Well look, I forgot to update... again. I apologize, if anything, you can blame my math teacher for giving me an eighty. Well, enough about that, here's your long-awaited chapter! Lots of credit belongs to John Green for having awesome book lines and quotes.

In the dorm of the Cygnus students, everyone was hustling and bustling in an attempt to get ready for their first day of classes... if only it were that easy. However, life is not like that, and life was being especially difficult for Luca today. As the sun began to rise from the horizon, Luca's alarm woke him up unceremoniously and rather abruptly. The brunet tumbled off his bed, tangled within his comforter and he took five minutes wrestling with the warm and rather soft blanket-snake that was trying to smother him before finally getting on his feet.

"Wake up everyone!" The dorm head shouted, as he tossed his defeated foe back onto the bed and ran outside his room. However, no one seemed to hear Luca, or if they did they were simply ignoring him. The Cygnus dorm head groaned before knocking loudly on the nearest door, which was Junpei's. A drawled groan came from inside and the sound of slippers shuffling followed, after a minute of continuous knocking, Junpei emerged from his room.

"IF ALL OF YOU DON'T GET UP THIS INSTANT, YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" Luca shouted again, Junpei winced at the volume; his ears still sensitive from sleep, although the fact that Luca was standing so close to him could have contributed to his pain.

Screams of anger, frustration, and tiredness echoed (not to mention some very colorful insults towards Luca) filled the halls as the students woke up one-by-one. Orion was the one student who didn't whine, although you could easily tell he was tired from his eyes.

Junpei retreated to his room, mumbling about how Luca was crazy and how it was too early in the morning to plot bloody deaths. After they finished cursing Luca, the Cygnus students slowly emerged from their rooms to get poorly funded school breakfast foods. Orion and Lucy settle for oats and both of them had to put an unorthodox amount of milk into the bowl to drown out the bad taste of those poor grains, Lucy found the pieces of cereal that stayed afloat very interesting and spent quite some time moving them around in the liquid until they formed shapes. Junpei and Rein both settled for a slice of whole-wheat toast since the school deemed white bread as unhealthy.

Luca did a quick headcount and noticed that Dominic was missing from the table. He let out a sound which seemed to be a gargled mixture of a groan and grunt before walking up the stairs to the boy's room.

Luca knocked on the solid wooden door and impatiently tapped his right foot as he waited for a response.

"Just a minute!" Dominic called out, the sound of fabric rubbing against each other, the click of a button, and finally the zip of a zipper was heard before the teen opened the door. His room was covered in a plethora of fabric, thread, needles, and various accessories; almost as if a tornado had targeted only a sweatshop and blew all their materials into Dominic's room.

"Morning!" Dominic greeted cheerily as he exited his room and closed the door. Despite only having spent a few minutes of the day awake, Luca wanted to just throw himself back in bed and sleep his stress away. However, the large grandfather clock in the lounge rang eight times and Luca rushed all of his students out of their dorm with milk mustaches and half-eaten toast in their mouth.

"Thank God, they're gone." Luca sighed, he shut the door and slumped down to the floor in exhaustion. If this was what every morning would feel like, his sanity would be in the negative digits by the time summer came around.

On the other side of campus, the Corvus students found it much easier to ignore their dorm head when morning came. Namely because William was still asleep in his bedroom by the time Nick woke up. The teenager quickly got dressed in his uniform, all he could think of was how late they were going to be. After finishing the knot on his tie, Nick went to William's door and knocked on it three times. Surprisingly, the black-haired male did not sleep through all three knocks. He opened up the door, still in his pajama pants and t-shirt.

"What do you want, Nick?" William asked, stifling a yawn with one hand and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with the other.

"Um, I think it's your job to wake us up every morning." William yawned again, and closed the door on his student's face. Nick knocked again and William came out fully dressed in a black shirt and jeans.

"Alright, alright, let's go." William said, annoyance clearly heard in his voice. He was in no mood to yell, then again he wasn't in the mood to walk up to each door to personally wake up each of his students. The two ideas wrestled in his mind a bit before he decided that waking them up one by one would be more efficient, couldn't have them falling back to sleep; especially Olive.

Jason was William's first victim, with only two knocks the tall brunet opened the door. He sent William and Nick a glare before nodding his head and returning to his room. The sound of clothes ruffling could be heard and after two minutes Jason came out wearing his casual clothing and made a run.

"Uh, no, uniform." William stated, he caught Jason's collar and pulled him back. William gave him a disapproving look and a head shake. William released the boy and Jason groaned before closing the door to change again.

"Well, that's one." Nick said as he followed William down the hall.

"Why are you shadowing me?" William asked, he knocked on Timo's door and the boy opened it before Nick could respond. Timo stepped into the hallway and shivered, he wasn't wearing a shirt only sweatpants.

