A/N: AU(ish) fic, set in a world of vampires and werewolves. Watch out!

Rules: flashbacks 'thoughts' "conversations" "electronics"

Disclaimer: Kuroko no Basuke will always belong to the respective owners.

"Go! Hurry run away now!"

That night was one of the darkest nights one ever had. A chilling gaze from the wind made everything became, if not, odd. The moon was shining dimly, yet the stars' light was hidden behind the clouds. Black cumulonimbus clouds.

Two young men stood there in the middle of the dark forest. Albeit it was going to rain soon, instead, they didn't move even an inch. They both cared nothing with the rain. They glared at each other, with weapons on their hand-directed on each other's throats.

"...Move, [Bloodsucker]!"

It came from the young man with reddish brown hairs. His eyes glared the other man intently. His grip on the sword's hilt tightens.

"You move first, [Dog]."

The young man with dark blue hairs replied back calmly. He has tanned skin, possibly as dark as night. His eyes stared back coldly. His finger was right on the trigger.

"Leave now."

"I don't take orders from a mere [Werewolf]."

"Say that to a [Vampire] who takes orders from [him]."

The tanned young man twitched, but remained calm.

"Tch! I am not here to pick a fight."

The red brownish haired man scoffed of disgust.

"Like I believe your answer."

"I am here to exterminate the [Monster], werewolf."

The shape-shifter man tensed suddenly. His eyes glared the other man intensely. His collective manner had loosened off a bit.

"There isn't any monster here."

"So you know it. The monster, I mean."

"Yes. And the best part is? I won't tell you anything."

"Interesting. Hearing that comes to you who used to be our [loyal servant]."

"Do you want to test me?"

"Shall I?"

"Don't get cocky, you bastard."

"I'm not. The one who can beat me is me alone."

With a evil smirk, the tanned young man replied sarcastically. They marched at each other with the same killing intent. The fight was being rematches again for the second time. However, this incident would probably the beginning of this [fated-story].

"...NO! I don't want to leave you!"

"Do you hear me, Ki-chan?"

"I can hear you clearly, Momoicchi."

A teenage boy around 16th years old replied softly. This blonde haired guy was running through the forest, searching something. Apparently, he was talking with his phone, since there wasn't even a living thing-except for animals or plants. Though, the animals had gone off somewhere, taking shelter. Is it possible that they felt the intent killing gaze here?

It was midnight and what could be a reason for a young man to be here, talking by phone?

"I can't hear you well. You must be far off my phone range."

"Yeah, nearly. Any info of our [target]?"

"No, not yet. I can't [see] anything yet. Can you hear something?"

The young man sighed while continued running off. He touched his one-earring ear.

"As much as I can tell, no. I can't hear anything. Though, I can hear Aominecchi's fight with that werewolf from here. Probably, like he said, it's neither human nor vampire."

The voice over his phone seemed worry. It belongs to a girl, roughly the blond boy's age.

"I understand. Do be careful. When you both back, I will definitely scold that [idiot] for doing mission without telling anyone! Just try not to hurt yourself."

The blonde young man smiled a little at her response. "Okay. I will be extra careful, Momoicchi."

And their connection was off.

"...You have to go. It's my duty to protect you."

Their fight had ended with the reddish brown haired man's sword on the bluenette's throat. Before he could launch another attack, the red haired man slammed the latter to the ground hard. Of course, that action made the latter coughed up unsurprisingly little bloods. He is a [special breed] indeed.

"I ask you to leave now."

"...Che. If I said I would not?"

"You're dead."

A simple harsh cold answer. But the tanned man laughed sarcastically.

"I can't die. As much as I wanted to... I just can't."

The reddish brown haired man replied back with a tinge of curiosity in his tone.

"Interesting. Oddly enough, you sounded like someone I know. That cocky attitude of yours; no will of living and yet you couldn't afford to die."

"Disgustingly, you looked like someone I know too. That loyal, hard tempered, lowly beast creature like you."

The moonlight shone thoroughly out of the clouds for a moment, revealing their faces.

"You're getting weak, [Aomine Daiki]."

"Tch! Speak for yourself, [Kagami Taiga]."

The blonde haired young man was still running throughout the forest. He was searching for [something], but he didn't find it to any avail. But truthfully, how could he found something that he, himself, had no clue about it?

'Damn. I can't hear their fight anymore. Is it finished yet? Did Aominecchi lost? No, no, NO! Don't think anything! Focus on finding [it]!'

Truthfully, this was the first time [Kise Ryota] ever had a mission with only Aomine Daiki. Usually, at least 3 persons from them went to do mission. That was what [their leader] ordered them to do. If he knew about it, Kise was sure that he wouldn't let them went on this mission. Or, at least he would probably do this mission with one of [their group]; possibly with either Midorima or Murasakibara.

It was probably his fault. This mission should be done by Aomine alone, but Kise insisted on going with him. He couldn't bear on letting Aomine go alone on a dangerous mission like this. Not when he knew it wasn't an easy quest like usual. Not when he knew that their leader wasn't there to stop him on going alone.

