Warning: bad grammar and vocabularies. I am not expert in English and it isn't my first language. So, feel free to tell me if there are things that wrong or need to be improved

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail


"Ne, Natsu?" a sweet feminine voice called out his name making him stopped for eating. He grinned recognizing the owner of the voice and her familiar sweet scent. Turning around he greeted her with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"Yo, Lu-" What's her name again?. He sweat dropped cutting off his greeting as he couldn't remember her names. What is Luigi? Luce? Lost in thought he didn't realize a weird stare he got as the blonde girl kept staring at his rare thinking face.

"You know, this is my first time at magnolia. So-" Natsu didn't hear what she said anymore as he was busy in his mind trying to remember her name.

"Can you show me around the town tomorrow?" she finished her question waiting for the flame mage to reply. Hearing her silence Natsu looked up finding her hopeful gaze as she stared at him with anticipated look.

Seeing this, the pink haired mage blinked feeling lost. What did she say again? He asked himself not knowing what to do but even he still answered it.

"Ok?" he replied with a doubtful look but after looking at the bright smile on her face he knew he answered the right thing.

"Thanks, Natsu" she smiled before made a way towards the door "See you tomorrow then"

"Oh, you're going already? Bye, Luigi" He responded with a shout before turned around to continuing his eating not noticing the dirty look the blond haired girl gave him and how she mumbled to herself about how he got her names wrong.

Natsu opened his eyes slowly scanning his surrounding as he rubbed his eyes tiredly "That dreams again." He mumbled quietly with tired look

Sighing, He rose up from his comfortable bed and sat on the edge thinking about his weird dream. He was having the same dream for almost a week now, Dreams about a beautiful blonde haired girl. He always remembered all the events that happened in his dreams but somehow every time he woke up he couldn't remember her face. His memory seemed hazy and blurry when he tried to remember how she looked like.

Well, at least it wasn't a nightmare. Natsu shrugged it off deciding to just ignore it and labelled it as a weird dream.

He glanced at the clock on the wall that showing 10 am in the morning before He walked toward the direction of bathroom, not bothering to fix his bed as He made a way to the wastafel. He opened the faucet washing his face with cold water.

He took a deep breath as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. So, her name's Luigi. He wondered, remembering a bit about his dream earlier. "What a weird name." He mumbled.

He frowned when he thought how weird it was how he couldn't remember the girl face although she always appeared in his dreams

"Who's she?" He said unconsciously. He touched his chest, precisely his heart closing his eyes and felt its heartbeat. Whoever she was. Natsu was sure she was very precious to him. Because whenever he started waking up after he dreamed about her, he felt hard to breathe and suffocated as his heart started beating faster than usual as if telling him he had forgotten something very important and he felt as if he lost an important part of him.

To be continue

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