Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS
A/N – thanks for the support! I loved writing this chap so enjoy!
Left my heart In paris and totontogirl12 thanks for your reviews :D
The next morning both Jen and Jethro awoke with smiles on their faces and curled up with one another as their bright eyes fluttered open the small air of awkwardness that had crept in from some far away part of their mind was banished as soon as he placed a small kiss on her head. She looked into his deep eyes and a small smile spread across her face. He looked at her bright green eyes. Their faces were in such close proximity that they could feel the others breath on their skin. In that moment, both realised what it was that they wanted.
Slowly, and with courage she didn't know she had her eyes flicked down from his eyes to his lips. She paused slightly before repeating the glance two more times. He watched, and waited for the right moment. Then when he saw pure desire in her eyes he leant forward, pausing just a millimetre before her lips. And she closed the gap. Their lips joining in a moment of pure romance - only to be shattered by the sound of his mobile. They broke apart. His head fell to her shoulder as he kissed it and groaned. She smiled. "Some things never change." She whispered. He kissed her lips before picking up his phone.
"Yeah Gibbs." He answered not exactly pleased with the interruption.
"Jethro, it's Marrow. Not interrupting am I?"
"Not at all sir." He replied whilst looking at Jenny who was smirking.
"I hear Ari was shot? Is Jenny alright apparently she was attacked."
"Yes sir, she's fine. He was shot in defence sir." He said looking at Jenny who kissed his neck before getting up. He grabbed her hand as she walked before she let go and winked at him. He couldn't help but love the fact that she was like the Jen he'd fallen in love with all those years ago all over again.
"I don't doubt he was Jethro. When are you all planning on flying back?"
"Soon Sir. There is something I need to finish first though."
"Very well Jethro. Agent Todd's funeral is next week. Take all the time you need. You're off rotation for the next week."
"Thank you sir." With that he hung up.
Half an hour later Jenny was in the kitchen and so was Jethro. But they weren't doing what they wanted to be. Jenny was on the phone with the home secretary as she rushed around getting things together. She had a look of frustration on her face whilst she attempted to get her point across. As she was ready to leave she struggled to pull on her black leather Jacket. Jethro walked over held the phone to her ear and helped her put it on before twirling her around. He looked at her in awe. She wore a green pencil skirt that fell just above her knees and a cream blouse with the black Jacket. As she listed to her boss she mouthed 'thank you before' kissing his cheek and going. He smirked at her and leant back against the wall. Maybe things were going to be better than he'd thought they would be in the near future.
Twenty minutes later he walked into the MI5 office – coffee in hand. DiNozzo and McGee were sat writing their reports and he smiled – they'd done as they were told for once. He watched as they all worked and got on with his own report. Fifteen minutes later there was still no sign of Jenny. He walked over to her team. "Where's Jenny?" he asked confused.
"Swimming the Thames." Answered Demitri only to get hit by Erin.
"At the end of a big deal, when we've prevented something or failed to she always goes to the local pool to swim. IT's sort of like her ritual so to speak."
"thanks." Gibbs said before grabbing his coat and going to leave. He walked to the loc al pool after getting directions from a local. Once he had gone in he flashed his badge and went straight through. Inside the pool area it was a lot warmer. There were two swimming pools, a smaller one which he imagined was the children's pool and a larger one with lanes marked with red and white ropes. IT was empty apart from one person: Jenny.
He watched her as she swam, perfect front crawl, making barely a splash. Her arms and legs coordinated as she pushed the water aside and swam from one end to the other – barely pausing to catch her breath. He watched her do five lengths. When she got to the far end of the pool she paused. "How did you find me?" she questioned before doing breast stroke back.
"Why swimming?" she reached his side of the pool and closed her eyes before becoming fully submerged under water then coming back up and brushing her hair out of her eyes.
"When I was working with Ziva after Paris, we used to run every morning to clear our minds. She said 'after we finish something, we each must have an oasis to retire to'. So I used to run with her, but there was always too much for me to focus on. When I started this job the first op I did was to do with a former swimmer. It got me back into it. Swimming allows your own silence, your own world. I can concentrate of the strokes and clear my mind."
"She was the officer who saved you life?"
"Yeah, twice now I suppose. She's good Jethro, one of the best." They stayed there in silence; him crouched down whist she looked up at him. "Can we try that kiss again, without an interruption this time?"
"I think I can manage that Jen."
He leant down and soon his lips were crashing down on hers. She pushed herself up on the side of the pool, legs still in but torso fully out. They kissed passionately as if to make up for the years spent apart. His hands had found their way to her waist and were keeping her in place. When they parted from lack of breath both were smiling.
"Worth the wait?" he questioned smirking.
"Hmm, not sure. Might have to try it again." She replied. And they did, twice more before Jenny got out of the pool. She went to get changed and he waited. Fifteen minutes later she reappeared. Hair half dry from the driers pools had that never worked. HE smiled at her and she smiled back. A bright, full happy smile that he loved. And as soon as she was close enough his lips were on hers once hers once more. His arms round her waist and her finger in his hair. Life in that moment was perfect. And as they walked out of the pool both knew that it was a new start. With smiled on their faces, and his arm around her waist there was no going back. Things wouldn't be easy, and for the time being it would be a long distance relationship. But they had lost each other once and both knew there was not a chance that they were going to let it happen again.
-waiting for tomorrow-
At Washington DC international airport arrivals gate a silver hair man waited impatiently for the London Gatwick passengers to arrive. It had been two years since Kate's death, and the case in London. He and Jenny had kept the relationship going, and even though at times it had been tough they'd made it through. Every time they spoke he smiled, the rare times they saw each other they never could take their hands off of one another. In truth they never thought they would ever get enough of one another. And now it was the start of a new chapter. Jenny had managed to somehow get a MI5 intelligence unit set up in DC and was taking the lead role. It meant they were together.
Now he stood waiting for her, waiting to see the flash of red. And when he did he smiled. She came running over pulling he bags before jumping into his arms. He spun her round before kissing her like the scene out of 'love actually' as DiNozzo would say. As they lips parted for a brief second he said the only thing he could think to say: "Marry me." Shocked she looked at him as he put her down and got on one knee. "Marry me Jenny Sheppard." And as she nodded, unable to trust her voice he picked her back up and spun her around. Both wore smiles from ear to ear as they kissed once more, a round of applause could be heard from onlookers.
Ever since the day she left they'd both been waiting for tomorrow, waiting for the other to step back into the life. Waiting for a day they thought would never come. Now though it had, they were no longer waiting for something, now they were enjoying the moment – together.
-the end-