So this is my second story I hope you guys enjoy. This will contain a lemon in later chapter so you have been warned.

I don't own Soul eater, sadly, but I do own the story line.


Maka sat back, grinning warmly at the boy with shocking blue hair. He was standing on top of a dumpster, in an ally way in the heart of New York City yelling about himself. The two were patrolling the territory of the Shibusen Thunderbolts, a notorious and well-known gang.

"So Maka, you're getting a job today, right?" asked the boy sitting down loudly next to her.

"Yep, gotta pay for college somehow, right?" she replied watching the clouds overhead. She hoped it would turn into rain.

"The great BlackStar doesn't need to go college, I'm a god remember?" BlackStar grinned smugly at her.

"Yes, well unfortunately I don't have your "powers" and I have bills to pay," Maka said rolling her eyes.

"Well, of course you don't have the same powers as me, you aren't a god! Anyways I never imagined you working as a maid," BlackStar said.

"The Evans family is rich, and they offer rooms for the maids which is really awesome. I can finally get out of my dad's house," she sighed. "Anyways if you didn't know who I really am would you imagine me in a gang?" she asked with an earnest smile. It was true, Maka was extremely responsible and good in school, she wasn't what stereotypical gang member would be seen as. She often found herself wondering why she continued to be an active member of the gang, and had decided she found she fit in with these people more than anyone else.

Even though she was good in school she was a loner and she didn't have any friends. BlackStar had been her best and only friend ever sense she was a little girl. When her parents split he offered her an outlet to her anger and frustration, fighting. She joined BlackStar in the Shibusen Thunderbolts and she finally had found what she would consider the closest thing she had to a family.

She never got into the drugs or prostitution that sometimes happened in the community. But she did get into a lot of fights, in fact due to her natural ability to kick ass she had been raised to a high level in the gang and had become infamous in the criminal underground. Everyone called her the "Scythe Meister" in reference to her acting somewhat like a grim reaper.

"So did you hear about that knew guy in the Death City Weapons?" BlackStar asked.

"You mean that one guy who supposedly single handedly defeated Death the Kid or something like that?" she replied to the question lazily. Death City Weapons were the Shibusen's opposition for as long as anyone could remember. In their societal structure the only way to advance in status was to defeat the gang leader's (Lord Death) son, Death the Kid. In gangs people didn't often use their true name just in case the cops got wind of anything. If someone becomes famous, people will often give them a nickname, like Maka getting the name Scythe Meister.

"They're calling him Soul Eater, you know. Damn I wish someone had given me a cool name like that," he sighed, crossing his legs.

"What, Ninja Assassin isn't that bad, I mean not as bad as some other names," Maka scoffed.

"Yeah well its not fit for a god like me," BlackStar barked out. He started rambling on about his godliness and Maka lazily looked down at her cellphone. She noticed the time and sprang into action.

"Aww shit, I got to be at the Evans' mansion in a half an hour! Call me if anything happens, ok?" she asked BlackStar as he stared, dumbstruck at her rapidly disappearing back.

"Sure thing," BlackStar said as he laughed, watching her slip around the corner.



"Sorry mister Evans, I'm usually not this close to being late," Maka said politely, bowing her head at the handsome man in front of her.

"Don't apologize Maka, you weren't even late," he said to her warmly. Messy black hair framed a strong jaw and made his sparkling blue eyes stand out. The only thing that was weird about him was the sharp teeth that were peeking out over his lips. "And please, call me Wes."

"Well, Wes, thank you for your forgiveness," Maka said as she looked back up at the man. The house she stood in was beautiful, and extremely large for somewhere in New York City.

"Now you will be moving in today, and your stuff is already being placed. You will start tomorrow. Do we have a deal?" he asked, reaching out his hand.

"Yes sir!" Maka said enthusiastically. She reached out her own hand and shook his. He had a strong grip, presumably from his amazing ability to play the violin.

Just then, a door behind Wes burst open and a disheveled man stepped into the living room. Maka openly stared at his striking features, snow-white hair and red eyes. She thought he looked somewhat familiar as he walked briskly toward the two, and when he smiled she knew why. Devilishly sharp teeth gleamed out of his mouth.

