Fourth episode of Spin Cycle here! Same guests as last episode, different questions. Enjoy!
Let's go for a spin! I only own Zack, Sarah, Van, Corey, Demetri, Raven, Mandy, Wolf, Eliza, Ivory, Amber, Marina, Melanie, and Kolton. The other people are either owned by Danny Antonucci or other people.
PCUW Spin Cycle: Episode 4
A crowd is heard cheering as the PCUW Spin Cycle logo spins into appearance. When the camera pans to the show, Demetri Lancer is putting his phone away again.
"Hello everyone and welcome back to PCUW Spin Cycle!" Demetri introduced. He walked over to the panel to his right. "Let's introduce our panel. First up is the leader of the Erupting Eds and the PCUW World Heavyweight champion, Eddy!"
The crowd claps as Eddy waves at the camera.
"Next to him is one half of The Flawless Girls, hopefully you two will get along today, Eliza!"
Boos are heard this time as Eliza waves at the camera.
Demetri moves over to the other side, "One of the best and possibly the most beautiful interviewers in wrestling, it's Melanie Woodland!"
The crowd claps and Melanie blows a small kiss into the camera.
"And of course the biggest Ed of the three, it's Ed!"
Cheers are heard and Ed raises his arm in the air.
Demetri moves in between the panels. "Alright, we've got a good show here. First thing we'll talk about, all four of you are in your teen years. Around this time in people's lives, kids start learning how to drive and getting their driver's licenses. Me, I currently have my learner's permit, but not my actual license yet. What about you guys? What kind of driver are you if you ever have driven a car? Are you a high risk one? Let's take her for a spin, Eddy."
Eddy took a deep breath, "Well, I'm only fourteen and of course I don't have my license. But I did once drive my brother's car and I'll say this, I don't think I'll be getting my license anytime soon."
"Eliza, what about you?" Demetri asked.
"Well, I do have a driver's license, but I hardly ever drive." Eliza said. "I mostly just ride around with friends. When I do drive though, I am a pretty good driver."
"Melanie, I've seen you driving around." Demetri said with a chuckle. "What kind of a driver are you?"
"You know, I may be sixteen and I did get my driver's license. But I'm scared of driving and I am pretty bad in my opinion." Melanie said. "Whenever I stop at a stops sign or traffic lights, I hit on the brakes so hard that there's a screech and if I wasn't buckled in I would fly through the windshield."
"Fair enough. Ed, what about you?"
Ed answered, "Like Eddy, I don't have my license either. My dad however has been teaching me a bit on how to drive, but I still got a while to go."
"Alright. Let's go onto the next topic, back to wrestling related." Demetri said. "You all have good abilities in this company. Every up and coming wrestler gets compared to former or existing wrestler sometime in there career. Who do you compare yourself to in wrestling and how do you feel about that person? Ed, let's start with you."
"Of course with my moveset, I get compared to "The Icon" Sting a lot and I have to agree with those people since Sting is my wrestling idol." Ed answered.
"A good person to be compared to." Demetri commented. "Melanie, you're not a wrestler, but you are an interviewer. Do you get compared to any other interviewers in wrestling?"
"A few fans on Twitter have compared me to Lillian Garcia sometimes from when she interviewed backstage. To be honest, I don't think I'm really as good as she was, she's better." Melanie said.
"Eliza, who have people compared you to?" Demetri asked.
"I get compared to Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne a lot and I respect that. Both girls are fantastic Knockouts and they are two of my favorites." Eliza answered.
"Over to our World champ, Eddy!"
"When I first began in the wrestling business before PCUW began, I was compared to Bobby Roode once or twice because of his greediness." Eddy said. "Now I still get compared to him, but only when he was a face."
"Alright." Demetri clapped his hands. "The final thing for this episode. With the Fanfiction Wrestling Awards on its way, the PCUW fans can vote for us for any category we are nominated for. This question is related to the fans, what do you guys think about PCUW fans? Do you like them? Do you not like them? I want to know. Melanie, why don't you start?"
"With how I feel, I feel the PCUW fans are very loyal and have been since Day 1." Melanie said. "This year, I think we will win more awards than we did last year."
"We only won one award last year!" Ed shouted.
"But that's because we were just beginning." Demetri reminded. "Ed, what are your thoughts on PCUW fans?"
"I love the fans!" Ed said, making the crowd cheer. "They are behind me in CWF, Animated, XCW, and here and I can't thank them enough! Without them, I wouldn't have become one of best wrestlers in Fanfiction Wrestling."
"Oh yeah!" Demetri clapped. "Eliza, you?"
Eliza scoffed, "I don't care about the fans." The crowd boos at this. "I do what I want! I do it for myself! I don't care what those idiots think or want! If I cared about the fans, I would be years away from becoming women's champion!"
"Like it's gonna make a difference." Eddy sighed.
"You shut your mouth!" Eliza yelled at Eddy.
"Okay, okay! Not this again!" Demetri stopped the fighting before it started. "Eddy, your opinion about the fans."
"I agree with what both Melanie and Ed said. I think the fans are loyal and they have been with us for a long time. I give much credit to the fans and I hope they can stay with us even longer." Eddy answered.
"I'm sure they will. Let's here it for our panel, everyone! Eliza, Eddy, Melanie Woodland, and Ed!" The four guests and the audience claps. "Thank you for joining us! See you next time!"
Episode 4 is finished! Next episode will feature four new guests! See ya then!