushi, I'm sorry I kept you waiting." Akashi smirked as he swayed the purple bangs away from his purple eyes, "Are you bored?"

"Uh-uh. Even though today is [my turn]." Murasakibara pouted in dismay, "None of these treats have the [same flavor] as you, Aka-chin."

"Of course, it's my own bloods after all." Akashi smirked all knowingly, "Don't take the bloods for granted, Atsushi. Tomorrow is Ryota's turn."

"I know." Murasakibara was annoyed by the fact, "If only I can hog you all I want."

"But that's not possible." Akashi smirked again, "Let's go, shall we?"




...Finished. Err, I'm sorry for not able to upload this faster. I'm stuck in midway, before I watched DL last night and I remembered this. Did I build the mood right? Did I force the story? Such things passed my thought, but I guess I should give the judging to you, readers. Feel free to leave a review if you like this chapter. Then, until next time!