Wes looked over disdainfully at the man and said, "Hello Soul, what brings you here?" It sounded to Maka like he was trying keeping his temper under control.

The white haired man, whose name she had just figured out was Soul, smirked at Wes and said sarcastically, "What, I can't stop by and see my dear brother." He looked down at her as if seeing her for the first time, "Oh Wes, I see you have brought over someone to fuck, sorry to interrupt," he looked up at his glaring brother and added, "but I didn't know you liked small tits," and then he cackled.

Maka clenched her fists angrily as she felt her blood boil. How dare he say such a thing?

"Soul," Wes said, obviously gritting his teeth, "This is my new maid."

Soul reached out his hand to Maka and she reluctantly reached out hers. He gripped her hand gently and brought it to his mouth. He grazed his lips across the top of her hand and grinned provocatively. Maka snatched her hand away and made it obvious when she wiped it on her skirt.

Soul grinned and said, "Soul Evans, nice to meet you young lady." Then he winked one of his blood red eyes at her.

Maka mocked a smile and said, "And you too mister Evans." There was no denying that this man was hot and judging from his attitude he was used to getting things he wanted.

"And your name?" he asked in a smooth sexy tone. The hungry way he was looking at her made her shiver. It made her feel like a piece of meat.

"Maka Albarn," she hissed out, but still managed to keep a smile on her face.

"Soul, just leave. I finally got you out of the house," Wes said angrily. He was done playing nice.

Smile never leaving his face Soul turned back to his brother, "that's right, I can afford that pent house apartment I wanted, now that I'm your co-ceo."

"Exactly," Wes said. Maka could tell by the tone of his voice that he wanted Soul out now. "Maka why don't you go to your new room, its just down the hall that way." Wes pointed to the hall at the left without turning away from his brother.

Maka bowed and quickly made her way to her new home. When she entered she found it was an apartment, with a stove and bathroom and living room. It was nicer than her place with her annoying father.

As she took time to look around she recognized a particularly loud yell from Wes and feet stomping down the hall. She tried to ignore it and forget about Soul Evans. But that proved to be impossible as she turned around to see him closing the door behind him and flicking the lock.

He grinned manically at her before saying, "Why is someone so pretty working for my brother? I know, why don't you come work for me?" he asked huskily. Maka realized he was rapidly coming at her, trying to back her into the coffee table. But Maka had a trick up her sleeve.

"Didn't think you liked small tits," Maka smirked.

"I can get past them," Soul said. He was towering over her, his hand making his way to her breast. His red eyes were darkened with lust, and was that drool?

"MAKA CHOP!" a dictionary collided with Soul Evans' head and he fell back, clutching his skull. It was her turn to grin as he hissed in pain.

When he had gained the ability to speak he asked angrily, "Why would you do that?!"

"What, your not my employer, and I don't think he would mind," she said before skipping around the coffee table.

"I could sue you!" he growled at her. He grabbed in his back pocket as his phone rang, and he brought it up to his ear. He continued to glower at her as he listened to the person on the other end. "I'll be there in one second." He unlocked the door and was turning to leave when he pointed a finger at her, "I'm not done with you yet!"

After she heard his footsteps retreating down the hall she felt her own phone vibrate in her pocket. She answered to BlackStar's voice. "Maka, we have a problem. It's Death City, and they want a fight."

Maka smiled in expectation and replied, "I'll be right over."





Maka ran down an alley where the fight was happening. BlackStar was on her heals and he gasped out, "Soul Eater is supposed to be here, can't wait to get a chance to face him!"

Maka ran strait to two of the top members of the Shibusen Thunderbolts. They were expert muggers and had gotten the nickname of the Twin Pistols because they were sisters and they worked very well together.

"So, Liz, Patty, what's happening?" asked Maka. The two girls turned toward Maka and grinned.

"Finally, Scythe Meister is here," Liz said. Maka could see the relief in her face as she pulled her in for a hug.

"Ya," said Patty in her usual happy tone, "we are getting our asses kicked! Luckily now me and sis wont have to go in and you and BlackStar can go in instead!"