"Uh, is it morning already?" He asked, Nick nodded and Timo's face reddened and he mumbled a quick 'thank you' before ducking back inside his room. William and Nick exchanged a glance before shrugging and returning on their quest to wake up the others. With all the male students awake, the duo went upstairs to the second floor where the girls slept.

Nick was slightly embarrassed being on the girl's floor, William however was unfazed and knocked on Kaetic's door. No response and William took out his master key to open the door. To his surprise, it was unlocked and Kaetic wasn't inside the room.

"It looks like she left already." William thought out loud, he closed the door and locked it. Nick was knocking on Olive's door, but the only replies he got were in the form of snores. When William rejoined him, the Corvus dorm head took out his master key and stuck it in the lock.

"Hm...?" William twisted the key and jiggled it, but the door wouldn't budge. Was the lock broken?

"What's the matter, is the door broken?" Nick asked.

"No, I'm just wrestling with the door knob!" William replied sarcastically. After a few more tries, William gave up and pulled the key out from the door. He motioned for Nick to step back, William pulled out a pokeball and tossed it in the air. William's Bisharp appeared in a flash of light and it didn't even need the order before cleaving the door to bits.

"Uh, are you sure it was okay to do that?" Nick deadpanned.

"The people who run the school are probably richer than Arceus, I think they can afford a new door." William answered. Olive who had woken up after he door was destroyed had a bewildered look on her face. She got up and put her hands on the waistline of her Mareep pajama pants.

"I get it, I have to wake up. Can you leave so I can change?" William and Nick both nodded and left before the girl could throw something at them.

Surprisingly, the entirety of the Cygnus dorm was able to reach their first period class without being marked late. Save for Dominic, who's first class happened to be on the tenth floor of the school building. Also, because he didn't want to run (this would put him under physical strain, which would cause him to sweat, which would drip onto his shirt, which would cause stains, which would be absolutely unacceptable) he arrived to class a full ten minutes late. When Dominic finally made it to his class, he noticed Kaetic sitting in the back of the room; she was dressed in a boy's uniform which threw him off for a second but he greeted her with a dazzling smile and wave.

As Dominic made his way to the back of the room, he tripped and fell headfirst towards the floor. The question 'why am I falling?' was the first and last to cross Dominic's mind as he began his descent. Was it a sudden increase in gravity? Or perhaps a Psychic-type manipulated his mind so he would take a faulty step. Maybe the universe just hated him today. No-let's not be stupid, the unfortunate fall of Dominic probably had something to do with the fact that some idiotic kid was sticking his foot out.

The loud thump sound that resounded when Dominic's head became friends with the floor caught the attention of the teacher who had previously been reading an art magazine.

"Are you okay?" The lady asked, her heels making a clip-like sound as she stood and moved to where Dominic was sprawled out.

"I think I have a concussion." Dominic stated, holding his head in his right hand while trying to grasp onto a table with his left. Kaetic got out of her chair and grabbed Dominic's free arm to support him.

"I think it would be best if you went to the nurse's office."

"No, it's fine ma'am. I know the symptoms of a concussion, I'll be fine in my own room." Dominic said, he meant for the tone of the voice to be reassuring and calm, but the words came out slurred as if he drank three cans of beer before stepping into the classroom.

"I think I would feel better if the nurse gave her opinion, Kaetic would you please take him to the nurse?" Kaetic nodded and slowly moved as Dominic's support as he hobbled out. With her (supposed) professional nursing license, the school nurse was able to diagnose Dominic with -get this- a concussion.

"It would be best for you to go back to your room and get some rest, would you be a dear to bring him back to his room?" The nurse asked; Kaetic nodded and led Dominic out, all the while Dominic was muttering 'that's what I said' over and over under his breath.

Kaetic went over to the Columba dorms (dragging Dominic all the while), it being the closest to the school grounds. Axel greeted her with a warm hello, not questioning the fatigued and disoriented boy on her shoulders.

"Can I leave him here?" She asked, Axel motioned to the couch and Kaetic set him down gently; Dominic let out a groan as he slumped and drifted off into sleep as Kaetic quietly thanked the dorm-head and left.

"Why is there no coffee in this dorm...?" Maize grumbled, cabinets and shelves were recklessly opened up in her quest for instant coffee. Axel merely shrugged as he stirred his own mug of tea, tea being one of the few things he could make correctly without burning something.

"There's no need to throw a fit, at least all the kids got to class on time." Axel said, Maize mumbled a quick 'whatever' under her breath. It was true, Tristan was whistling semi-happily in her composition class, she would've been whistling more merriously if she wasn't sitting between Nathan and Jason. The former was poking her arm relentlessly while Jason was muttering battle strategies under his breath for the battle class later in the day.