Exterminating the monster would be easy, since Aomine's power was already famous among their [group]. To the point calling him [The Ace] for his sucessfulness in some missions. But what he worried the most was the one who gave him this job. It was from [The Watcher] who was in charge of [The Law] of the vampires. Associating with them means no good, but apparently, they had no choice after all.

"I'm scared. What if this is our last chance to meet?"

"Don't be foolish. I'll catch up with you after defeating them."


"Promise. Now go, don't you ever look back again."

"...Okay. But promise me you'll go with me!"


'It' was running along the way that 'it' had been passing not long before. Sounds of huffing and whirling of plants were heard as 'it' was running through the forest, tracing back to the spot.

'...I am a fool.' 'It' thought while his grip tightens. A shame mixed confusion was shown on 'its' face. 'I...should not have leaved him back then...'

'Please be safe, Kagami-kun... Please, please, please.'

With his abilty on high hearing like his race, Aomine heard the sound of something huffing tiredly in about two miles from where they were standing.

'Is it Kise? Damn, that idiot! I've told him to search the damn monster, not interrupting my fight!'

While Aomine was wondering who it might be, his opponent looked very tense. He then shouted the 'thing', hoping the 'thing' would understand his position.

"...Don't come here!"

Unlike on how Aomine had torn his flesh and injured him everywhere, his opponent was really collected. He never showed fear, let alone his weakness. The only thing he had his composed feature change was when he said he would kill the monster. Then something clicked in Aomine's head.


When the latter turned his eyes to look at his opponent, Aomine smirked evilly while saying.

"Fire Spears."

And in a flash, his opponent passed down to the ground, unable to dodge his last attack. One of the spears made of blazing fire was pulled out from the werewolf's body, making the latter winced because of horrible pain. Trails of bloods were left out from the corner of his mouth, scarlet deep bloods.

"You seemed to forget my [specialty] at all. Are you getting retarded, Kagami?"

"...Tch! Damn you, Aomine!"

Aomine brushed his clothes while trying to stand. His body was injured, and so did his face. There were traces of sword cuts everywhere yet this didn't make him waver. After he brushed off his clothes clean, he turned his face to see his opponent was grimacing lowly because of the great pain he endured. Without any mercy, he kicked Kagami's shoulder hard, made him fell to the ground.

"And this time, the Dog should stay on the ground, don't you think so?"

Unlike before, Kagami didn't dodge his opponent harsh steps on his back. He groaned at the pain, but he didn't wither. Meanwhile, his eyes got fierce than before. He shouted at no one, barely keeping himself at muttering harsh words.

"Get OUT of here, [Kuroko]! I've told you, DON'T come here!"

"By [Kuroko], you meant the monster. How kind of you named it as such. A 'black' monster, eh?"

"SHUT UP! He isn't a monster!"

"A male, then. I wonder if it's a male dog monster. As I expect, with one hundred years, you're getting disgustingly weak, Dog."


Both of them suddenly stopped talking. A sound of weak steps and pants was heard by both Aomine and Kagami. 'It' had arrived. It wasn't come out from a monster like he had been told of to him by them. It wasn't come out from a fierce animal like he had thought before. It came from a 6th years old boy.

[Momoi Satsuki] sat on the chair next to the bed. She apparently was in her bedroom, alone. She looked, if not, worried much about her friends' conditions. But then, what she worried most was on why they didn't tell their leader anything about this mission. Momoi herself just knew that it was just an exterminate quest directly ordered by The Watcher to Aomine Daiki.

'Tsk, what is that idiot involving himself into?'

Then suddenly, something flashed on her mind. Pieces of flashbacks that weren't fit with any other. There stood her childhood friend, Aomine Daiki, injured everywhere. He was huffing, sweats dropped from his forehead. Though, he was smiling while saying something to someone whom was covered by thick fog. Kise was crying, his hands covered mostly his eyes. And the flash ended.

Her eyes lingered to the window. She sighed before opening his bedroom's window. She wanted to go with them, accompanied them. But she didn't have the power to fight. All she had was this unnecessary [ability].

'...Another [prediction] came...and it wasn't a good thing.' She smiled wryly. 'Though, my predictions back then were never nice either...'

"Momoi-san? Are those two with you?"

A knock and male voice spoke from behind the door, made her startled. She completely forgot that Kise [supposed to be] sick and she was treating him. Though, it was indeed just a cover since either of them didn't want to worry others about Aomine's mission.

"Ah, yes!" She replied back, but immediately smacked her head. She frantically answered. "Uh, I mean, just now. Err, Dai-chan is in no mood for eating, Midorin! Yeah, that's right! And umm, Ki-chan is still sleeping."

"...I see. They're not with you, right." Midorima sighed, making Momoi jolted out of being figured at. "At least, Momoi-san, Aomine Daiki isn't a person who skips dinner easily. And this is your bedrooms for your information, not Kise's."

