Yes, another Pokemon OC fic. Someone should shoot me. I completely forgot the plot of Kimera and had to delete it. Not to mention that I noticed my writing sucked. Well, here goes my second attempt at an Academy fic, keep your fingers crossed.

William Ikarus heard the sound of his friend's footsteps far before he arrived. William brushed his right hand through his black hair and used his left to shield his eyes from the sun. He was lounging on his porch, his eyes moved up and down as he watched the autumn leaves fall off their branches and gently touch the floor. The sound of footsteps grew closer. He gave a grunt of disdain before sitting up.

"Will, Will!" A voice called out, followed by a dull thump sound. William didn't bother to look to where the thump came from, for just a few seconds later, a brown-haired boy with striking blue-eyes appeared on his porch with a telltale bruise on his right temple.

"Luca, why are you yelling?" William asked. Luca held out two envelopes and shoved one onto William's personage before sitting down next to him.

"I've got our working letters for Raira!" Luca said loudly, while he flailed his arms. When Luca nearly knocked William's glasses off, the black-haired boy grabbed his arm and twisted it harshly, causing Luca to wince in pain. With a sigh, William released his friend before he opened the envelope. Luca, opened his envelope as soon as he was released, and in his rush he tore it open in several places, before finally getting the paper out.

"I can't believe you're excited about working." William said with a yawn. Unlike Luca, he had slowly opened his envelope, leaving it completely intact. His eyes skipped pass all the welcoming drabble and responsibility speeches that came with the working paper. His mouth curved into a self-satisfied smirk as he folded the paper back up and placed it back inside the envelope.

Luca was still shaking from happiness as he clutched the paper so tightly his nail marks could easily be seen on it. When he reached the end of the letter, his eyes went back up to reread it.

Dear Mr. Mikhail,

Thank you for applying to be a dorm head at Raira Academy. After looking through your trainer record, we believe that you have the qualifications to look after a group of five students who will be living with you in the Cygnus dorm during the year. Your job as dorm head is to look after these students and help them through their school year. In addition, you must ensure the safety of your group during any outings, and you are responsible for the upkeep of your dorm.

You will be given a list of students when you arrive at Raira in one week. Thank you.

Ms. Nelheart of the Raira Academy Dorm Employment Office

"What dorm were you assigned to?" William asked tiredly as he pushed his glasses up to rub his eye.

"Hm, oh! The Cygnus dorm." Luca replied with a smile. The two of them had lived in that dorm during their years at Raira, and he was grinning at the thought of being able to be there again. Without his friend's consent, Luca grabbed William's letter with the hope that they would be in the same dorm.

"The Corvus dorm." William said, he took the paper back and met with his friend's disappointed face. "Hey, we'll still see each other, no need to get all mopey."

"You're right! We're both going back to Raira!" Luca cheered, with his face brightening up exponentially. "I'm gonna go home and start packing!"

William's brown-eyes followed his friend as he watched him run off his porch, and subsequently fall down the last few stairs. William stifled a laugh as his friend gave him a thumbs up before standing and resuming his run. Even though he hated working, William smiled at the thought of returning to his old school, it was where he met his best friend after all.

Yup, that's my little prologue. So, if you want to submit an OC you can PM me for the sheet. In addition, if you want to create a dorm head, that'd be great. However, you cannot submit more than one OC. Yeah, that's it, reviews are always appreciated.