Red on a Rose

(I do not own the Lost Boys only Becky and whoever else I make up)

Chapter One

Twenty-year old Becky Morrison was sleeping soundly in her college dorm room when someone or something, knocked on her bedroom window. Her blue eyes popped open in alarm, slowly she sat up from her bed and grabbed her Bowie knife from under her pillow; standing quietly, she saw a shadow standing in front of her window.

Creeping silently to the window she watched as the clearly male figure knocked on her window again. Grabbing a flash light from her desk, Becky switched it on and shined it in the person's eyes holding her knife up to the window in a threatening manner.

When she saw who it was though, her eyes widened, "Dwayne? What the freak?" she asked; still shining the bright flash light into her best friend's eyes.

The tall twenty-two year old, squinted his dark brown eyes, "Becky, let me in. I need to talk to you."

"What do you mean you need to talk to me? It's..." she looked at her clock, "3:00 in the morning! You know I have classes."

"I know, just let me in Beck," Dwayne looked at her with pleading eyes, running a hand through his thick black hair distressfully.

"Ugh, alright," Becky said turning off her flash light, she sat it and her knife on her work desk; turning on a lamp at the same time.

She went over and opened her window high enough for Dwayne's tall form to crawl through.

Shutting the window behind him after he was inside, Becky turned and looked up at him with her 5"6 height with narrowed eyes before pointing for him to sit himself on her bed.

Obliging, Dwayne silently sat on his friend's bed thinking carefully what he was going to say to her.

Becky snatched a hair band off her dresser before pulling her straight, auburn hair up into a messy bun then with a sigh she asked, "Alright Jason Dwayne, what's wrong? Tell me."

Dwayne looked up and just then did she notice the black eye he wore on the right side of his face.

"My Lord, Dwayne what happened?" she asked reaching over and gently touching his bruised face.

"My Uncle is what happened, Beck, he came home tonight."

Becky's dark-blue eyes turned cold, "What did he do Dwayne?"

"I caught him stealing from mom just when I got home from my job at the club. He was drunk, tried to beat her up… I stopped him," Dwayne's face looked ashen and somber, never had Becky seen him like this.

"What did you do Dwayne?" she asked biting her lip, knowing it had to be bad.

"I shot him," Dwayne said and his hands started shaking.

Becky gasped, "You shot him? Dwayne you didn't…you didn't kill him did you?"

Dwayne slowly nodded his head, "Shot him in the head, he didn't even know I was there."

Becky looked scared, "Dwayne you have to get out of here! They'll know it was you or they will find out it was you! You need to get out of here!"

Dwayne looked up at her, "I know that already Rebecca, that's why I came here; so you could come with me!"

Rebecca's mouth fell open, "What do you mean Dwayne? You want me to come with you? Run away? I can't do that."

"Why not Becky? We've known each other since we were babies. I know you've got school still but I need you to come with me! I can't do this alone."

Becky looked torn, she had never seen him like this before, so…so desperate.

"I've just got two more years of vet school Dwayne. I can't just leave now."

Dwayne's pleading look turned hard, "Fine, if you don't want to come with me, I understand. But I'm leaving, if you change your mind come to the bus stop in two hours; go to the bus headed to California. I'll be on it," and with those words Dwayne leaned over and gave his best friend of twenty-one years a hug then stood up, walked over to the window, opened it and climbed out.

Becky watched him walk through the college grounds and sighed, trying to figure out what to do.

She thought back to some words her mama told her years ago when she was seven years old, "Always follow your heart Becky. If you find something in your path that could either be wrong or right. Chose what you think is best. Follow your heart."

Becky then made her decision; she was going with Dwayne.

Getting up from her bed, she pulled out her biggest suit case and started first putting all her best Vet books in it, then she went through her clothes, 'he's going to California, so I better pack summer clothes' she thought, pulling out two pairs of blue jean shorts, a brown short skirt that came a little bit above her knees and then she threw in some faded hip huggers followed by several tank tops and four T-shirts of various colors. Lastly she put in her extra pair of underwear and bras then her black two piece bathing suit.

Zipping up her bag, she then changed into a clean pair of dark blue hip huggers and a light pink button down blouse covered with small roses and then her worn leather cowboy boots.

Pulling on her brown leather, fringed jacket she grabbed her book-bag from her closet. She put in all her toilet accessories, several of her knives and then all the cash she had saved up.

Total $ 750 dollars is what she had, so stuffing that into her pocket, she grabbed her bags and said goodbye to the room she had lived in for a whole year now and walked out the door to get a cab to the bus station.

********A little while later**************

Rebecca got out of the cab and paid the driver.

Grabbing her bags she walked to the half deserted bus station to but her ticket.

Coming up to a woman lazily painting her nails, she cleared her throat, "Um excuse me but can I get a ticket round trip tooo…' she looked at the list of destinations and found that the bus she would be riding on would be going to Santa Carla California. "Santa Carla California"

The blonde woman looked up and sneered, "Sure that will be $60 dollars."

Becky pulled out that amount and handed it to the snotty woman.

She waited until she felt the ticket in her hand before saying "Thanks," and walking to her bus.

Getting on she handed her ticket to the driver; a man in his late forties and then went to find her a seat.

She spotted Dwayne before he even turned her way.

Smiling she walked over and sat down beside him putting her suit case beside her along with her back pack.

Dwayne looked over at her surprised before breaking out into a brilliant smile.

"I didn't think you would come," he said.

Rebecca smiled, "But I did and now it's good bye North Carolina, hello California!"

Dwayne chuckled before a frown showed upon his face, "What about vet school?"

(From now on I'm referring to her as Becky) Becky shrugged, hiding the small bit of sadness she had and said, "I can finish it some other time, besides I think California as some good collages for that."

Dwayne smiled again, "I'm glad you came with me little sister."

"Me too, big brother," Becky laid her head on Dwayne's shoulder with a yawn and let herself fall asleep as the bus ride started.