Chapter 20

Wheatley POV – The years had flown by. It was Skye's third summer and she was toddling around the garden giggling. She was giggling because Rick was hiding in the bushes, pretending to be a monster. If there's anything Rick didn't need, it was a toddler to make him even more childish. I suppose I was just as bad; Chell was the only mature one. Skye now had wavy, white-blonde hair that flowed down to the top of her waist. She was the envy of the neighbourhood's mums (much to my secret delight). I laughed as Rick leapt from the bushes and swept her from her feet, roaring. She squealed gleefully and pulled at Rick's hair.

"No hair pulling, missy!" Rick said firmly. She stopped immediately. Skye hung onto Rick's every word. He tickled her belly and released her onto the floor, where she wrapped herself around Rick's leg like a koala. He laughed and walked over to me, Skye in tow.

"Hey, Wheats. How'd you feel?"

"Nervous," I replied truthfully. The box in my pocket dug into my leg uncomfortably.

"You'll be fine, just do it like we practised!" Rick grinned. My heart was pounding against my chest. Any moment now, Chell would come home and I would do it. I had been planning this for months, with Rick's help. Skye clambered onto my lap and planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"Love you daddy!" she declared loudly, giving me newfound confidence.

"Love you too, princess," I replied, rubbing my nose against hers. Then she was off again, chasing Rick around in circles. He tripped up and she jumped on his stomach, forcing the air from his lungs. He laughed and held her up in the air above him. She pretended to be a bird, making awful squawking noises. Rick joined in and I buried my head in my hands, shaking with laughter.

"What's going on," Chell chuckled as she entered the garden.

"Chell, love!" I greeted her cheerily. I stood up and she wrapped her arms around me. My nerves instantly calmed. I turned to Rick, who gave an encouraging thumbs up. With a slow, controlled breath, I clasped Chell's small hands in my own.

"I love you," I whispered, the words getting caught in my throat.

"I love you too," she replied. "What's wrong?"

"Absolutely nothing. I am so lucky to have you and words cannot explain just how much I care about you. I would smile for you; I would cry for you, I would die for you."

Chell glanced over at Rick. I hoped she didn't realise that he scripted this for me. I'm just not good with words.

"But there is one way in which I can show perhaps a fraction of my affection," I continued. My hand struggled to pull the little blue box from my pocket. Chell gasped.

I fell ungracefully to one knee and opened the box. Chell's eyes and smile widened. She's so beautiful. I was so glad to be doing this.

"Chell, I love you more than words can say. So I would like to ask: will you marry me?"

She nodded furiously, tears welling up in her eyes. She grabbed me in a huge hug and burst into tears. Rick told me that any tears would be happy ones, so it was okay. I felt Skye pawing at my trouser leg, so I lifted her up to join in. Chell beckoned for Rick, who wrapped his arms around us. I smiled, my eyes travelling from face to face. I could never ask for more.