"Already on it," BlackStar said as he leapt into the commotion ahead of them.

"Now Maka, we are deciding to give that new recruit Soul Eater a taste of the Scythe. He's in the center of the group, you'll know its him because he is knocking out all of our guys!" Liz informed Maka. Before the small blonde had time to ask what he looked like, Patty was pushing her into the fray.

Maka made her way to the middle, where a growing pile of passed out men were lying. "Scythe Meister!" she heard someone yell and turned to find Kilik. "Man am I glad you are here," he said. "Soul Eater's here somewhere, Maka watch out!"

Maka felt her body being turned by the shoulders and ducked her head down to just avoid a fist. She didn't look up as she kicked him in the side of the leg and let her fist fly upwards and hit someone hard in the jaw.

She looked up to see a flash of white teeth and angry red eyes. She was taken aback at the sight of Soul Evans. And his face told her that he was surprised too.

But there was a reason her name was Scythe Meister because she recovered quickly and punched him again in the jaw. He grunted in pain and she kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying into a dumpster.

She stalked over to him and grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and hauled him up to eye level. She kneed him in his upper thigh, missing her intended target but it worked out because he was moaning in pain.

Suddenly he was up and she was lifted off her feet and pinned against the wall, and Soul had his large, ummm, muscular chest pushed against her.

"Maka, another surprise. I never thought you would be the Scythe Meister. But then again you did try to kill me with a book so…" he said huskily in her ear. His hot breath on her neck made her shiver against him.

"Oh Maka Albarn you are so fucked." As his words sunk in she realized she was indeed, fucked. He knew her secret and he knew where she lived. Oh god, he knew her secret. She pushed against him and kicked him where it hurt and he went tumbling to the ground.

As she ran from the alley she realized the fight was over. People were going home or hauling their friends to the hospital. Liz, Patty and BlackStar raced up to her as she was going past.

"Maka that was amaz-"

"Sorry Liz I'd love to talk but I have some place to go!"

"Do you need a ride?"

"No thanks BlackStar, see you tomorrow!"





Now that Maka thought about it she probably should have gotten that ride from BlackStar as she had walked all the way to Wes' house. As his mansion came into she went over in her head what exactly she was going to say to him. Umm sorry but I don't think I can continue to work here even though I haven't even started, no that's dumb, she thought to herself glumly.

She rounded the corner into his large driveway when her heart caught in her throat. Leaning coolly against his motorcycle stood Soul 'Eater' Evans grinning evilly at her with a black eye. That she gave him.

She contemplated running, but decided against it. It wouldn't help at all, she wouldn't get anywhere. Maka wasn't the kind of girl to run from her problems either. So as calmly as she could manage she walked up to face the problem head on.

"Hey Tiny Tits," Soul sneered.

"Eater," Maka spat back.

"Hey, don't get touchy alright? I have you under my thumb, so don't do anything stupid."

"What do you mean," Maka asked letting the bit of confusion slip into her stern tone.

"Your trying to get into college, am I right?"

"Yes? But what does that have to do with anything?"

"Well you see, I know who the infamous Scythe Meister is, and I'm sure the police would love to get their hands on someone so high up in the Shibusen Thunderbolts," he said with a wink.

"Wait, but your Soul Eater, couldn't I just tell them your identity?" she asked.

"But, I am not only filthy rich but part of the Evans family who will do anything to keep their family name clean," he chuckled at her, "and in this world money is everything."

Maka couldn't argue with that, let alone come up with a good comeback. So she took to glaring angrily at him, and he knew he had won.

"So this is what I am proposing, and think before you answer, because this could mean your college career. You come live with me at my new apartment and become, my personal assistant," he said seductively.

Maka was beginning to protest when she began to think. She would have a permanent criminal record, which would be bad when applying to a college, and Soul would get off Scott Free.

She had no choice and Soul knew it, he grinned at her, and held out his large hand out to her. And for the second time today she shook the hand of her worst enemy.

"I'll be looking forward to working with you Miss Albarn."

"I wish I could say the same Mr. Evans."


Hope you guys enjoyed, remember review, review! Thanks again and be sure to check out my other story I will keep hold of your soul. Love you guys,
