Hey guys, totally bored so, Tada! Plus I wanna use a weird name from my book of names. Anyway, I wanna prove I can write more than a couple of characters who aren't Mary Sue and have something to do while I listen to Owl City

Wesley Brynne totally knew messed up.

It was the Brynne dictionary definition of her life.

You don't believe me?

She has a brother name Zane whose sole purpose in life is to annoy her (like me with my brother:).

She has no mom, is horrible in school due to her ADHD and Dyslexia and...

Well, she has these visions. Visions of light.

In a completely dark room she can see colors more vividly then anything else.

She sees colors everywhere.

No one can help her.

Even the School Counselor (well, every school counselor to every school she's been to, she gets kicked out A LOT) thinks she's crazy.

Add that to being the only odd duck in her family and the lack of support her life is not fun.

Then a minor incredible thing happened. (At the time it was major, but with all that happened in between it's no longer that major.)

And it started with a draught and rainbow nail polish.

And scene! Wesley is really an odd duck, i'm telling ya, this should be interesting.