The professor walked in carrying a large binder which he unceremoniously dropped onto his desk, the weight of the binder created a powerful 'bang' noise that woke up several half-asleep students.

"Welcome to my composition class," the man hacked, his voice was hoarse and he drank a large gulp from a water bottle he pulled from his desk. He cleared his throat before continuing, "to start off the school year I would like you to write a piece so I can get a feel of your characters. You may work in groups or by yourselves, you have until the end of the period, begin."

As soon as he finished, students literally leapt out of their seats to seek out their friends. Tristan looked at Nathan who had stopped poking her when the professor walked in.

"Do you wanna work together?" Tristan asked, Nathan simply shrugged but Jason was still too busy muttering. The two left him to his devices and they began working on a piece of paper that Tristan pulled out. They began discussing characters first, needless to say they were stuck at a stalemate in the first five or so minutes.

"The main character should be part Skitty." Nathan stated simply with a nonchalant shrug. That habit of his, shrugging of shoulders irritated Tristan, how could he be so relaxed all the time!?

"No, that would be really weird, a normal teenager would be fine." She replied, scratching out the part on the paper which said 'Skitty-person'. Her partner ignored her and proceeded to right down 'Skitty-person' once more, which Tristan crossed out and so forth. Jason, having finally decided on his team and strategy for his battle class, settled himself on a chair between the two writers. They didn't so much as acknowledge his presence, too absorbed in their own argument.

"You could make her a human by day and were-Skitty by night."

"NO!" The two collectively shouted.

"You have five-minutes!" The professor announced. Jason looked around him and saw two or so pages of text written by other students. Then he looked at the nearly empty paper that was supposed to be their's. Still locked in their argument, Nathan and Tristan did not notice when Jason took the paper sitting between them and began writing.

"Why should the main character be part-Skitty in the first place!?"

"One, because she is awesome. Two, it's a writing class so Wynaut?"

"Did you just pokepun me?"



"Because you're a Gastly person!"

"Stop that!"

"Times-up!" Jason dropped the pen just as the professor called for the class to stop and proudly looked at the paragraph he wrote. A bell rang and the teacher ushered his class out the door, collecting their papers before they left. Tristan, Nathan and Jason exchanged a nervous glance and handed in their paper, running out the door before the professor could question them about its length.

The professor shrugged to himself at their strangeness and simply stuffed the papers he had received into his briefcase before leaving the room. The next teacher walked in and began writing math equations on the board.

Genevieve walked into the classroom, happy to be the first one in.

Lunchtime came near the end of the day, at around one in the afternoon. Nick's stomach was growling, understandable since it was pretty late. He got on line, trying not to glare jealously at the people standing in front of him like the jerks behind him were.

Nick cringed when he saw what the cafeteria was serving, they had already run out of the chicken fingers and semi-edible pizza, so all that was left were the fishsticks that probably had no real fish in them. Nick sighed and left the line, stepping out to the courtyard to try and distract his stomach.

"Hey Nick!" The boy turned to see Timo, Olive, Rein, Orion and Jun already sitting at a table with food on their trays. Orion looking slightly uncomfortable surrounded by all these people.

"Thank God, all that was left in the cafeteria were those weird looking fishsticks." Nick said as he walked over and sat down next to them. Timo offered one of his sandwiches and Nick thanked him before taking it out of his hands and biting into it.

"I don't know why the school doesn't have the money for good food, they can afford a campus this big but they can't afford decent pizza." Olive criticized, biting into her slice. The cheese wasn't that well melted so she could still see the outlines of certain shreds of mozzarella.

"Oh, I need to feed Fenrir!" Rein exclaimed, pulling out a pokeball and releasing her Mightyena. The black wolf-pokemon growled at the sight of strangers but calmed down as Rein scratched under his ear. She reached into her bag and pulled out a container of pokeblocks.

"Oh, you feed your pokemon pokeblocks? I make poffins myself." Timo stated, he even took out his poffin case.

"I think there's a rule about having pokemon outside of their pokeballs on campus, unless we're in battle class that is." Nick said, Rein ignored the statement and held out some blocks for Fenrir who happily ate them all in less than a minute.

"What I want to know is when this period ends, battle class is next, aren't you guys excited?" Rein asked enthusiastically. She was answered with a group 'meh' and a happy nod from Jun, which made it obvious that not everyone shared her sentiments. She gave her lunch group a scowl, Jun opened his mouth to speak but was quickly cut off by the bell. Everyone besides Rein and Jun groaned as they packed up their belongings, threw away their trash and made way to the stadium.

And I'm cutting it off here since I'm incredibly lazy. I'm sorry for the long absence, life has been sucking. Well, hope you enjoyed it and reviews are appreciated. See ya next time! (I'm starting to sound like an old cartoon ending).