disclaimer: i own nothing

Summary: what if the phantom couldn't handle the pain after the rooftop scene? Will Christine realize her feelings for her angel and save him or will it be too late?

"I must go; they'll wonder where I am… come with me Raoul."

"Christine, I love you…"

"Order you fine horses, be with them at the dawn…"

"And soon you'll be beside me" "you'll guard me and you'll guide me…"

As soon as the door was shut, the phantom slowly made his way to the rose that had fallen from his beloved's hands, the rose he gave her.

"I gave you my music"

He thought her everything he knew about music, he unlocked her true potential yet why does she shun him as if he meant nothing to her?

"Made your soul take wing"

He was the voice who taught her from the shadows, her angel of music that was always by her side, the one she came running to whenever some of the ballet rats will tease her or make fun of her.

"And now, how you've repaid me?"

When the Vicomte arrived, he only recognized her when she was a star. Not when she was at the chorus.

But when he noticed a girl crying in the chapel, he dint see a talented soprano, he didn't see a ballet dancer, and he saw a poor tortured soul that was broken by despair and loneliness, like his own.

"Denied me and betrayed me"

After her triumph at "Hannibal" he saw the affection in her eyes. He saw the love in her smile as her face lit up the moment she saw the Vicomte. He felt that his hold of her was weakening, that she would choose the Vicomte over her angel. So he revealed that he was a man, but the moment she saw him mask less, she betrayed him, feared him.

"He was bound to love you, when he heard you sing…"

Of course De Chagny would love her! What kind of man wouldn't? She has a voice that could make angels weep, she was beautiful, heck! She was perfect!

But he, Erik, didn't fell in love with her voice or beauty, he loved her because her soul was like his own, when he looks at her behind the mirror, he sees the sadness and loneliness in her eyes no matter how well she hides it.


Tears coursed down his cheeks as he grasped the fallen rose tighter in his hand. If he didn't revealed himself as a man and made a farewell as the voice, would it hurt her? Would she miss him? Would she stop him from leaving? No, he decided, she had everything now, fame, music, and a perfect lover that would take care of her and love her.

What could he give her? He isn't poor, actually his very rich. He could buy her anything she ever wanted…except the light. A life with him will be full of night, seclusion and hiding from people that knew about the opera ghost.

She doesn't deserve a life with him. An angel such as her can never be with a monster like him.

He closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of the rose.

He got up from his crouching position and went to the edge of the rooftop. He looked below and saw couples walking and talking to each other as if it was nothing

"They don't know how lucky they are, being with their love ones" he murmured to himself.

He crushed the rose in his hand unconsciously as he saw a carriage with the De Chagny crest on it heading towards a fancy restaurant, 'probably the boy offering Christine dinner' he thought bitterly.

He looked down his hand and noticed the crushed rose. A gust of wind past and with a sigh, he slowly opened his palm, watching as the crushed rose petals get carried away by the wind. He continued to watch the people below and after a few moments he returned to his lair.

Erik sat at his organ, fingers resting on the keys. He couldn't play anything. Every time he pressed a key, he sees her face. It was too painful! Tears suddenly welled up in his eyes.

"I refuse to show any weakness now!" In his home, he was the ruler, he was the strongest. He learned, long ago, that if you show any hint of weakness, the world will wake it as a chance to hurt you.

He closed his eyes and let his fingers run over the keys. The music was beautiful yet full of pain, sorrow and loneliness he continued to let out all the pain, the grief, every emotion he felt until fatigue overcame his body and he finally allowed himself to have a rather restless slumber.