I'll Be Your Crying Shoulder

Summary: Rachel Berry is a very lonely person. She doesn't have any friends and is tired of everybody making fun of her. What happens when a certain tall guy gets to really know her? Will it lead to something more than a friendship?

Lima, Ohio. Everybody was getting ready for the first day of school: sophomore year.

In the Berry's house, Rachel was just finishing her morning routine and practicing her Oscar acceptance speech for the 400 time that week. She knew this year was going to be as bad as the last one... cheerios and jocks were always picking on her because of her clothes and personality. She knew she was kind of annoying, but she was a human too, and she felt so much pain whenever they threw slushies at her or put mean comments in her Myspace page, though she was confident of her talent and was sure she would be a great star one day and then she would laugh of every person that made her life a living hell in High School.

But sometimes, she just wanted somebody to be there with her and hold her.

She got to the school in her car. She was arriving when Noah Puckerman, a football player, threw eggs at it along with his jock friends. She started to cry when a tall dark-haired boy (was he new? She had never seen him) got to her and asked her If she was okay.

-Does it seem like I'm okay? –she regretted those words. She knew the boy had good intentions, she just was very upset.

-Umm.. do you want some help cleaning this, maybe?

-That'd be nice. I'm sorry… I'm just tired of this. First day and they already are making my life miserable.

-It's okay. Come here. –and he wrapped his arms around her in a hug. She was kind of confused, but it was nice to see someone who cared about her, even though

They cleaned her car and walked to their lockers together.

-So, are you new? I've never really seen you before.

-Yeah, my name is Finn. I just transferred here from New York.

-REALLY? My dream is to be there! I'm Rachel, by the way.

-Well, then it seems like we are gonna be great friends, Rachel. You wanna hang out today after school?

She smiled. Nobody ever asked her to "hang out" before, except maybe in kindergarten, but it was all so much different now.


They spent all afternoon in the Lima Bean grabbing some coffee and lunch, then they went to Finn's house, where she helped him finish unpacking. He was the first person interested into knowing her, and they were becoming great friends.

-So, you haven't told me why people pick on you yet.

-Well, it's kind of always been like that… They don't really take the time to talk to me, but whenever I do something they don't like, they say I'm annoying and I "deserve" it. It started to get worse when..

Her face went white.

-Are you okay? –he said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

-I…I just don't want to talk about it, okay? I gotta go, Finn. I had an amazing day. Hope we can do this again.

-Of course. See you tomorrow, Rach.

He kissed her cheek, making her blush like crazy. She smiled and went home.

She had a little hope for this year after all.