A smile formed on her lips. "Midorin is being observant like usual."

"...So, he is still outside now?" Midorima fixed his glasses' position, ignoring on how the girl called him by. "With Kise, I believe."

"...Yeah." Momoi answered slowly. "But please, don't let [that person] know. I've promised Ki-chan not to."

"If [Akashi] knows about it, they will certainly undergo punishments. They deserve it, indeed." Midorima said calmly on the other side of the door. "Alright, I will not pry too much, Momoi-san."

"Thank you, Midorin!" Momoi beamed happily. "You'll certainly make a good mom!"

With that last statement, Midorima narrowed his eyes but didn't comment about it. He let out a 'tsk' before leaving the bedroom. The one behind the door was indeed one of their friends in the group, [Midorima Shintaro]. He wasn't informed on the mission Aomine took now for an unknown reason too, but judging by that, he might already knew about it since the very beginning.

'...I'm sorry, Ki-chan. I can't keep my promise. Who knows that Midorin is really observant?' Momoi thought when he went to the window, looking at the clouds. 'Please go home safe, both of you.'

"You... Are you really the monster?"

Aomine stared the boy who tried his best not to trembling at his fearful gaze. He didn't want to believe it, but it seemed that 'it', no, 'the boy' is indeed the monster he had been ordered to kill. At the moment Aomine had read the letter, he knew something was off.

'...Why did The Watcher give me this mission?'

At first, Aomine thought that it was a difficult one; to the point calling one of the [Generation of Miracles]. But now, he wasn't anymore. It seemed like a conspiracy between The Watcher to get rid of him -Aomine Daiki- and the monster specifically. He was only told that the monster is dangerous for vampires; like his existence because of his special power. But why would a boy be a hinder to vampire world?

'This doesn't make sense at all. Those damn Watcher...what are they planning...?'

He thought deeply in his head. He needed to inform that idiot to get out of this forest, a warning to be precise. But it wasn't needed anyway. After all, this could end in a second. Aomine prepared his gun, his finger on the trigger. However, the boy didn't whimper, let alone terrified. His expression calm, if not, collected. His bluish eyes were fixated on him, as if challenging him to pull the trigger.

"...Don't stare at me like that. I am just following order."

The werewolf behind Aomine struggled to stand on the ground. He looked that he was still in pain. Aomine didn't turn his head, but gritted his teeth while Kagami dragged his foots in front of the smaller boy. The boy grabbed his clothes from behind, looking worried.

"...Kagami-kun! You're...okay...?"

"IDIOT! What the hell are you doing here, you stupid kid? You're going to get killed!"

"...I'm sorry. But I just- I just can't let you stay here alone... I- I'm afraid that this might be the last time I see you..."

"Damn! We make that promise together! I promise you to catch up later! And you promise me that you'll run away from this forest!"

"...I'm sorry..."

"Now listen to me, kid. Either way, we're going out of here, okay?"


Suddenly, fire was set ablaze. Strangely, this fire was made by someone's [power]. By a command, [Fire Wall] the fire spited itself and made a circle wall, separating the boy from its protector. By another command from the tanned boy again, spears made of fire pierced through the werewolf. A loud shriek of pain was heard from Kagami before he passed to the ground. Aomine then casted [Fire Cage] to the werewolf, making him surrounded by fire everywhere.

The boy wanted to come to his side, but apparently, Aomine was smarter enough to cast another command; making another fire wall around them. When the boy realized this, he turned his head only to see Aomine had pointed his gun on his head.

"...What are you? Are you really the Monster?"

Aomine stared at the boy with bluish eyes. He had expected the boy to cry, whimper, or at least, tremble by his hateful gaze. Everyone did that when they saw him glared. However, he moved forward, without any fear, he replied him bravely. He spread his arms while he locked his eyes to Kagami's attacker with certainty.

"...I don't know what you are talking about. I don't even know why I was born. But I know I won't let you hurt Kagami-kun more than this."

In that small moment, though, Aomine halted his movement. A trigger to the past. In his mind, there stood a boy with tanned skin surrounded by mountain of corpses and fire. Bloods were everywhere; it even stained on the boy's clothes too. Behind him, a pig-tailed girl clutches his clothes tightly, not wanting him to get hurt. As if he knew about the girl, he spoke bravely.

"I won't let you hurt anyone anymore!"

Aomine's jaw clenched hard. He hung down the gun on his hand. His expression wasn't explainable by anyone. Confuse, regret, shame, all mixed into one. This wasn't like him. The cocky, harsh, cold attitude of him.

"Damn it."


Oookay! Finished! At first, I'm going to say sorry first for everyone who are still waiting for A Trip to Hokkaido (in this fandom too, if you don't mind checking). I don't know why, but I suddenly have this idea popped in my head. This story will be short, thank you very much. For their special powers, I had them look as much as their actual ability. Though, Aomine being a fire-user seemed lame, I'm sorry. Please review, if you like.